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File 129443078676.jpg - (194.75KB , 480x1237 , Orin the Corpse Collector.jpg )
956 No. 956 [Edit]
I had a strange dream last night. I was living with mai waifu, and I was eating dinner with her, sharing the same bed, etc. Typical wish fulfillment.

But she was a corpse.

She wasn't decaying, but she was definitely cold and dead. Our "house" was also more of a grey cell. The only window was behind her seat at the dinner table, and it poured in a soft stream of light, mostly falling on her. However, the weirdest part is that I was still perfectly happy, and it felt no different from having a waifu in real life. I don't think I even noticed she was dead for a while.

Your thoughts?
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>> No. 957 [Edit]
File 129443985285.jpg - (94.27KB , 1003x1269 , 13140447.jpg )
Grey cell represents Tohno-chan. While you're trapped here and can't escape it's also a sort of safe house with nothing here to worryy or bother you. Her not decaying means you're stuck in a state of limbo without able to move forward in life, as if time no longer passes for you. Your love interest being dead means your heart is closing itself off and you're slowly becoming unable to feel any emotion at all, even if you were happy at the time.

I dunno, I'm just making this up as I go. Sounds like an interesting dream though.
>> No. 958 [Edit]
File 129444152177.jpg - (168.95KB , 870x1244 , f567515bb8122b31fa64a23760b9ba3b.jpg )
Maybe she was dead because you're worried she's not alive. The grey cell could symbolize the life you're living now, that you might be growing bored and weary of. And who could blame you.
>> No. 959 [Edit]
>Your love interest being dead means your heart is closing itself off and you're slowly becoming unable to feel any emotion at all, even if you were happy at the time.

That's what you would think, but the reality is the opposite.

>Maybe she was dead because you're worried she's not alive.

Also makes sense, but then why was I still happy?
>> No. 960 [Edit]
File 12944489413.jpg - (729.16KB , 1280x1024 , [AnimePaper]wallpapers_Shoujo-Kakumei-Utena_Bellda.jpg )
>Also makes sense, but then why was I still happy?
You might have conditioned yourself to feel good when you see her, and you could be ambivalent towards her; perhaps seeing her not only as someone you love, but also as someone keeping you down, something like an addiction.
I'm no expert at psychology, so I'm probably wrong, this is just an idea.
>> No. 962 [Edit]
File 129445246633.jpg - (508.00KB , 675x1024 , touhou1237691571773.jpg )
>You might have conditioned yourself to feel good when you see her, and you could be ambivalent towards her; perhaps seeing her not only as someone you love, but also as someone keeping you down, something like an addiction.

This is probably not too far from how it could really be.

Personally, when it comes to dreams, I tend to think of them in terms of the sense that they are random and the interpretation you're reading says more about the interpreter than the dreamer.

That being said, with the multitude of opinions offered, it shouldn't be too hard to find one that meshes with what you feel is true. It may be the case that your infatuation with 2D is running its course and you are going to need a little more of something to support yourself psychologically? Again, this is just a tipsy guess that probably says more about me than you.
>> No. 966 [Edit]
>You might have conditioned yourself to feel good when you see her, and you could be ambivalent towards her
I sure hope not, considering that's actually what happened. I basically forced myself to love her (long story, I've already written it in other threads), yet people can develop genuine feelings for something they previously didn't care about. But of course, it might be that deep down, I don't love her as much as I think I do.

Yeah, my friend said this is why Freud, Jung, etc. aren't really taught in psychology classes anymore; each scientist influenced his patients with his own biases, which skewed the results so his theories always seemed right.

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