No. 8916
Okay, this issue is one that I have encountered.
The feeling that you have something so great that you have to express it.
You see, this feeling works like a bathtub in which water is poured on, the feelings (input) that you recieve/create fills the "bathtub", and if those feelings don't have a way out they will accumulate untill the water reaches it's limit and pours on the floor, so you have to create a way to let those feelings out in a way that they don't cause you problems, an output.
The output has to be something created by you that you give it to someone or some thing. Since the first option to give it to someone is discarded, let's try about giving it to some thing.
A good examples of activities that could help your problem are:
-Open a notepad and write EVERYTHING about her untill you tire yourself out, her traits, what do you feel for her, what does she mean to you, what do you love about her...
-Draw her, make all the drawings that you can make about her.
-Like it has already been mentioned in this thread, rant at your heart's content without any audience.
Just try some ways to express your heart without having to deal with other's opinions, it will make you feel better, trust me.