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File 129452716377.jpg - (371.37KB , 860x614 , c0260f5626352a282125b61efae55a38293eba0c.jpg )
969 No. 969 [Edit]
What kind of dere do you seem to be mostly attracted to and does your waifu fall into that type? Is it one of those personality traits that influenced you in liking her?

I seem to always gravitate towards very shy or reserved girls, meaning somewhere in between kuudere and dandere. I didn't notice this at first, it's only when I found Tomoyo that I began to understand. Reserved and cold girls are always a challenge for my heart because I always want to know better, I feel the need to protect them and be their confident. Tomoyo is a kuudere. It's weird but I think I am projecting my image on Tomoyo sometimes, or that Tomoyo is just like me. I am Tomoyo and just like her I am reserved, just like her I have difficulty opening my heart, just like her I am that distant person you see on the other side and don't care much about, just like her people have always some kind of wrong apprehensions about me, just like her I try and work hard for the things I like, just like her there is always someone to destroy my happiness. In some way I want someone to do what I do for Tomoyo. This is why I love her, because one else cared so at the very least we have ourselves.
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>> No. 970 [Edit]
Tsundere. She loves you so much she doesn't even know how to show it and acts mean instead to cover it up. It's adorable
>> No. 972 [Edit]
I'm a big sucker for the Yandere-modo girls. But it has to be a specific kind of Yandere.

She has to be crazy FOR me, and not just crazy ABOUT me. IE, she would kill another girl who tried to flirt with me, but would rather kill herself than harm me in any way.

I think female jealousy is kawaii.
>> No. 973 [Edit]
I'm repelled by all forms of -dere.
>> No. 974 [Edit]
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Tsundere. But that's one of the reasons for my masochistic fetish. I just love it when a girl says she hates me or how she wants to kill or fuck me over when she really loves me as she kicks my ass. Well, out of the girls that I liked, tsunderes make up a large plurality. I like other dere, but tsundere is still a huge hit for me out of all the dere.

Mai waifu speaks in opposites, and many of them are typical tsundere lines, such as:
>"It's not like I like you or anything!"
though she says them unintentionally. I just love it whenever she says horrible things to me. Though I can't classify her as a true tsundere, as she's just your typical rich girl (with a mix of yandere and actual tsundere tendencies). She loves me so much that she says she hates me and how much she wants to stab me and then electrocute me to death. Her saying those types of things actually makes me feel so much better. But like I said, mai waifu isn't a true tsundere even though she might seem to have tsundere tendencies.

There is nothing more satifying in the world than a girl having feelings for you but she ends up beating you up, acting mean and then denying it albeit with great embarrassment just to cover it all up. But obviously it shows how devoted she is to your love.
>> No. 975 [Edit]
Easily yandere. With a yandere, there is no confusion, no uncertainty, no pretense, no games, no bullshit, nothing but pure unbreakable obsessive love. And all you have to do is stay loyal, easiest thing in the world!
>> No. 976 [Edit]
Theoretically, yandere would be my favourite because the idea of obsessive unconditional love has always appealed to me greatly. In fact, I'd nearly be mildly yandere myself.

The thought of a girl who loves you dearly, who would hurt others for you, who would hurt herself for you, I find very romantic. People would say that it's suffocating, and those who would be unfaithful or tempted that way would be afraid. For me, there'd be more reassurance in that she'd kill another girl that tried to take you. There's nothing there but true unadulterated love.

Fate, at the start of the Nanoha series, is closer to a kuudere than anything else, although she wouldn't be classed as one. I guess that's the reason I fell for her in the first place, along with my tendency to like girls who have had past troubles. When she remembers it and thinks about it, I could just hug her and tell her everything is okay, comforting her. I'd go to all lengths to take Nanoha's position in her past. Typical white knight thinking, I guess. If I were to delve deeper though, I guess it's slight self-projection as well, because I'm not the strongest person and there are an awful lot of times I could be doing with some comforting too.

Yandere > kuudere >>> tsundere.

Tsundere girls, I think, are just people who can't be honest with themselves. It can be cute at times, but for the most part it's annoying. I blame J.C. Staff and Rie Kugimiya for that line of thinking.
>> No. 977 [Edit]
Tsundere just because when they dere, they dere hardcore
>> No. 979 [Edit]
Ah yes, the great Yandere vs Tsundere debate, with occasional mentions of the Kuudere. Each archetype has its own limitation and strengths, some people prefering the juxtaposition of emotions represented by the tsundere, while others having a weakness for undying obsessive love on the yandere's part. Whatever be your whimsy, it is crucial to note that 'yandere' or 'tsundere' is simply an ill-defined and informal idea of a character archetype. Those who seek to create interesting and lovable characters should beware not to fall into the trap of ticking off a list of traits and end up creating a lifeless stereotype. Characters should be original and unique, and psychological traps should be subtle to hook the viewer while suspending disbelief.

I like the yandere though, and I'm somewhat a yandere myself.
>> No. 980 [Edit]
I had a feeling that this was going to derail into Yandere vs. Tsundere thread.

My personal preference may lean towards tsunderes, but I do have quite a lot of yandere tendencies myself.
>> No. 981 [Edit]
I don't really have a strong preference toward any of the great deres. I really like genki girls, though.
>> No. 982 [Edit]
Is that so, I really hate genki girls. They generally annoy me. I don't see the appeal in them.
>> No. 983 [Edit]
I must agree with this.

And I also like Genki girls. Generally.
>> No. 984 [Edit]
Yes. Despite my love for the Yandere type, I agree. In terms of artisticness and fiction, I agree that no character should be a blatant/obvious portrayal of either type.

I think that Yuno of Marai Nikki fame has already epitomized the Yandere type enough to make authors attempt to add some variety to the type. I'm sure that tsundere, kuudere, dandere, whatever else could also be cited in an identical context.

It is fine to have a purely stereotypical character as long as SOMETHING is keeping the interest of the audience.
>> No. 985 [Edit]
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A specific type of genki girl, mind you. Like Erika/Cure Marine from Heartcatch Precure. Energetic and fun, but not overbearingly extroverted "WHY AREN'T YOU BEING SUPER HAPPY?" type of girl. The kind of genki girl that actually has character development, and isn't there just for comedic relief or to act stupid. A strong friend; one who's always there to cheer you up. Maybe they're a rare breed, but I always latch onto and adore girls with that personality in anime.
>> No. 987 [Edit]
File 129456165845.jpg - (455.17KB , 700x3000 , Tenshi:Yukari rain.jpg )
>What kind of dere do you seem to be mostly attracted to
>and does your waifu fall into that type?
>Is it one of those personality traits that influenced you in liking her?
Sort of. Since much of Tenshi's personality comes from fanon, she can be portrayed as anything from a typical tsundere, to a proud, tragic figure, to a bitch with no dere at all. I prefer characters who can't just be lumped into an archetype, and I like to pull inspiration from many of these interpretations, envisioning Tenshi more like, well... a spoiled rich girl you'd see in real life. For whatever reason, I like her like that. The saving grace is canonically, she's more sheltered than mean, so think more along the lines of Clueless than My Super Sweet 16.

Of course, I don't like characters that are so complex they throw complete curveballs at you and get mad when you don't understand; that's what 3D is for.
>> No. 1015 [Edit]
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I have no strong affinity for any of the -dere archetypes, but I have a liking of -dere in general. when it comes to that, there is no pretense involved. She likes you. She knows it, you know it and that type of thing really keeps me at peace, I think. Since there is no frustration in terms of communication (or lack thereof!) or risk of other people getting injured or hurt. That's what I like about Miyako, I suppose. There is nothing else attached in that sense. She is just loving and happy. personally, I think that comes down to her creative spirit. It's always been my opinion that creativity spawns happiness. Whether it's music, writing, painting or anything, as long as they are genuinely creative, it will bring joy to yourself and others. This really shows. She's is absolutely radiant because of it. This probably brings about eccentricity, but personally, I like eccentric people like Miyako, since it always keeps things interesting. Since I am somewhat of an introvert, I seem to like extroverts. Someone who isn't shy, but not necessarily shameless either. Keeps things interesting and unpredictable. Since I crave routine, yet get bored with it, having someone to turn that routine on it's head is very therapeutic for me and keeps me from getting frustrated out of boredom.
I guess in summary, Miyako is the perfect girl for me!
>> No. 1055 [Edit]
i'm honestly not exactly sure which type of -dere shy would fall under. and yes, hanako does fall into the shy -dere type. it's actually what originally attracted me to her.

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