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File 129471528389.jpg - (8.90KB , 233x251 , kita.jpg )
2228 No. 2228
I'm thinking of doing a Tohno-chan radio.

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>> No. 2229
Aren't you a bit shy to be making a radio?
>> No. 2230
A few of us used to host radio stations, we even had a board dedicated to it and made nifty banners and embedded players and such. It didn't turn out to be too popular, but was fun for a while. If you want to do something similar then go right ahead!
>> No. 2231
I-it's not like I need to talk or anything, just put some nice music people want to listen.
>> No. 2234
We have a considerably larger database now, so it might worth to give this idea a second chance.
>> No. 2235
Nope, it's just Tohno posting anonymously.

There's still only 3 people posting.
>> No. 2236
Stop talking to yourself, Tohno.
>> No. 2237
>> No. 2240
>> No. 2313
File 129490200993.jpg - (52.48KB , 500x500 , akeno3.jpg )
Only reason I quit streaming my radio station on /rad/ was simply because I thought that I had shitty taste in music and that someone else would be more fit to do it. It was a rather fun experience though, glad I had at least 4 regular listeners. And that's a ton considering how slow we were back then!
>> No. 2314
I think your music was perfectly fine, and that's 4 more listeners then I usually got.
>> No. 2422
I've been thinking about this as I stared at my ceiling this morning.

Instead of doing the multiple channels like last time, lets have one and just take turns DJing it. That way we can get a whole bunch of terrible music and no single person can be blamed!

Plus I think it would be kind of fun to do

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