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File 131473586233.jpg - (274.75KB , 1280x678 , yep.jpg )
10026 No. 10026 [Edit]
And that's how I lost my contract... Ok now lets practice some magic...
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>> No. 10027 [Edit]
i thought homura would be a demoman seeing she likes pipebombs
>> No. 10028 [Edit]

Then who would be the heavy weapons guy?
>> No. 10030 [Edit]
Sayaka perhaps? She's supposed to be extra though and crap like that.
>> No. 10032 [Edit]
Actually, it's the opposite.
>> No. 10034 [Edit]
File 13147888255.jpg - (101.12KB , 400x600 , Kyubey-at-the-park-02.jpg )
I'm hesitant between buying a standalone figure,
or just skinning a rabbit and paint it, to fulfill my dreams.

Post edited on 31st Aug 2011, 4:33am
>> No. 10035 [Edit]
Damn this season (and the next one and Spring 2012 and...) needs some Nonaka Ai.

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