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2129 No. 2129

I found the fact she hates normals amusing enough to include her blog. Anyway, basically this chick covers cutting yourself and inplanting electronics.

I will have to look into this further, and possibly do it.
>> No. 2130
She sounds fucking annoying.
>> No. 2131
What a trooper.
>> No. 2136
She's insane.

Some kind of british yandere from the future.
>> No. 2138
>> No. 2140
Implant that allows the owner to feel electromagnetic fields and pick up things using magnets in fingertips.
>> No. 2141
what is practical about this?

what happens when you try to go through the airport?
>> No. 2143
Jesus Christ, I can't even stand getting blood taken. No way I could do this to myself
>> No. 2144
Oh Christ, I cringed so hard. I honestly feel a little nauseous after watching that. Definitely agree with >>2143
>> No. 2152
She seems smart herself, but for the kind of people that keeps commenting on her blog it makes me feel some kind of /b/ air.
>> No. 2153
The things 3D pigs do to themselves are still fucked up even if they are not normals.
>> No. 2154
I can't imagine the advantages this could possibly have that could justify such a horrific method of application.

I couldn't look when someone else was giving me jabs in school nevermind looking when I stick what appears to be a pencil sized needle into myself.
>> No. 2155
Because self mutilation is limited to one sex. right?

You release endorphins when you cut yourself. There's also a sort of "I cut myself and I don't know why" head-space to Borderline Personality Disorder. Lepht Anonym has a sort of focus on being a cyborg it seems. Kind of cool imo. I wouldn't mind an internet browser built into my vision some day.
>> No. 2156
by the time internet browsers can be built into your vision it won't be worth it, as the internet will be nothing but heavily moderated versions of youtube and facebook by then.
>> No. 2157
Darknets and wireless encryption cracking. All you need to do is use Freenet, I2P, and buy an adapter capable of entering raw moniter mode.
>> No. 2279
I've followed her blog for a couple years now. It's typically very interesting. She's part student but also a teacher so gives very interesting insight into stuff. She primarily discusses computer sciences, programming, transhumanism, and "existence" on the internet. Imagine a real life Lain from SEL.
>> No. 2280
Some of the implications of transhumanism are terrifying to me from the little I've read about it.

I would however like to have the internet built into my vision directly so I could use it everywhere.
>> No. 2284
from her faq:

>So I herd you liek mudkipz.
>i fucking love mudkipz.
>> No. 2285
Welp, I hate her
>> No. 2297

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