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File 133971840682.jpg - (120.18KB , 1024x576 , Happy Birthday.jpg )
9344 No. 9344 [Edit]
It is now precisely 12:00 a.m., June 15th, Greenwich Mean Time. Happy birthday, Kitsu-san!
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>> No. 9345 [Edit]
Celebration! Ha~ppy birth~day!
>> No. 9346 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 9347 [Edit]
File 133972201081.jpg - (74.93KB , 848x480 , Cake Smoothies for Everyone.jpg )
Thanks! I'd cut you all a slice, but I'm not sure how many people are here.
>> No. 9348 [Edit]
Happy Birthday! How do you plan to celebrate?
>> No. 9362 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 9363 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!

I hope there is lots of fun.
>> No. 9365 [Edit]
File 133980122321.png - (1.29MB , 650x1600 , Photogenic Kitsu-san.png )
Left to my own devices, I'm actually a very disorganized and messy person. So, today, I've been doing my best to tidy up around the house.

Yes, I'm celebrating her birthday by cleaning up. I'll be re-reading some of the manga later, but for now, there's still a lot of work to be done!

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