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File 129469474123.jpg - (37.36KB , 839x639 , 1293357932255.jpg )
2210 No. 2210
Why don't you post more frequently?
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>> No. 2211
File 129469481410.jpg - (41.21KB , 480x640 , driving.jpg )
I post quite a lot
>> No. 2212
File 12946955802.jpg - (95.41KB , 1440x810 , iup5765.jpg )
Well you need to post more.
>> No. 2213
File 129469639985.jpg - (181.45KB , 480x360 , Insertion.jpg )
>> No. 2214
>> No. 2215
File 129469731849.jpg - (37.75KB , 704x400 , sleepyhead.jpg )
Tohno-chan, I am disappoint.

We could have made great things.
>> No. 2216
We never live up to our potential.

That's why we're on tohno-chan!
>> No. 2218
>> No. 2219
Why do you post so frequently?

Back in my day Tohno had 2 posts per day, and even that was too fast. How are we supposed to take it easy like that? Hands away from the keyboard! Mouse only! Final destination!
>> No. 2220
I try to make one or two posts a day. However, sometimes I feel real lazy and can go a week or two without really using my computer, occupying my time with other solitary ventures.
>> No. 2221
I always post at least once a day. It's become a part of my routine.
>> No. 2222
It's nice to have a few new posts whenever I come back. I think we've hit a good balance as far as speed goes
>> No. 2223
Exactly my thought.
>> No. 2224
I post whenever I feel like it.

Still don't understand why people still complain that /tc/ is slow. It's faster compared to most of the other imageboards.
>> No. 2225
Because I'm afraid my opinion will be taken as a fact.
>> No. 2226
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Sometimes I have nothing to say, sometimes I do have something to say but someone else beat me to it, sometimes I want to say something but I'm afraid I'll come off as misinformed/stupid, and sometimes I just don't feel like saying anything.
>> No. 2227
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Well I say take it easy and post as frequently or infrequently as you like.
>> No. 2232
This, plus sometimes I think that what I have to say (especially in terms of starting a topic) might not be appropriate or interesting enough.
>> No. 2238
Now that there are more frequent posts I post less.
>> No. 2242
I post fairly often, but my life is a disaster right now, and I actually have to do things and go outside to get my NEET equilibrium back.

I will post more i swear.
>> No. 2243
I post at least three or four.
>> No. 2244
I post everyday.
>> No. 2245
File 129473621863.jpg - (51.34KB , 712x480 , 1294357085703.jpg )
This is how it's done.
>> No. 2249
Our moto used to be quality over quantity, so I became selective with my posts in here.
Even when I find a subject I could contribute to, or come with an idea for a new thread, I normally don't post immediately but wait instead a day or more for my thoughts to settle down, and thus try to make the best of them.
>> No. 2250
Well I myself would think things would work better if we just posted 'well' and just avoided shitposting. With the occasional very good post, too. Not every post has to be a very good one.
>> No. 2251
Because I feel bad about posting.
>> No. 2252
/so/ is the only board I try not to post on. It's by far the most divisive board on the site.
>> No. 2255
I don't post because I don't have anything interesting or useful to say.
Oh wait, I just did. Sorry.
>> No. 2256
There's not much to say...
>> No. 2260
Hey, that's my line.
>> No. 2261

I don't talk because tohno and this guy steal my lines.
>> No. 2264
I'd like to think I post quite a lot, OP. The site has a nice, slow speed. I'm forever too frightened to enter the IRC though. Ho hum~
>> No. 2266
I post as often as I can, I have that

"If I post, I'll just get called a fucking moron and I should go die right now"



The IRC doesn't bite, and is no longer filled with homosexuals who talk about cocks all day~

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