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2395 No. 2395
>TOKYO (AFP) – Young Japanese men are losing interest in sex, according to a study commissioned by the government, in a further warning sign for a nation notorious for its low birth rate, a doctor said Friday.

>The survey also found that more than 40 percent of married people said they have not had sex in the past month, said Kunio Kitamura, head of the clinic of the Japan Family Planning Association, who took part in the survey.


What you say, Tohno-chan? Isn't this normal behaviour when a population reaches its peak?
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>> No. 2397
I don't care, I don't hate the word "normal" I hate what normal represents nowadays.
>> No. 2398
I was using normal as in usual, typical, expected behaviour. Not "normal" like you guys like to use it.
>> No. 2399
I wouldn't say it has a whole lot to do with a population reaching its peak, but more to do with how modern society is.
>> No. 2402
It's too bad the Japanese will be extinct within a few more centuries. Luckily we will all be dead by then.
>> No. 2403
Off topic but who is the girl in the OP pic? She's very cute
>> No. 2405
You either get robots or third world trash that hates your guts to sustain your society.
>> No. 2406
>They're not exactly as open to sex as most west countries are.

Of course, except for you know, all that child prostitution, soaplands, oppai pubs, hardcore pornographic being sold out in open, multibillion dollar sex industry, etc.
>> No. 2407
Hisa Takei from Saki, I believe. I could be wrong, since I haven't watched the show.
>> No. 2409
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Couldn't they just put Viagra in the water? Or make rape legal for one day, and abortions illegal for 9 months?

None of those are ethical solutions, unfortunately.
>> No. 2411
Ethics are all relative.

I read that once. In a book.
>> No. 2415
Sounds good to me, the rest of the world could learn something from them.
>> No. 2416
This guy knows what's up. Problem solved.
>> No. 2417
Japanese people work long ass work days in high stress jobs, take vacuum packed public transport home to their tiny ass apartments which are quite expensive, and have an enormous number of social rules all throughout the day that would cause many people on this board a whole lot of stress as well.

I would have trouble getting a boner, or even worrying about having one, too.
>> No. 2420
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As the population shrinks, competition for land will decrease and prices for housing and so on will go down. As pricing goes down, more people will be able to afford to buy houses big enough for getting married and having children, and the population will go back up. At least, that's what I assume will happen. I haven't studied anything like this.

Also, maybe with men being less interested in sex, maybe more women will stop being sluts and be forced to start making an effort to be nice in order to attract mates.

Things are pretty cramped over there at the moment, like the other guy said. A population density of 337.6/km² compared to 31/km² in the USA. I don't think there's much of a risk of them completely disappearing, things will probably just fluctuate back and forth over time as the population increases and decreases.
>> No. 2423
>Collectively, the survey found all age categories showed a general lack of interest toward sex, except for men in their 30-34 years of age with just 5.8 percent of these respondents not interested, as opposed to 8.3 percent in 2008.

It's not just the men. Women are also uninterested in having sexual relations. Some of this stuff really lines up with behavioral sink. Statistics recently showed an increase in violence, smoking and consumption of drugs among females too.

The thing is you can't compare rat and human society. Some of this trends are also seen in other less crowded areas which leads me to believe that it's a by-product of modern societies, which in turns means when you reach a certain level of wealth and intellect you stop reproducing like rabbits and focus more on knowledge acquisition and spiritual elevation.
>> No. 2436
Yeah, but relative or not, I doubt that the political climate of the Japanese government would find the condoning of sexual assault, extreme pro-life advocacy, or the drugging of public drinking water to be ethical. Ya know, with all of their U.S. regulated democracy. Ethics are relative, but we are all bound to follow the ethics of our society, sadly.

Besides, have you seen the drinking water over in Asia? Any sane man would be drinking bottled water. And do you really want the genes of the criminally insane to spread? I know I do, but you probably don't.
>> No. 2479

>I read that once.

Yeah well that doesn't exa-

>In a book.

In that case it must be true.


As soon as I read OP's quote I imagined the following situation: a woman acts like (well, some, maybe not even most but it is pretty common) women do nowadays, i.e. like a provocative slut, as if she wanted to say 'want to fuck me?' and tries to attract attention both from males she deems attractive and from pathetic losers. Normally if the latter would show some intrest she would respond with 'too bad, you can't have me!' (maybe not literally but she would let them know in one way or another). But if they wouldn't show any intrest whatsoever it would probably be frustrating for them. So, now it looks like this:

Slut A: 'Want to fuck me?'
Some loser: 'No, not really, get lost'.

To which slut A would have to react with disbelief and pure anger. If she would be turned down time and time again it would be somewhat hilarious. Just imagining this secnario is enough to make me smile.

Okay, now to actually post something somewhat constructive...

>The survey, conducted by a team of experts commissioned by the health ministry, received valid answers from 671 men and 869 women in interviews.

Come on, that's a ridiculously small group. I would have to go as far as to question whether the data they gathered is really woth something considering how small the group actually is. Please remember that they wnet as far as to include lots of group ages which would make the data even more unreliable (as the groups were much smaller than ~700 people and I wonder whether there were at least 100 in some of them).

But >>2417 got that right. The workday in Japan is really long, then people work overtime and then you have to (and have to as in have to, whether you feel like it or not is not importnant) to socialize with colleagues from work. Add some time needed to get home (and onsidering how big the cities are it's not really ~10 minutes) and you're left with maybe two hours they're left with to do whatever they feel like. And after a long, stressful work day they just want to have some peace and quiet (or maybe that's just me imagining things, I bet my sister would die if she were to be left alone for more than an hour). Then they go to sleep and guess what happens the next day.

On the other hand I live in a country with an 8 hour workday (for most 'normal' people at least) and without all the social pressure and we've got a declining birth rate, too. Maybe people are FINALLY using their brains instead of their genitals. I feel that most people get kids because that's what you're 'supposed' to do, not because they really want to. Also, I'd say that at least 50% of general population isn't really qualified to be parents. Even though I spent a lot of time of thinking about what makes a good parents after which I came up with some pretty good conclusions I'm still 100% positive I would be a horrible parent (in my case it's mostly the irresposibility and unwillingness to force my opinions down other peoples' throats). It is a problem from economical point of view but there always the negative side and the positive side I guess.
>> No. 2483
That scene made me smile, too.

But I definitely understand how people could be losing interest.

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