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File 129366003758.jpg - (119.56KB , 639x459 , backtothefuture.jpg )
1899 No. 1899
OK, so you find a Delorean in the forest. You realize that you have exactly 1.21 gigawatts left in the power reserve and you can make ONLY one round trip.

Where do you go?
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>> No. 1904
by the way, that car is still there. it's in norther cali. the guys at this forum are trying to rescue it, but it's owned by an old lady who's not gonna give it up.

>> No. 1905
What motive may she have to keep that Delorean in there?
>> No. 1906
the future, get winning lotto numbers, then back to the present
>> No. 1907
i just noticed a flaw in your post: you need 1.21 gigawatts to timejump, but only ONCE. so if you have only 1.21 gigawatts left in your reserves, your trip is one-way.
>> No. 1908
I have yet to formulate the best answer for your question.

>trip is one-way

I believe that he intended it to be that way. You can travel once, only once.
>> No. 1909
well he said round-trip. just correcting him.
>> No. 1910
I dunno, maybe go back 10 years and invent facebook. I'd get the money I need by betting on sports.

or travel 50 years into the future where I can hopefully digitize my mind and live in a computer, together forever with mai waifu.
>> No. 1916
File 129368120735.jpg - (17.85KB , 300x371 , Boris plays pokémon.jpg )
I'm a sucker for first half of 20th century American style and culture, but I doubt I'd actually want to live there. No Internet and lack of hygien would be too much to handle. Not to mention the great depression.
>> No. 1917
Lurk around the forest until the owner comes back. Become his trusty, flunky sidekick and go on time-travelling hijinks.
>> No. 1922
Food cleanliness standards were a lot better after The Jungle, so if you set the timer for sometime in 1920 you should be fine for ten years, at least. The internet thing is admittedly a problem.

I would definitely go into the future 50 or 100 years to see what happens to humanity. In the worse case it's like an 80's post-apocalyptic movie and I'll have to fight against gangs with stupid hair and flashy costumes in the desert, in the best case, >>1910
>> No. 1923
Did you watch the Back to the Future marathon on AMC too?
>> No. 1924
Fuck yeah I did.
>> No. 1925
New York City in the early 1930's. I can get in on the start of the big band and swing movements and make a name for myself doing something I love as part of a rhythm section somewhere. Watching and playing with people like Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Count Basie and eventually people like Charlie Parker and Charles Mingus would be a dream come true for me.
>> No. 1926
File 129369858689.jpg - (96.84KB , 864x480 , brofist.jpg )
>> No. 1935
Back to 03 (when i was a freshmen) and telling myself to take a computer class and AVOID COOKING. Also, cooking school would be a waste of time and don't do it.
>> No. 1936
First day of middle school.

Assuming I could actually meet with myself and not fuck everything up, tell me what's going to happen for the next couple years and try to transfer schools ASAP.

I'd also like to see ancient Egypt in it's best years.
>> No. 1937
I did. Speaking of BttF, this amazed the hell out of me (about 1:00 in)
>> No. 1940
OP, it's jigawatts, not gigawatts. Just sayin'.
>> No. 1941
I actually don't know when. I really enjoy how things are at the moment.
>> No. 1942
File 129375843066.jpg - (140.37KB , 430x330 , 1293661203096.jpg )
One-way trip, uh.

I guess I'd travel 500 years into the future so I can finally be a bald space marine with a crew of cute little girls. People would laugh at how shallow and barbaric my civilization was and that we believed in fairy tales, at least that's what I like to think. Then I would take out my vintage Walkman and put some awesome 80s music and they would be like "WAT".
>> No. 1974
I missed that?
>> No. 1975
It's happening again right now
>> No. 1978
Is this game any good, by the way? I've heard good things
>> No. 1979
The puzzles are pretty easy but the feel is spot on. If you're in any way a fan of the movies it's a given purchase.
>> No. 2121
File 129431053724.jpg - (127.11KB , 1280x720 , 1262561604383.jpg )
>tohno buying a game
>> No. 2122
File 129432411657.jpg - (37.15KB , 267x445 , gaems.jpg )
Hate to break it to you, brohno.
>> No. 2125
I really wish people would cut it out with saying ">BUY GAMES HAHA" whenever someone mentions it. This isn't 4chan.
>> No. 2133
Doesn't change the fact that the concept of "buying" an infinitely duplicatable product is retarded.
>> No. 2134
I like you,
>> No. 2135
Don't think of it as buying the game but paying for the service of having the game made. In that sense I think it is perfectly reasonable, especially if you end up enjoying the experience.
>> No. 2137

Perfectly good bttf thread ruined. Thanks DESU
>> No. 2148
guys take it easy, i was talking about tohno the site admin, not tohno the tohno-chan community.

he's a back to the future fan but he doesn't buy anything he can torrent, meaning games.

I buy games since it supports the devs and having a legitimate version allows access to automatic updates and multiplayer

but back on topic, where would i go with a one-way ticket? more than likely someway try to prevent myself from being born. i know it would make alot of people happy if i had never existed.
>> No. 2149
Or you could go back in time and convince your younger self to be more like Sean Connery.
>> No. 2419
or perhaps to not be a worthless piece of shit

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