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File 129532996073.png - (1.08MB , 843x587 , kirino art.png )
2429 No. 2429 [Edit]
Just found this posted on /a/. This thing is really neat
Expand all images
>> No. 2430 [Edit]
File 12953306396.png - (602.18KB , 493x575 , Kyonko.png )
I call this one "Genderswapped subordinate"
>> No. 2432 [Edit]
File 129533173687.png - (4.03MB , 1890x1063 , ChocoBananaPsykopainted.png )
I are a art.
>> No. 2434 [Edit]
File 129533335220.jpg - (182.77KB , 1123x629 , the spammers lament.jpg )
>> No. 2435 [Edit]
File 12953343805.jpg - (263.04KB , 975x728 , mikumiku.jpg )
This is too addicting
>> No. 2437 [Edit]
File 129534292648.png - (2.45MB , 1200x900 , 1-Psykopainted.png )
It is pretty neat.
>> No. 2438 [Edit]
File 129534585164.png - (3.08MB , 1400x1000 , Tenshi leaves Psykopainted.png )
What a great tool; you really get what you put into it.
>> No. 2439 [Edit]
File 129535397525.png - (1.43MB , 1304x734 , PSYKOPAINT.png )
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
>> No. 2441 [Edit]
File 129536810717.png - (1.79MB , 1115x1099 , nandedesuka.png )
>> No. 2443 [Edit]
File 129537858861.jpg - (163.55KB , 849x632 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
a bit nsfw
>> No. 2444 [Edit]
File 12953915106.png - (522.78KB , 671x503 , KonachanPsykopainted.png )
... Meh.
>> No. 2446 [Edit]
File 129539704556.jpg - (305.62KB , 585x742 , the imouto has you.jpg )
Even with a weird number brush thing Kirino's ass is impeccable
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
File 129540122179.png - (0.98MB , 734x850 , 7955666Psykopainted.png )
Neat, this almost makes me want to try painting for real.
>> No. 2455 [Edit]
File 12954111129.png - (1.13MB , 800x669 , psykopaintedbravecommander.png )
>> No. 2456 [Edit]
File 129541286083.jpg - (113.55KB , 562x594 , usa.jpg )
America, America, this is you
>> No. 2457 [Edit]
Boisterous blonde women with gigantic breasts?
>> No. 2458 [Edit]
I wish

Except the "large breast" part. Haruhi-sized for me please
>> No. 2459 [Edit]
File 129541574758.jpg - (35.63KB , 437x600 , aaaaaa.jpg )
>> No. 2460 [Edit]
File 129541825648.jpg - (103.43KB , 799x530 , cat on glass table.jpg )
A 3D image for a change
>> No. 2486 [Edit]
File 129555181898.jpg - (51.76KB , 413x604 , WatermelonOwl.jpg )
Wow, this is awesome. It takes a while to paint though, and you have to be gentle. The outcome is worth the wait though. The paint seems to be water-color, as it is rather blurry and, um, watery.

Painting my waifu Osaka as I type.
>> No. 2488 [Edit]
File 129555328114.jpg - (402.84KB , 548x900 , 1295239827269Psykopainted5.jpg )
Here she is. I think it turned out great.
>> No. 2489 [Edit]
That looks pretty good
>> No. 2490 [Edit]
File 129555402781.jpg - (723.04KB , 548x900 , 1295239827269Psykopainted.jpg )
And here is one drawn in Jackson Pollock style. For some reason, it would revert back to the original image from my comp when I tried to add text. Has anyone else had this problem?
>> No. 2491 [Edit]
I've just been print screening and cropping in paint. Doing the "save image" thing from the site makes my computer say it doesn't know what the file is and things like that scare me.
>> No. 2492 [Edit]
File 129555568284.jpg - (37.54KB , 280x429 , moogi art.jpg )
>> No. 2494 [Edit]
File 129555888840.jpg - (157.65KB , 969x724 , bunny and cat friends forever.jpg )
>> No. 2496 [Edit]
wich brush(es) did you used?
>> No. 2497 [Edit]
Van Gogh
>> No. 2499 [Edit]

That just looks like a picture taken from my cellphone.
>> No. 2502 [Edit]
File 12955659886.jpg - (328.81KB , 640x480 , Imagen1176cdPsykopainted.jpg )
I'm finally starting to like this...
>> No. 2509 [Edit]
It's because Jackson Pollock didn't use text, and the program is like lol what are you doing idort Jackson Pollock didn't use text
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
File 129699354535.jpg - (3.10MB , 1920x1200 , Reimu.jpg )
Surprise bump.

I've been looking for something to waste time on for a while now and I've got to say this is great. Not to mention that you can totally ruin a painting/picture/drawing someone worked very hard on (pic related). And nothing beats the frustration when you try very hard to achieve a certain result with some brush just to find out later on that there was one much more suitable for what you were doing.

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