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File 131962068227.jpg - (1.55MB , 1600x1200 , 2e5d29423212db8ce37fd5c7ee7c8331.jpg )
11095 No. 11095 [Edit]
How autistic are you? or what is the most stupidly autistic thing you've ever done(do)?
Don't be shy, bring us all your insanely obsessive habits!
(Weather or not it's an actual trait of autism isn't really a big deal for this thread.)

Might as well get this ball rolling somehow...

valkyria chronicles 2, is a game with chapters represented by in game months, with 3 story missions per chapter and side missions for grinding and stuff, and missions each take about fifteen minutes to finish.
The game essentially takes place over the course of a year... and I've been playing it in real time.
One mission a day, making sure to finish the chapter at the end of each (real time) month.
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>> No. 11096 [Edit]
I've literally been diagnosed with high-functioning autism. Not Asperger's, actual autism.

So blah.
>> No. 11097 [Edit]
I am not sure if I am "autistic" or not. I most likely am not, but I am unsure of many things, including this.
>> No. 11104 [Edit]
I actually enjoy playing Conway's Game of Life
>> No. 11108 [Edit]
Not at all
>> No. 11110 [Edit]
A lot of the time when I see a picture of a cute girl, I immediately crop it down to 184x184 to see if it will make a good steam avatar. I never actually change it, but I still do this. I don't even use steam that much!
>> No. 11111 [Edit]
I already have been diagnosed with high-functioning autism, so everything I do is awwwwtistic.
>> No. 11113 [Edit]
When I remember something like an awkward social situation from years ago I make funny noises and say (out loud) silly things like "oookaaay oooooooookaaaaaaaay ooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy" or "12345678910onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenいちにさんしごろくしちはち一ニ三四五六七八九十弌弍山死碁録奈奈葉千㊈重" while envisioning it to overload my brain into forgetting it/ relieve my stress.
>> No. 11114 [Edit]
I didn't know that was autistic behaviour.
I stick with a more discrete 'oh well' or 'ay ay' though.
>> No. 11116 [Edit]

That sounds more like mental retardation than autism.
>> No. 11117 [Edit]
I played animal crossing every day for over a year
>> No. 11118 [Edit]
I once posted dong pics to get a user banned on a forum.

Now I see that pic on tinychan when I post with my name and trip.
>> No. 11119 [Edit]
i don't know what that has to do with being obsessive
>> No. 11120 [Edit]
It has everything to do with being stupid and short sighted.
>> No. 11121 [Edit]
posting pictures of your dick online isn't autistic
>> No. 11122 [Edit]
File 131965595674.jpg - (27.10KB , 470x358 , 167027_187104291309349_100000293388640_626259_6407.jpg )
I have pic folders for different images.

Tons of anime pics...tons of Negima pics...tons of /x/ and creepy pix. Uh...yeah pics galore.
>> No. 11124 [Edit]
I love languages as in own a bunch of language books and keep them all on my desk/battlestation.
>> No. 11125 [Edit]
I've been diagnosed with Autism. Asperger nigga in the house.

Also erm, Obsessed with Star Wars and the universe of Star Wars (ive gotten into rants IRL on how Star Wars got shat up when people asked me about that). I post on alternate history forums and used to post on more science fiction and media-based forums before i got banned or just stopped posting. My posting style is so autistic people have noticed that about me on forums, as in how I get into tangents with people on the internet. Also obsessed with mechanics of space combat and making fictional universes of my own with all sorts of ideas.

Do I win anything?
>> No. 11128 [Edit]
I'm not at all, I feel out of place now.
>> No. 11136 [Edit]
I do this, but really never sort them into folders. They eventually go into "to be sorted" "old unsorted" "old old unsorted" folders when the downloads folder takes a billion years to load...

I know a ton of autistic people then...
>> No. 11138 [Edit]
My little brother has Autism, but I'm medically/mentally/ fine. Which is lucky as I could just as easily have had autism too.
This is why I'm never going to have kids. I'm too scared I'd pass on a recessive autism gene. I would never wish that on any kid of mine.
>> No. 11140 [Edit]
I do this too, but it's a combination of silly things and cussing.
>> No. 11142 [Edit]
I've done a ton of things in the past which I only found out were socially unacceptable years later. When I realise it, I cringe with shame and embarassment. Who knows what socially unacceptable things I am doing now? That is why I avoid going out.
>> No. 11143 [Edit]
Add me to the list of people who freak out when they remember their past social fuck-ups.
>> No. 11144 [Edit]
I know some people do this with the Persona games. I wouldn't call it "autistic".
>> No. 11145 [Edit]
I can't watch or play 2 series in the same day, so if for some reason I have 3 episodes or 1 level left, I watch/play them, and then can't watch or play anything for the rest of the day.

This is only for games/shows I take as serious bussiness, so RPGs and super kawaii anime.
>> No. 11150 [Edit]
I'm playing Totori~n right now and find the synthesizing really enjoyable... and stressing. I'm very particular in putting in the items' traits and effects, especially in making bombs and weapons. I make sure I get the traits and effects that I want. If I don't, I load the game until I get my desired stuff. I remember just reloading the game many times in 3 hours just to get things right.

I'm not sure if that's autistic enough to be considered one.
>> No. 11151 [Edit]

>When I remember something like an awkward social situation from years ago I make funny noises and say (out loud) silly things like "oookaaay oooooooookaaaaaaaay ooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy" or "12345678910onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenいちにさんしごろくしちはち一ニ三四五六七八九十弌弍山死碁録奈奈葉千㊈重" while envisioning it to overload my brain into forgetting it/ relieve my stress.

If this counts as autism I do it on hourly basis.


>I'm playing Totori~n right now and find the synthesizing really enjoyable... and stressing. I'm very particular in putting in the items' traits and effects, especially in making bombs and weapons. I make sure I get the traits and effects that I want. If I don't, I load the game until I get my desired stuff. I remember just reloading the game many times in 3 hours just to get things right.

I'm not sure if that's autistic enough to be considered one.

I do more or less the same thing in RF Oceans.
>> No. 11152 [Edit]
Really? Because whenever I talk to a normal about it, they are always "wtf fag u need help lol" but all the autists I ever meet are like "oh yeah! I do things like that, too! Sometimes I yell "JUST KiLL ME I HATE MYSELF" but don't really mean it or drum on my knees."
>> No. 11153 [Edit]
I find it interesting how autism has become a thing with the imageboard lot over the last couple of years. Perhaps my memory is failing me, but I never remembered seeing it much, and now it seems to come up in every other post.

My younger brother has low-functioning autism. Aside from attending a state-funded "school" that is little more than a daycare, he does nothing but watch The Lion King and Bob the Builder over and over. His diet consists only of canned Ensure and Snack Packs, as he refuses to eat anything else. My mom does go pretty easy on him, though, and I suspect this doesn't help things.

I'm not at all trying to trivialize high-functioning autism and Asperger's, I just felt like sharing that.

Post edited on 27th Oct 2011, 9:05am
>> No. 11155 [Edit]
I take off all my clothes when I poop. Does that count?
>> No. 11156 [Edit]
Yeah it's pretty autistic
>> No. 11157 [Edit]
at one point people discovered the connection between the behaviour of internet males and the autism spectrum and i guess it exploded from there
>> No. 11158 [Edit]

Me too. I literally do not know what's socially acceptable and what's not, so I just stay in and watch anime. I have no idea what normalcools act like anyway, I was raised by TV which is hardly a good mirror of the real world. Or so I hope.
>> No. 11159 [Edit]
I'm insane.
>> No. 11160 [Edit]
I'd be pretty interested in hearing what you did wrong.
>> No. 11161 [Edit]

>Really? Because whenever I talk to a normal about it, they are always "wtf fag u need help lol" but all the autists I ever meet are like "oh yeah! I do things like that, too! Sometimes I yell "JUST KiLL ME I HATE MYSELF" but don't really mean it or drum on my knees."

I usually either count like you (or just say random string of numbers) or stick fingers in my ear and go 'la la la la la' or something of the sort. Biting my lip really hard (till it bleeds sometimes) works, too. Just to get my mind off that stuff. When I said I do it on hourly basis I exaggerated of course but it happens once a day at least.

In all honesty I thought it's 300% normal. I never talked to anyone about it because I didn't realize there are people who [i]don't[i/] do this. Maybe my reaction is kinda extreme but I'd imagine most people would cringe at very least. How is it different from people who laugh all of a sudden because they remembered something funny?

About the drumming on knees thing. I do it. ALL. THE. TIME. And this time it's anything but an exaggeration. I do it whenever my fingers are free, sometimes without realizing it myself even. But I use my thumb most of the time (I play bass a little and it's the same as what you do when you're slapping).

Is the first one even related to autism, though? Wouldn't be the exact opposite? I mean, arguably the biggest problem with people who suffer from autism spectrum disorders is that they are socially clueless. They wouldn't even notice they did something stupid. Isn't this kinda contradictory?
>> No. 11162 [Edit]
>Is the first one even related to autism, though? Wouldn't be the exact opposite? I mean, arguably the biggest problem with people who suffer from autism spectrum disorders is that they are socially clueless. They wouldn't even notice they did something stupid. Isn't this kinda contradictory?

A lot of the time people will learn that they did something wrong because of people's reactions, or being told that a certain type of behaviour is wrong and remembering "hey I do that a lot!".

Or because in the heat of the moment, they blurt something out or do something just because they feel like they're under pressure to do it. And if they'd had a little more time to think about it, they would have reconsidered.
>> No. 11166 [Edit]

>Or because in the heat of the moment, they blurt something out or do something just because they feel like they're under pressure to do it. And if they'd had a little more time to think about it, they would have reconsidered.

It's almost always (so much that I could probably drop the 'almost' part) the latter in my case. But again, wouldn't that be kinda the opposite of autism? I usually realize it was some kinda faux pas in matter of seconds and can remember it for years (I mean fuck, I still regularly cringe over stuff that happened when I was in kindergarten). Wouldn't it be more... uh, 'normal' to not even realize it if someone is an autist?

I know that by now I might come of as someone desperate to make it look like I'm not an autist but in all honest I don't care for such silly labels either way (although I do care in the sense that I'd like to know the answer - because curiosity).
>> No. 11167 [Edit]  
Not related to me personally but I found the embed video to be particularly interesting. It showcases all too well how normals refuse to acknowledge anything that they themseleves do not consider normal.
>> No. 11172 [Edit]
>dem autist beats
This would make a great MAD...

In all seriousness, though, this is a very good representation of the ideas behind this and I hope it opens more people's minds to this instead of thinking of it in a "We must CURE it" philosophy.

One movie I would suggest highly is Temple Grandin, and actually researching Ms. Grandin.

I must disclaim that I am neither fully autistic nor aspergers-syndrome, but I supposedly am, according to my mother. Because of this, I faked my way through all attempts to diagnose me with anything, for fear that it would impact how I was 'educated' in my school. I had trouble fitting in as is. Now that I am out of school I feel I can relax and be whatever I am, and have accepted the fact that I may be acutely autistic.
>> No. 11173 [Edit]
On a mildly related note, does anyone else hug things in public?

Sometimes, when we buy toilet paper at the store, I walk around hugging the package without even noticing it, until I get weird looks from people and notice I kind of stick out.
>> No. 11174 [Edit]
I don't really go out in public
>> No. 11175 [Edit]
Not in public, but when I'm alone I do.
I hug my LCD screen and my moka pot a lot.
>> No. 11177 [Edit]
>Moka pot
What's that?

I could google it, but I want to hear you tell me what it is.
>> No. 11178 [Edit]
In short, it's some sort of fancy kettle used to brew espresso-like coffee.
>> No. 11182 [Edit]
I do this all the time. I cant go a day without swearing, even when I don't speak to anyone.
>> No. 11184 [Edit]
I talk to myself all the time. If someone were to see me they would assume I was certifiably insane. maybe I am
>> No. 11185 [Edit]

I talk to myself a lot as well. It feels good.
>> No. 11196 [Edit]
I do this as well all the time when people aren't around.
But I don't reply to myself, is this normal or what?
>> No. 11301 [Edit]
Due to an IRC conversation, I just remembered one from when I was younger, a particular pattern:
xoox oxxo oxxo xoox oxxo xoox xoox oxxo oxxo xoox xoox oxxo xoox oxxo oxxo xoox

Most commonly done as a sort of left-and-right thing, like blowing out the sides of my mouth, or drumming on the sides of my chest with my thumb.
>> No. 11304 [Edit]
(and now that I've remembered it I can't stop doing it)
>> No. 11338 [Edit]
I was never diagnosed with anything but everyone just assumes I'm crazy.
>> No. 11384 [Edit]
Having reawakened this I'm finding it's a useful way to distract my attention. It basically works the same as the "shouting silly things" that has been talked about earlier, but feels less weird.

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