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File 131486668935.jpg - (66.74KB , 350x250 , tsundra.jpg )
10055 No. 10055 [Edit]
…i-its not like I want you to bulk up on green plants, lichen and berries during the short, mild summer or anything…
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>> No. 10057 [Edit]
Well I actually have picked wild Strawberries like I do every year. Nine months of darkness will soon come to me.
>> No. 10063 [Edit]
File 131493355172.png - (626.61KB , 419x549 , Spoiler Picture.png )
"Gather ye strawberries while ye may", so they say (under the Strawberry Moon of June).
>> No. 10435 [Edit]
ditto, only that I don't live in the arctic (temperate climate in a prarie/steppe area, but actually wet enough to support forests). In a large city.

I pick mulberries
>> No. 10476 [Edit]
File 131675212161.gif - (26.09KB , 299x500 , tsun-isia.gif )
President Ben Ali no baka... i-it's not like I want improved living conditions and civil liberties or anything...
>> No. 10518 [Edit]
File 131684152272.jpg - (89.08KB , 900x800 , tsun-link.jpg )
Stupid princess. D-don't get the wrong idea...

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