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File 131560095380.jpg - (43.80KB , 400x325 , 5neatguys.jpg )
10222 No. 10222 [Edit]
Anyone here interested in forming an online barbershop quartet?
Our performances and practice sessions would be given only via voice over IP services (i don't know which one is best, i guess we could try them all and see which ones work). Our name would be Five NEET Guys (wordplay on the group in the image, Five Neat Guys, one of the most well know groups in the pantheon of barbershop). If you want to join please post if you're a baritone, tenor or whatever and feel free to join as a non performing member if you like, as we'll need song writing assistance.
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>> No. 10223 [Edit]
you posted this just for the neat/neet pun didn't you
>> No. 10224 [Edit]
do you have the appropriate hats and costumes?
>> No. 10225 [Edit]
I'm interested in how this will turn out.
>> No. 10226 [Edit]
Not entirely, I think that the creation of an entirely anonymous online-only musical act could be something that hasn't been done before, a way to take the physical form out of the musical act. Up until the creation of Mtv, music was something to be consumed with one's ears and the performer's appearance was not so key to success, but since then the rules have changed and currently I'd bet that there are great numbers of talented, but ugly (or shy) musicians who's creations we will never get to enjoy and there has certainly a lot of terrible music made by attractive, outgoing people that we've all been subjected to.
By turning music back into just some noise that comes out of a speaker this trend could be reversed, but yeah its mainly for the pun.

A small fortune will be saved by the performing artists in that respect, although they will certainly be free to cosplay Satou for concerts if they so please, nobody will know the difference.
>> No. 10227 [Edit]
File 131561327019.jpg - (24.96KB , 185x229 , A happy Kizaru.jpg )
Would you consider yourself musically gifted enough to lead such an endavour, OP? Idea sounds brilliant all the same.
I'd be up for helping with songwriting if you would need it.

Possible songs:
Not Without My Waifu
I Wish To Be the Little Girl
Fapping Over Your Comatose Body

And who can forget the tearjerk classic
You're Gonna Carry That Weight
>> No. 10228 [Edit]
>Would you consider yourself musically gifted enough to lead such an endavour, OP

absolutely not, i've had exactly zero musical training except in elementary school music class where i was unable to play even slightly challenging tunes on the recorder.
>> No. 10229 [Edit]
sounds like this project is destined for success
>> No. 10244 [Edit]
Yeah, well I'm more of an idea man, but if I know one thing about music is that barbershop is all about teamwork. There is no "I" in "barbershop" nor is there one in "quartet".
Anyway, I did some more research into this and it turns out that there have been a number of successful Japanese barbershop acts with their own original songs, so we have a lot to pull from. I think that latency is going to be our biggest problem.
Anyone interested yet?
>> No. 10283 [Edit]
I love it, but unfortunately if I sang others would hear me through the walls, and that is too embarrasing.

Other songs?:

If I was your husbando
I almost got a job (for you)
It's 9pm and I just woke up
the weekend never ends (party dance REMIX delux version)
>> No. 10285 [Edit]

I sang baritone in a chorus at college. Sounds like fun.


You're the Flower of my Heart, Sweet Anime
Yes Sir, That's My Waifu
Let Me Call You Onii-chan
Tsun and Dere (That's What You Are To Me)
Goodbye, My Akihabara Baby
My Wild Rozen Maiden

(Alright, I'll stop)
>> No. 10289 [Edit]
File 131576482255.jpg - (121.94KB , 544x400 , Get this fucking mark offa me!.jpg )
Who the Dickens Do You Think I Am?!
A Swell Day at the Maid Café
Annie-May (She's the Gal For Me)
(Wah) What Are We Gonna Do On the Bed?
>> No. 10301 [Edit]
>> No. 10328 [Edit]
File 131605909956.jpg - (85.69KB , 400x325 , neetguys.jpg )
best of luck to your musical venture
>> No. 10329 [Edit]
Haha, nice job.
>> No. 10337 [Edit]
File 131612979043.jpg - (73.42KB , 400x325 , 5neet.jpg )
OK, I edited in chibi-human and Satou (u mad, funimation?), who else belongs here? Train man?
>> No. 10338 [Edit]


>> No. 10339 [Edit]
File 13161329674.jpg - (172.52KB , 1280x720 , [Evetaku] Kamisama no Memo-chou - 09 (1280x720 x26.jpg )
Took me a minute to realize which Alice you meant.

Good one.
>> No. 10340 [Edit]
File 13161340658.jpg - (118.98KB , 466x804 , sad miku.jpg )
Has to be Margatroid.

You forget that Kamisama's alice is not a NEET
She's a NEET Detective.
>> No. 10341 [Edit]
yes, that's the joke behind saying Kamisama's alice should be on there.

But if you're gonna go touhou, it should obviously be kaguya.
>> No. 10342 [Edit]
File 131613670435.jpg - (34.85KB , 328x266 , me.jpg )
there are no girls in barbershop
>> No. 10352 [Edit]

There are women's groups that sing barbershop music; they just call it "beautyshop". Not to mention mixed choruses, etc.

Now that I think of it, this whole plan will probably turn out much less disastrous if we just use Vocaloid instead.
>> No. 10353 [Edit]
It'll turn out disastrous if you use Vocaloid. It won't turn out at all if you don't.
>> No. 10358 [Edit]

You could try using yukkuri voice.
>> No. 10428 [Edit]
File 131661589725.jpg - (143.64KB , 400x325 , 131612979043.jpg )

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