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File 132012176664.jpg - (277.89KB , 1280x720 , [SS] Mirai Nikki - 03 (1280x720 h264) [AF8F4922]_m.jpg )
11227 No. 11227 [Edit]
like, are all guys really this sensitive to breasts being pressed against them or what?
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>> No. 11230 [Edit]
The proof of concept is on you.
>> No. 11231 [Edit]
>> No. 11243 [Edit]
If you put forward a theory its your responsibility to prove it
>> No. 11247 [Edit]
You saying you've really never seen guys freak out in anime when girls press their chest to the guys arm, back, or chest?
>> No. 11662 [Edit]
It's happened to me once or twice before back in high school, but I never freaked out. I obviously enjoyed it, though I hid it pretty well to avoid looking like a letch.
>> No. 11699 [Edit]
Not like anime at all, but it is a nice feeling and different from most of the other contacts you get.
>> No. 14080 [Edit]
File 133284289415.jpg - (115.71KB , 1280x720 , remod95238.jpg )

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