No. 8926
Status symbol? I'd look at it another way. Everyone is conditioned by society to believe that certain things such as having a significant other are normal. Make no mistake this includes most of us here, the difference being we choose to approach the issue from an alternative perspective. In my opinion it's quite likely that, yes, there's a good portion of people out there genuinely interested in romance, but another sizeable chunk get involved in relationships, get married, have children, etc., because it's what you're "supposed to do" and they feel they'd be ostracized by their peers otherwise. I dunno if I understand a significant other being referred to as a "status symbol" unless they aggrandize their partner in some way, maybe more attractive or wealthier...otherwise what is there to show off? Intelligence, perhaps? Desirable for sure but not really a trait in a partner that would make someone feel self-important. It seems to me most people end up dating someone on their own level of attractiveness and social standing, so there's usually no prestige boost from it anyway. In general though, the societal pressure to be in a relationship is ridiculous. How many people do you know who would view a 50-year old, never married man as normal? Regardless of his actual circumstances. I think the automatic assumption is flawed, not everyone needs nor wants a traditional relationship...and I'm glad to see more and more people in mainstream gradually acknowledging this.
To OP, thank you for the essay. It was a pleasant read and I always like to hear other people's opinions on this subject. Cute picture too. Personally, I don't have a waifu (or whatever you choose to call them) and it is something I've been struggling with on and off for a while. I'm totally open to the idea, and actually sort of had one for a while, but I eventually realized my heart was not in the right place when it came to that particular person. The approach to this situation is definitely not something a person should undertake lightly, I believe. Another thing I fear is whether I'm even capable of properly loving someone. Aside from what we could call moderate passion, I've never really felt strong emotions for somebody, most likely not love. Although I'm sure this is something spontaneous that begins to grow when the circumstances are right and the person is right, I've yet to experience it. I'm still hopeful it will work out for me in the future.
Post edited on 2nd Apr 2012, 5:20am