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File 129403257320.jpg - (53.22KB , 704x480 , 1288588880210.jpg )
862 No. 862 [Edit]
Would you feel bad if you had an erotic dream of your waifu?
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>> No. 863 [Edit]
I would say so.

then again, KS is an eroge, meaning that i'm going to get lewd with hanako one way or another. i'm not looking forward to it, but then again 2 people who fall in love are bound to do it eventually. how do you think you got here...
>> No. 864 [Edit]
Depends on the context.

If it was something filled with love then yeah.

If, however, it was LOLJACKHAMMAH, toys, or 3some bullshit, then no.
>> No. 865 [Edit]
>If, however, it was LOLJACKHAMMAH, toys, or some bullshit, then no.

should have added in my comment.
>> No. 866 [Edit]
I'd feel like shit, I think. I mean, my waifu is a pure, unblemished being, and I don't want to defile her. I'm assuming she's had sex before, but to me, she retains a special kind of Miya-exclusive purity, and I don't want to break that with a sex dream or by fapping to her.

Too ironic...
>> No. 867 [Edit]
I'd feel disoriented either way wondering what the fuck was I dreaming about. It'd make me feel bad because I associate her with an aura of purity. Even when I look at ecchi pictures of her, I feel compelled to hug her.
>> No. 869 [Edit]
No. I would enjoy myself greatly.
>> No. 871 [Edit]

Who says she can't still be 'pure'?
>> No. 873 [Edit]
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Though depending on the fanon interpretation, she might like that.
>> No. 880 [Edit]
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If it develops well, it could be a blessing: I prettty much beg to my fucking brain, every single night, to give me the bliss of dreaming about any kind of sensorial/realistic situation shared with Asuka (and how could I not want to? the girl is ravishingly beautiful, for godsake). Yet, based on experience, it might be actually sorrowful; for my erotic dreams tend to get always weird and abstract, somehow reflecting my own perennial conflicts with women, sex and love...

But it still could be interesting, regardless; dreaming weird/complex stuff can be fun to grasp.
>> No. 886 [Edit]
Depends on the content of the dream.

My subconscious seems like it's hell-bent on causing me suffering so chances are I'd feel damn near suicidal after what it would show me, but provided it was a nice sort of scenario, it would probably give me a lot of strength in the long run as well as me greatly enjoying the dream itself.
>> No. 887 [Edit]
There are no set rules for this kind of thing, don't let other peoples opinions make you think that having erotic thoughts about a 2d character is horribly wrong. 2D love is not a god damn religion and its silly to take it like it is. It is a kind of life style and choice, but it really doesn't matter. You shouldn't feel bad about erotic thoughts about your waifu any more then you feel the horrible guilt of masturbating due to it being a sin against god.

tl;dr. No
>> No. 888 [Edit]
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>> No. 890 [Edit]
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I've had a few dreams about Osaka, some more erotic than others. I had them when I was in a phase of tying to pull off lucid dreaming. The result caused me to have frighteningly realistic dreams about my waifu. I wrote them down in a word document, which helps you remember your dreams. here's one dream:

I dreamed I was walking down a dark, creepy subway tunnel. It was similar to a level from the video game F.E.A.R. Files. In fact, it probably was, since Alma comes out (the young one in the red dress). As I got near the corner, Alma Wade slowly emerges her head from around the corner. A scary, low humming noise, like a choir humming a deep chant, begins to play as Alma walks out. Thankfully, in this dream, I can alter it. It must have been lucid. I panic and say, in the dream, “OSAKA! OSAKA! OSAKA!” My voice sounds muffled and faint, perhaps because I was hearing it while asleep in the real world. I say Osaka because she is my waifu, and I hoped that Alma would turn into her.

Alma begins running towards me Naruto/Sonic style, with arms behind her and head leaning forward. The humming noise grows in volume as she speeds up. I frantically scream Osaka’s name at the top of my lungs. I am scared tremendously. Thankfully, Alma transforms into a baby version of Osaka as she jumps at me only feet away. The scary humming noise, then almost deafeningly loud, suddenly turns into an Azumanga Daioh song. It was either the theme song: “Cake of Mishaps” (or whatever it is called) or “You mean During the Break?” I wasn’t sure as it sounded slightly far-away and muffled, just like my voice. I am tremendously happy that Alma transformed
>> No. 891 [Edit]
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And here's another. They are quite long in my word-doc, so I'll give you condensed versions.

I awoke in my dream, yet still dreaming. I looked at my hands to do a reality check. Upon believing the dream was lucid, I said Osaka's name, and almost before I got her whole name out, she appeared at the foot of my bed.

I couldn't believe she was standing right there! They joy was overwhelming. I was so happy. She walks around my bed and crawls on. Her weight makes the bed sink in and springs creak. She lays on top of me, and I feel so in love with her and at peace. She smiles and comes in for a kiss. Our lips connect, and soon we begin French-kissing. But as soon as that starts, everything turns to darkness and I assume the dream ends. I am disappointed I couldn't get more erotic with my love Osaka.
>> No. 892 [Edit]
For what it's worth, guys, Melatonin sometimes gives you more vivid and memorable dreams. It won't help you control your dreams or anything, but you'd have a "stronger" dream and remember it. It also doesn't work every single night, you'll still have some nights where you don't feel like you've experienced a dream.

(It's a supplement that can be found at most U.S. grocery stores, I don't know about other countries.)
>> No. 893 [Edit]
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And another. I have a few that aren't erotic, so I won't post them, since OP specifically said erotic dreams. If anyone is interested, tell me, and I'll post my non-erotic (but still very interesting) dreams about Osaka. I will say that osaka turns into the "soup in a cup" guy and saves me from Snow Plow Man's truck from the Nick movie "Snow Day."

Anyway, I had a dream that I walked into my dorm-room (this was when I was in college) and Osaka is naked, lying on my bed. I get naked too and crawl on top of her. I penetrate her and have sex. It was so warm and felt good that I swore it was real. I am extremely horny and in pleasure, so I am about to come in about 5 seconds already. When I am just about to come, like, my cum is en route to Osaka's uterus, Osaka's eyes turn into the display of my alarm clock, and she starts singing the song that came on my radio. Even stranger was that her voice was the voice of the singer from the song. I wake up in the real world with a diamond-hard boner, frustrated that my alarm interrupted my amazing dream.

And that's really all.
>> No. 896 [Edit]
If that happened to me, i'd need to change my pants.
>> No. 898 [Edit]
Wow those were really interesting to read. Thanks~
>> No. 901 [Edit]
>I had them when I was in a phase of tying to pull off lucid dreaming

Well, seems like you got some results, didn't you? was it learned from a guide/link pic you could post now?
>> No. 902 [Edit]

Don't even think about taking pills. Just eat food containing melatonin and you'd end up with stronger, vivid dreams.
>> No. 932 [Edit]
It really depends what the dream was about. If it was something really terrible that my mind just made up; say something really fetishist or maybe even NTR, I would feel terrible. Thankfully, I never have dreams anymore and when I do it's really just some weird slideshow of plants.

I did have a few dreams about my waifu, and I have to say; they were really nice. A date in the mall, and other things like that. Never anything erotic though.

I don't know why, but my subconscious is also hellbent on making me suffer. Sometimes I unwillingly imagine things that I don't want to just because. It sucks.
>> No. 941 [Edit]
I had a dream where I WAS Haruhi. It wasn't very interesting, Mikuru handed me a really ugly sweater and I instantly woke up, and that's all I remember.
>> No. 942 [Edit]
Sounds almost as exciting as Endless Eight! のヮの
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
I can only recall two erotic dreams.

I feel bad about only having had two!
>> No. 1169 [Edit]
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I had a dream the other night where I was Mikoto (not really my waifu, but one of my favorite hentai girls). I was strapped to a bed, and there was a few weird demon-looking guys talking about how much they wanted to rape my ass. My subconscious is apparently insane
>> No. 1191 [Edit]
Why would you? Unless you were sexually degrading them (without their consent) it's nothing but an expression of your love and a healthy part of any relationship.
>> No. 1192 [Edit]
I never have normal, fulfilling dreams about my waifu at all, unfortunately. Whenever I have lucid dreams hoping to meet her, I just end up calling her name over and over again, hoping she'll come to save me from my hellish dream world.
She never does.
Since I usually have horrible false awakenings/sleep paralysis, I try to avoid lucid dreaming. Whenever I try to dream about her, it ends in so much disappointment. If only I could have a peaceful dream where we go out on a date or something, it would make me so incredibly happy. I hate going to sleep knowing we won't be able to spend time together.
>> No. 1199 [Edit]
No, not really. Then again I barely have any dreams at all, and even then few of them feature Miku, sadly.

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