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File 131482401623.jpg - (45.80KB , 500x375 , afraid.jpg )
10041 No. 10041 [Edit]
I know this may be off-topic but I've been lurking here for a while and I feel similar to many users. This September I'm heading off to college for a computer science major and must concede that I'm bit intimidated by this upcoming change in my life... Do more experienced users have any advice, tips for approaching this new phase? It would really help me out.
>> No. 10044 [Edit]
Just relax. College is not like high school; people actually want to be there, and chances are there will be plenty of other people like you, especially in your major. Even the autistic, bipolar kid in my class managed to make plenty of friends.

I'm actually on my way back to schooll right now.

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