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No. 1782 [Edit]
  The day when we'll be able to walk with our waifus is near.

I'm going to buy an HMD.
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>> No. 1783 [Edit]
That's pretty neat!
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
A shame I'll never have the money to buy this even if I save for it my entire life.
>> No. 1806 [Edit]

It's not that expensive.
The VR920 is $350, and the kinect $150.
If you have programming and graphic design abilities you may be able to produce a virtual reality with your waifu for 500 bucks.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
>500 bucks

Exactly what I'm talking about.
>> No. 1811 [Edit]

How can you even afford using internet?
>> No. 1812 [Edit]
Eastern Europe. We may no have potato, but internet - plenty.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]
$500 as something totally unreal?
It sounds depressive even for Eastern Europe
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
  Another video
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
I've always hated the idea of motion controls but if this is the kind of thing that comes from them then maybe I should buy a kinect
>> No. 2145 [Edit]

Wow. I honestly thought that was very touching. So close, and yet... when he reaches for her, his hand passes through as though she weren't really there at all, the illusion flickers. The way he seems to struggle and test the limits of this other world, leaning to the side as far as the Kinect will allow, it's very childlike and innocent, and the effect is enhanced so well by the music box. It's ruined somewhat when he tries to grope her (as far as I can tell), but I still think it's a very beautiful illustration of a man reaching out for his waifu or some other ideal. And Miku's own expressions and the way she mouths words but no sound comes out... it breaks my heart, somehow. Thank you for showing me this.
>> No. 2146 [Edit]
I wish we could have matrix style VR worlds already ;_;
>> No. 2150 [Edit]

I'm gonna start studying programming and graphic design just so I can make my own VR worlds.
>> No. 2322 [Edit]
  Just putting this here.
>> No. 2323 [Edit]
File 129497997517.jpg - (24.54KB , 276x347 , question.jpg )
>> No. 2324 [Edit]
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
I'm curious, why is this stuff only really popping up now with Kinect, when Kinect is nothing more then a copy of the eyetoy?
Hasn't this technology been around for some time now?
>> No. 2326 [Edit]
Anyone else feel a little uncomfortable putting an uncontrolled webcam in your home? Microsoft is watching you masturbate.
>> No. 2327 [Edit]
I only watched the first few minutes but it looks like theres a serious delay when she is moving
>> No. 2588 [Edit]
  This is awesome.
>> No. 2962 [Edit]
Just think about the day when the hand will no longer falter.
I think this will help.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
File 129694532566.gif - (2.03MB , 320x180 , 1286264836748.gif )
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
Wow... I wonder if it's precise enough to simulate texture?
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
hmm..probably not at the moment. It looks pretty basic.
>> No. 3100 [Edit]
  Are you guys familiar with Augmented Reality?

Well, I was thinking today, what if you mix up AR with the HMD screens, movement/wiimote detection and the touchable hologram?
You could create your own laser beam and enemies to fight with, or even project your waifu in your own room!
You wouldn't even need to leave your world to be with her, you can see her and talk with her as a ghost, as long as you have the HMD on
>> No. 3102 [Edit]
Um... that's exactly OP's point.
>> No. 3103 [Edit]

I'm the OP, and no, my point was that you could use a virtual reality world to interact with fictional characters... but this is even better. With this you don't have to interrumpt your daily routines, you can just summon whatever the fuck you want into the real world.
>> No. 4208 [Edit]
  This is old, but awesome.

A little expensive though.
>> No. 4657 [Edit]
File 130147717072.jpg - (127.19KB , 400x391 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Nintendo's AR cards are quite amazing.
I watched a dragon burst out my bathroom floor. My rudementary Miku drawing jumped around.

I can't wait for all the homebrew possibilities.
>> No. 8635 [Edit]

You can do this. Just need a camera. You can even run these things on smart phones.
>> No. 8638 [Edit]
I think the real future is glasses that render 3dgd as cel shaded.
>> No. 8641 [Edit]
3DS hacking begins!

Javascript can be used in the browser, and the some of controls on the system are signed to ASCII characters.
So far we have no use of the top screen or sound, but it will progress.
>> No. 8642 [Edit]
Nice. Hopefully they can get down to the machine code level, because Javascript is probably way too slow for augmented reality.

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