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File 131483932087.png - (2.86MB , 1750x960 , Negi niku with Miku.png )
10053 No. 10053 [Edit]
What do you guys like to eat? What do you guys like/ know how to prepare?

Today my family and I made a specialty we make a lot for people's birthdays: Negi niku, a take on Carne Esada with negi added, that can be made into tacos, grilled meat, or noodle soups. Today it was grilled and put on tacos.

PS: Intentional, this being Hatsune Miku's birthday and all.
>> No. 10054 [Edit]
Makes me wish I had done something like that for dinner tonight instead of having some soup.
>> No. 10058 [Edit]
what is wrong with soup? greatest meal in the entire galaxy with some good crispbread on the side.
>> No. 10059 [Edit]
Nothing, I love soup, I just wish I had something like Shinden had.
>> No. 10066 [Edit]
well did you enjoy your meal?

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