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10365 No. 10365 [Edit]
Hey guys.

I really need to talk about something that is somewhat sad. My parents have been divorced for a year and that was hard for me. They just broke up and drifted apart. I thought that was all, but now I think my Mom hates my Dad. She really is trying to suck money out of him and he, myself, and my brother may end up homeless. That is if she gets the money she wants.
>> No. 10366 [Edit]
Can you live with your mom? Always back the winner!
>> No. 10367 [Edit]
why would you become homeless if your mom takes all your dad's money?
are you living with him?
I would think having custody of the kids would ensure legal protection to some extent on this matter, hell, he should be sucking her cash away to pay for alimony if he has custody.
>> No. 10368 [Edit]
The only way I'd be able to do that is if I just sucked down a whole lot of emotions.

I really do feel bad for my dad.
>> No. 10369 [Edit]
Yes, I'm living with my Dad.

That's why I would end up with no home if she sucked all his money away.
>> No. 10370 [Edit]
yeah but no court is going to favor your mother in this situasion.
they've already deemed her an unfit mother by handing your over to your father.
Do you know how rare it is for fathers to gain custody of their kids after a divorce?
Again, she should be the one paying him alimony payments.
>> No. 10371 [Edit]
I'm basically living with my father as a NEET. I'm 23, so hence an adult in legal terms. There never was an issue of custody because of that. This whole court thing is about money and nothing else.
>> No. 10372 [Edit]
I'll never understand this thing with women taking half or everything the man owns after a divorce.
In theory it makes sense, the two people have supposedly built a life together and everything they've saved and acquired over that time gets split evenly.
But this doesn't take into account that one of the people in the relationship can, and almost always is, a leach (usually the woman) and this is why men are famous for getting sqrewed over in devorces, they spend years suporting their wife who contributes little financially to the relationship but gets half of everything the husbanded worked for, but also what he had before the marriage, and the guy gets jack shit.
I kind of hope I'm wrong here...
>> No. 10375 [Edit]
If she's doing it just out of spite and for no other reason, then it doesn't seem likely the court would be too sympathetic to her. That's just incredibly selfish.

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