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File 132064396074.png - (207.73KB , 393x473 , illya_thinking.png )
11351 No. 11351 [Edit]
It's 2070, and you've finally died. Your closest relatives enter your room and start going through your stuff. They grab your videogames, dvds, and hard drives, and pass them on to their teenage children, who will maybe find some use for it, since they're into computers and stuff. What will they think when they find your picture collection? or your PS2 games?

I like to think that they will be blown away, and discover all sorts of amazing things they never even knew existed, and then post about them on imageboards, saying things like "I found this game at my great-uncle's house and it's awesome!! you guys should try it" Maybe they will be able to sell off some of my old stuff on ebay to antique collectors for a lot of cash. I feel like I'm investing into their future.
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>> No. 11352 [Edit]
all my relatives will be dead
>> No. 11353 [Edit]
"Great-uncle sure liked cartoon girls."
>> No. 11354 [Edit]
oh Haruhi i'm really going to live another 59 years
>> No. 11356 [Edit]
My stuff will most likely get thrown away, and I doubt that I'd live that long.

Anyway, they'd most likely just insult my tastes and say that those things are the reason why I was so weird. Then throw them away or sell them, or something.
>> No. 11357 [Edit]
I don't have any video games or figs. Just a lot of books and class notes.
>> No. 11358 [Edit]

They'll find Linux and be amazed by the fact such amazing technology was available in 2013.

No, I probably wouldn't change systems because my 2012 machine would be one of my last ones.

Wait, would I even have a home? With the current attitude i may very well end up being homeless.
>> No. 11360 [Edit]
>Uncle asiekierka had an OS on some inorganic piece of junk. This thing should be sent to a museum. Well, I'm off to go get my new Mac Brain.
>> No. 11362 [Edit]
Sometimes I wonder if I should write that I want to be burned with my hard drives on my testament.
>> No. 11363 [Edit]
Be it in fascination or disgust, I don't think they could stay impassive at the sight of a mixture of cartoon girl figurines, dried butterflies (and other exotic insects), a couple fur pelts and an impenetrable mess of books, magazines, DVDs, piled up random papers and undone laundry (wich pockets are filled with cigarette butts)...

I don't want to think about it... Really.

Post edited on 6th Nov 2011, 11:26pm
>> No. 11364 [Edit]
Wow, that's nearly 38 years longer than I was expecting to live at most. I must've really turned my life around.
>> No. 11365 [Edit]
I'm sure who ever it is would be really creeped out by my room.
but at least some kids might take joy in receiving my toys.
I've got a very large and well taken care of collection of PS2 games, with nice variety,and mostly good stuff, so I'm sure they'd enjoy that, or they would if by their standards it wasn't all ugly and outdated, they'd probably think of my ps3 game collection as all being old worthless old crap too, by then we'd be at what, PS8?
well, if ebay is still around by then, they might stand to make a fortune from some of this stuff.
Don't know how much 70 year old figs would be worth by then, but I wouldn't be surprised if they gave my figs to their kids, confusing them for toys.
I imagine they'd laugh at my pathetic hard drive space, wondering how people lived with tb drives.
if they managed to get these antique drives working, they'd probably find it a bit boring, just being anime and games, but might be a little confused by some of the other stuff on the drive.

This is assuming the world isn't a wasteland, and that I somehow have relatives who know where to find me and when it was I died.
>> No. 11366 [Edit]
Honestly, what scares me most about living so long is knowing that all the games/anime/stories I have ever loved and all those characters I am attached to will largely have been forgotten, buried deep in the sands of time; That there will be no new content for them, ever; And that I won't have anybody to discuss them with, not even the imageboards. (Though that last part might sadly happen much sooner, thanks to internet regulation laws.)
>> No. 11367 [Edit]
in 59 years I will probably own even less then I do now, everyone probably will, major part in due to everything going digital, and me having broken free from the shackles of consumerism.

Also VR will probably be grand by then, so if you still want a room full of figs, just get some VR ones.

Also I bet porn will be veiwed more liberally by then and whatever weird pictures or whatnot you have will be considered the norm. Implying the religion doesn't win WW3 ofcourse.
>> No. 11369 [Edit]
You do realize the world will end in a year, right?
>> No. 11370 [Edit]

>I wouldn't be surprised if they gave my figs to their kids, confusing them for toys.

What am I missing here?
>> No. 11371 [Edit]
I certainly hope so.
>> No. 11372 [Edit]
By that age I plan to have a large library. If my cousins dig around my living place after I die, they'll be both impressed at the scope of my learning and ashamed that an old man was still keeping video games from 70 years ago. I have never owned figs or posters, and I don't plan to (too expensive) so that will not be an issue; I'll be able to take that part of what I was to the grave.
>> No. 11373 [Edit]
They'd probably find all the random story notes and ideas I had written down and wonder why I never did anything with them. And then if one of them is really smart they'd steal them, work out the kinks, and pass it off as their own.
>> No. 11374 [Edit]
File 132070325964.jpg - (47.15KB , 400x390 , the-end-of-evangelion.jpg )
I can't wait for it.
>> No. 11397 [Edit]
Thank you for assuming I'm to die in 2070 and not, say, 2013 or something~

I don't know how they'd react. The whole "large amount of pictures of cute Japanimation girls with no real girls in sight" thing might seem a little weird. Or maybe it'd be somebody who, like us, has given up on 3D.
I'd like to think they'd find some gems in my music collection, and enjoy the short stories I'd been working on (only to abandon a day or two later, but whatever). Along with my 3 files filled with poetry bits (of varying quality, I started those four Haruhi damn years ago).
Oh, and I hope somebody reads my journals. It's the only way I can see myself helping somebody in a sense - It'd prevent them from ending up like me, and feeling a drive to help their lives before it becomes a seemingly never-ending spiral of self-pity and self-destructive habits.

I think about this a lot.
>> No. 11398 [Edit]
Do you think no one would make that mistake?
>> No. 11400 [Edit]

I think I don't really see the difference.
>> No. 11410 [Edit]
>Implying the religion doesn't win WW3 ofcourse
This is my only hope.
If the stuff most of us have saved is considered normal in the future, then I only hope everyone dies in 2070.

If everything goes well for me, all anyone will find is an abandoned house in the plains, a withering garden, a shack full of bulk food, a life time of books, and a collection of notepads and textbooks.
Hopefully I passed away happily and awake.
>> No. 11458 [Edit]
you honestly believe figs are toys?
I guess you've never heard of cast offs.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2011, 12:15am
>> No. 11460 [Edit]
>Implying the religion doesn't win WW3 ofcourse.
You do realize that the larges anti-porn movements aren't religious.
Ironically it's feminists and leftist that are the biggest anti-porn activists.
Then again feminism has become a religion, so you might still be right.
>> No. 11461 [Edit]

That's a pretty poor argument. You do realize you can 'strip' barbie dolls, too?

This is funny because it's you who always rants that 'just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean it's for children'. Well, just because it's a toy doesn't mean it has to be for children, too.
>> No. 11468 [Edit]
File 132115406322.jpg - (43.90KB , 600x400 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
An adult can enjoy animation made with kids in mind, kids on the other hand should not be watching animation made for adults.

Just as an adult can enjoy a toy make for kids, but a kid really shouldn't be playing with stuff made for grown ups.
Toys are marked with kids in mind, figurines with adults in mind.
Even if work safe, Most kids would have little to no interest in fixed pose figures and find them boring.
Figurines also brake and damage very easily, they're meant to be displayed as works of art, as something decorative, to be admired, not a child's play thing.
also, barbie dolls are far from being anatomically correct.

Poseable figures such as revoltech and figma for example, are debatable.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2011, 7:17pm
>> No. 11469 [Edit]
Why is it ironic for feminists to be against porn? Porn is based almost entirely on the exploitation of women
>> No. 11470 [Edit]
some feminists would use a line of argument that basically goes like "its a woman's right to do whatever she likes with her body"
>> No. 11471 [Edit]
Feminists have no consistent agenda so it's impossible to predict if they support something.
>> No. 11475 [Edit]

>kids on the other hand should not be watching animation made for adults

This is a really broad generalization. As a rule of thumb yes, you might be right but I'm pretty sure that by now the PreCures are made with male audience in mind moreso than actual little girls. Even if that one is debatable you can't argue that 99% of 'cute girls doing cute things' shows are made with male audience in mind (as in exclusively for them) but you could watch them with kids any age as well (although boys wouldn't want to watch them either way and girls would probably lose interest by the time they turn 10 or so).

>a kid really shouldn't be playing with stuff made for grown ups.

The same thing holds true here.

>Toys are marked with kids in mind, figurines with adults in mind.

This is arguing semantics in all honesty. On top of that I could imagine someone collecting toys and treating them as figurines and vice versa. Just because something was meant as [x] doesn't mean you can't treat it/use it as [y].

>Most kids would have little to no interest in fixed pose figures and find them boring.

I would jump into hellfire to get a few of those. I was poor so I when my dad gave me glass beads he played with when he was a boy I was overjoyed. I didn't use them the way they were meant to be used (now that I think about it it kinda proves my earlier point, too). Instead, I was pretending those were some cool figurines and played with them as such.

>also, barbie dolls are far from being anatomically correct.

When I look at some figurines I get an even stronger 'anatomically incorrect' vibe from them but that's hardly relevant.

I still think quite a few little girls would be more than happy to get some of these figurines to play with. Also, if you were to go to /fig/ right now the thread you'd find at the very top would be one dedicated to dolls.

As for the pic. Yes, this is obviously hella explicit, no arguing about that. I wouldn't want a kid to be anywhere near a figurine like that. But Tohno, how many figs this lewd do you own?

I think this is another moral panic issue. Even 20 (well, maybe 30) or so years ago full frontal nudes of women weren't considered to be pornographic in nature in Europe. It was considered to be natural and most people agreed there was nothing wrong with it. Now - thanks to EU - Europe has draconian laws regarding pornography. I can see this easily turing into a slippery slope and imagine that in 20 years porn will be banned period, even though we might be at a point where majority of porn uploads are amateur movies made for the heck of it. I wonder if they'll rename EU to 'Northeast Korea' by then.

This is a digression already but I feel like complaining about it, too. USA was founded with secularism in mind, mostly by people who fled Europe because they didn't feel like getting lynched for their religious beliefs. Now it's a country where prominient politicians can say 'this is one nation under Kyonkundenwa and if you don't like it get the hell out of here' in public and get a standing ovation.
Americans looked down on Europeans as bloodthirst barbarians in the 30s when it was obvious that even after the events of WWI they failed to learn their leason and the world is headed straight towards WWII. Some 40 years later soldiers fighting pointless wars all over the world where treated as the biggest partiots. Kissinger, a man responsible for dropping 2 756 941 tons of bombs on a country that didn't even participate in the war, was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. A guy who should be court martialed, found guilty on charges of genocide and thrown into jail for lifetime got Nobel Peace Prize. I bet his funeral will be reported nationwide with headlines such as 'a great partiot passes away'.

TL;DR Zeitgeist sure is a bitch.

Since opinions change so radically over course of time you can't really tell if people will actually come to their senses or not. Maybe figs that show any skin will be burned. Maybe completely naked ones will be regarded as nothing special. Who knows.
>> No. 11476 [Edit]

I'm quite sure Precure is still made primarily with a little girl audience in mind. Hence all the toy commercials.
>> No. 11477 [Edit]

We could argue about that but I don't really want to because I'm not sure if I'm actually right here. I would be more than happy if we could just kinda pretend it's a perfect 50/50 split.

Even if I'm actually wrong it doesn't really change much. If it's doesn't hold true for PreCure it is at very least true for all SoL shows out there.
>> No. 11478 [Edit]
>Even if that one is debatable you can't argue that 99% of 'cute girls doing cute things' shows are made with male audience in mind (as in exclusively for them) but you could watch them with kids any age as well (although boys wouldn't want to watch them either way and girls would probably lose interest by the time they turn 10 or so).

Really? They always seem to have too many dirty jokes or ecchi moments to be appropriate for anyone under ~15.
>> No. 11479 [Edit]
I know man K-ON! had so many sex jokes it was uncomfortable to watch
>> No. 11480 [Edit]
Because they believe being a slut is empowering and at the same time they believe porn is bad.

>Feminists have no consistent agenda
That's wrong, feminism has a consistent agenda of attacking men and anything men do while at the same time getting more privileges for women but that's for another thread.
>> No. 11482 [Edit]
I'm not sure which series you have in mind. I'm pretty sure most of them are pretty ecchi-free, though. Using examples from this year YuruYuri sure had some innuendo going on (although it could be completely lost to a kid, it wasn't overtly explicit if memory serves) but A Channel and the like (wait, what else did I watch this year) were pretty 'safe'. I kinda see some innuendo going on in Ika (Sanae) but I don't think there's much of it in Working (at least it's not something I can see as 'dirty'). Also, both Nekogami and Tamayura are actually morning cartoons (Tamayura apparently airs at 9:00 on Mondays and Nekogami was a Saturday morning cartoon if memory serves, I think it aired between 9:00 and 10:00).

Of course when I watch them I don't really try to decide whether they are suitable for children or not but I'm sure there are lots that would be a perfectly fine watch if you were to ever have some nieces (like Ichigo Mashimaro and stuff).
>> No. 11485 [Edit]

I disagree and I'd refute your post, but arguing about feminism of all things on an anime imageboard is just a lost cause
>> No. 11495 [Edit]
You can't start an argument and then say this isn't the place for it. That's like punching someone and then saying, "I don't want to fight."
>> No. 11496 [Edit]
Wouldn't it be more like "I want to fight, but this place isn't the right place for it. Lets take this outside" ?
>> No. 11498 [Edit]
It's more like punching someone and then saying "I want to fight, but not here, not now, and not at any specific point in the future." I was simplifying.
>> No. 11500 [Edit]
I'd rather punch myself in the dick than argue about feminism with a bunch of misogynistic nihilists.
>> No. 11505 [Edit]
You're free to start another thread about it if you want to take it "outside".

I on the other hand would love to see what lies you feminists will come up with.
>> No. 11514 [Edit]


I don't think we've got that many misogynists around. Misanthropes, sure, but I don't think our double standards go far enough to exclude men (who certainly don't appear as the lesser of two evils to me).
>> No. 11519 [Edit]
Probably the same feeling I'd haveif my uncle kept all his Asimov and other science-fiction books around for me to read them, and whichever relatives that look through my shit is probably going to be interested in that sort of thing already. Looking back for 'firs-hand' sources on old media and anime fromt he past
>> No. 11520 [Edit]
Probably the same feeling I'd haveif my uncle kept all his Asimov and other science-fiction books around for me to read them, and whichever relatives that look through my shit is probably going to be interested in that sort of thing already. Looking back for 'firs-hand' sources on old media and anime fromt he past

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