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File 129358422369.jpg - (309.25KB , 1600x1200 , da6fec82.jpg )
1856 No. 1856 [Edit]
Any military otaku in here?
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>> No. 1871 [Edit]
File 129359740915.jpg - (534.36KB , 1000x1414 , d0f8d503a31ab7038f1ae314641e9e51379b0055.jpg )
I guess not.

>> No. 1873 [Edit]
flags on the guys shoulders are facing the wrong direction. same with the flag on the guys helmet in the back.
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
File 129359870488.jpg - (51.84KB , 703x463 , 1264784596987.jpg )
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
File 129359876590.jpg - (1.00MB , 2238x1472 , 1267227859168.jpg )
No, it's correct. The one's they have on their arms are wrong though, according to US army regulations that is.

The flag worn on the right shoulder is worn backwards like it's waving in the wind, facing the battle.
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
Airsoft faggotry probably. All thier kit looks brand new, 1911 in the holster, homosex facial hair, gay pose ect
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
yeah that's what i'm going buy with the army regs. plus i'm thing there air soft too.
>> No. 2593 [Edit]
That's just america bro

As to me, I got banned then.
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
File 129583445036.jpg - (2.49MB , 3648x2736 , IMG_1056.jpg )
Reporting in, I have also spent a number of years in the Canadian army before my downward spiral and ending up here. I love military stuff and keep up to date on developments but I highly disprove of playing dress up like in OP's pic. Theres a scene in Katawa Shoujo at the end of Shizune's path that gives me flashbacks because I have mild PTSD, those fireworks going off at night just remind me of a firefight and mortars going off, nothing major I don't freak out it just makes me remember.
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
I'm not allowed in the army because I'm "unstable".

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