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File 12946340795.jpg - (59.82KB , 588x340 , -soc- - Social.jpg )
2162 No. 2162

oh god ;_;
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>> No. 2163
inb4 150 posts whining about 4chan
>> No. 2164
How is this any different from /r9k/, or /adv/, or /b/ even? Whatever, we all know 4chan can go nowhere but down.
>> No. 2165
Nothing moot does surprises me anymore.
>> No. 2166
>> No. 2167
What he said. The board's probably only created as a futile attempt to improve /b/ by making all the relationshit/hookup threads go to /soc/ instead.
>> No. 2168
File 129463574729.jpg - (519.12KB , 900x900 , i took it.jpg )
I'm just glad I found this place.
>> No. 2169
I hope this doesn't become a horrible thread.
>> No. 2170
Well, it's just a futile attempt by mootykins to make all the relationshit threads divert to /soc/.

Moving on....
>> No. 2171
>new board
>click it
>some shit about a horse stickied
welp, at least it'll keep the cancer out of some places.
>> No. 2172
probably not
>> No. 2173
Here are the rules for /soc/. It really isn't a board for any of us.

>1. Created to get "rate me," meetup, report in, cam, etc. threads out of /b/.
>2. No whining (aka "BAWWW") threads.
>3. Post only pictures of yourself—not others. This isn't a camwhore dump board.
>4. Per the above rule, nudity is allowed so long as it is of yourself. AGAIN—THIS IS NOT A PORN DUMP BOARD.
>> No. 2174
>It really isn't a board for any of us

Well, moot hates "us" so that's not much of a surprise
>> No. 2175

I thought we were better than this.
>> No. 2176
What's wrong with 588x340?
>> No. 2177
File 129464048050.jpg - (43.76KB , 200x200 , 1293028645245.jpg )
I fucking hate moot.
>> No. 2178
4chan is a lost cause, I wonder if even moot himself realizes that.
>> No. 2180
Rules more vague than /jp/'s. And it's more elaborate too.

I wonder if moot is dissecting /b/ little by little then, one day, it's gone.

He should also create a /xx/ -- Doubles board.
>> No. 2181
Moot doesn't even consider /b/ shitty, so I doubt it.
>> No. 2182
I got banned from /a/ for posting a (spoiler tagged) ecchi pic, yet doubles and other off topic shit can go on for hundreds of posts with nothing being done about it. That's what I get for still posting there I guess
>> No. 2183
File 129464326876.gif - (18.05KB , 200x200 , 1292616229088.gif )
This board is going to remove anonymity from a portion of 4chan, and be an absoulte nuclear wasteland of trolling. I for one approve. Watching 4chan become worse and worse has gotten to the point where I don't even give a fuck anymore.
>> No. 2184
I don't give a fuck anymore since finding tohno chan. Now I feel like I'm WATCHING a sinking ship rather than being on one.
>> No. 2185
My thoughts EXACTLY, bro.
>> No. 2186
4chan becomes more and more mainstream every day, especially now thanks to all the coverage it gets on the news. At this point he could axe /jp/ and replace it with a celebrity gossip board and I wouldn't even care.
>> No. 2187
/tv/ exists for that, right?
>> No. 2188
Glad I finally bailed on 4chan this past summer.
>> No. 2189
You didn't bail on it when 7chan came around? The thing is, you never leave the Internet. It's like the mob, except with a shitton of pedophiles and INTERPOL agents.
>> No. 2190
File 129465282912.gif - (58.53KB , 777x677 , nevarforget.gif )
dude I was on 7chan so hard. anyone remember this shit?
>> No. 2191
/r9k/ and /adv/ are both dedicated to people crying about normalfag/relationship stuff. /int/ and /new/ are both dedicated to racism. moot doesn't seem to mind redundancy as long as the boards cover a subject he thinks will bring in more users.
>> No. 2192
4chan has now hit rock bottom. I'm glad I left that sinking ship.
>> No. 2193
I'm fairly certain that is only going to aggravate the problem
its not going to get rid of all the relationshit crap
its really just going to give them a base of operation.
>> No. 2194
File 129466072932.gif - (137.61KB , 550x400 , 1176366102236.gif )
Oh man, was that /b/day?
>> No. 2195
File 129466117539.jpg - (38.16KB , 350x350 , capitalism kills.jpg )
Why would you ever want to post pics or information about yourself when the whole point is to discuss things anonymously? I just don't understand.
>> No. 2196
Because this new board is for the social networking retards that have taken the site over and want to have a name/identity and be Internet celebrity's.
>> No. 2198
I, for one, think starting 4chan-meta threads like this one should be a bannable offense and I honestly mean it. I just can't believe there are people out there who [i]still[i/] care. I can understand the fun of watching colossus on clay legs fall but you should be long done with that. The ship isn't sinking right now. At very best it's already ~2km underwater. You're at least two years late to the party.

It's also very saddening that this kind of threads attract so much attention. They always manage to get tons of replies while some decent threads are left with 3-4 replies and that's it.
>> No. 2199
I'm fucking sick of it too
>> No. 2200
Same goes here. Not even /jp/ can be saved now and I'm tired of their bullshit. I just want people to forget that site, especially here on Tohno-chan.
>> No. 2202

I agree, most changes are basically new boards for normals as well as bringing normals in with news coverage. Pretty much anything about it has been discussed that can be discussed. We have Tohno Chan now, 4chan is dead. Move on.
>> No. 2203
I, for one, don't mind one 4chan general once in a while. Most of us came from there and spent a good deal of time there, it's natural to want to discuss the good times and cry about the new times.

If there was like two or three threads on the front page then yeah it'd be a problem.

This is the off topic board you know, for talking about whatever.
>> No. 2204
>discuss the good times
this doesnt happen, its only butthurt whining
>> No. 2205
File 129468539842.jpg - (285.04KB , 720x720 , 1284772555618.jpg )
There are several things wrong with this post. I guess I'll just break it down piece by piece.

"I, for one, think starting 4chan-meta threads like this one should be a bannable offense and I honestly mean it."
Glad you think so. I don't. I can't believe people can type something that boils down to "ban things I don't like" with a straight face. It is an off topic board.

"I just can't believe there are people out there who [i]still[i/] care."
Yet here they are.

"It's also very saddening that this kind of threads attract so much attention. They always manage to get tons of replies while some decent threads are left with 3-4 replies and that's it."
Apparently people will post about topics that interest them and pass by topics that don't. I don't know what counts as decent in your mind but you can't bully people into posting in topics they aren't going to.

I don't even have a particular fondness for this thread, I just hate suggestions poised on a slippery slope.
>> No. 2207
Yeah 4chan was a home to a lot of us at one point so it's only natural we would want to discuss it's death (or whatever is beyond death because it's clearly past that point). One "4chan General" isn't going to hurt anyone
>> No. 2208
Hey Tohno please make an imageboard for 4chan metadiscussion thanks
>> No. 2217
Surely it would be easier to ignore a single thread rather than an entire board, no?
>> No. 2239
Apparently some bitch called boxxy has resurfaced now too.

not putting link in the embed thing because i doubt anyone wants to see some /b/ whore's face

>> No. 2241
It's a sad person who craves attention from /b/
>> No. 2246
hahaha 4chan is just bad, lets just ignore this and let them have their, .."fun"
>> No. 2341
The cancer is nigh. I remeber moot once saying "4chan is the antithesis of Facebook."
Now, once again, moot has gone back on his word. I hate him. I honestly want to inflict physical harm upon him.
>> No. 2342
Also moot does not actually actually care about *chan culture anymore, or any of us, he does not care about the *channers. He only cares about himself and making money. With /soc/, he is actively trying to destroy everything he has created.
>> No. 2343
I cant stand looking at this whiny faggotry anymore

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