No. 9754
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This is an interesting question!
Jumping straight to a crime like murder: My Remi, I like to think, wouldn't hesitate to kill, she is a vampire after all. So if I murdered someone, I don't think it would bother her unless it was somebody like one of my family members who I care about (and I really don't see myself ever harming my family). Even then, if I had a good enough reason for doing it I think she'd let it slide.
I like to imagine sometimes the two of us going out at night and getting drunk on blood together.
For other crimes such as stealing or whatever, again, she isn't human, she doesn't even live in this world, she feeds on the blood of the living to sustain her undeath, I don't think it would bother her.
I think the key is that if it doesn't bother me, it wouldn't bother her.
It's not like my vision of Remilia is all dark. Normally she isn't like that. But I do think that a vampire fundamentally is a creature of evil, so she has that side to her.