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File 132843295628.png - (217.91KB , 600x800 , JM_01.png )
8291 No. 8291 [Edit]
I psoted this on the old /mai/, remembered it now and thought I'd share it. A short comic.

Expand all images
>> No. 8292 [Edit]
File 132843304799.gif - (33.31KB , 600x800 , JM_02.gif )
>> No. 8293 [Edit]
File 132843309764.gif - (31.15KB , 600x800 , JM_03.gif )
>> No. 8294 [Edit]
File 132843314324.gif - (31.38KB , 600x800 , JM_04.gif )
>> No. 8295 [Edit]
File 132843317932.gif - (32.04KB , 600x800 , JM_05.gif )
>> No. 8296 [Edit]
File 13284332147.gif - (30.96KB , 600x800 , JM_06.gif )
>> No. 8297 [Edit]
File 132843324176.gif - (33.59KB , 600x800 , JM_07.gif )
>> No. 8298 [Edit]
File 132843326811.gif - (33.71KB , 600x800 , JM_08.gif )
>> No. 8299 [Edit]
File 132843329021.gif - (30.70KB , 600x800 , JM_09.gif )
>> No. 8300 [Edit]
File 132843331359.gif - (35.89KB , 600x800 , JM_10.gif )
>> No. 8301 [Edit]
To quot someone from the same thread on old /mai/

"Rule #1: if you ever do meet your waifu irl, NEVER try to rape her, thats just stupid."
>> No. 8302 [Edit]
I remember that rule... it got imprinted on my brain.
>> No. 8303 [Edit]
Story had good start but in the end it was really disgusting. Not because the bad end, because main character just wanted to fuck her.
>> No. 8304 [Edit]
Hard to believe the guy actually loved her, when he tied her up as soon as he saw her, ignored most of what she said, and tried to rape her.
also hard to believe she could see anything in a guy like that, really, she doesn't even look like she believes the things she's saying in some of those frames.
>> No. 8307 [Edit]
"Hey, let's make a comic about a lonely nerdy guy who is obviously an emotionally stunted manchild and whose only idea of 'love' is behaving like a clumsy sexual predator!"

Talk about stereotyping...
>> No. 8329 [Edit]
If you need to be reminded not to rape your waifu, then there's a problem.
But honestly, this is one of the most disgusting things I've read.
I...I just... I don't know anymore.
>> No. 8330 [Edit]
I think a lot of the people on /a/ (or other sites) who have waifus, would possibly do the same as the guy in this comic.
I remember back when I visited /a/, a lot of people would claim that a waifu was a character they fapped the most to or most wanted to fuck.
>> No. 8331 [Edit]
Please, don't exaggerate.
And don't confuse the seasonal idiot and the serious waifulover.
>> No. 8332 [Edit]
A shit comic by a shit person. At least he was kind enough to put up that cute GIF up in the left corner.

So Marin is from the Zelda series then?
>> No. 8334 [Edit]
I ain't even reading that shit
>> No. 8350 [Edit]
File 132861186761.jpg - (517.44KB , 600x834 , 6a5a70bd5a7b7382cbb7e0c6d3f2f174.jpg )
For all that was profane and holy, I can't even bear to read the comic. I mean, my own waifu can't even give me a boner, and I find this goddamned portrayal disgusting.
>> No. 8351 [Edit]
Just goes to show how much the site has grown, comparing the amount of posts the thread gets now, compared to back then.
>> No. 8356 [Edit]
This angers me greatly.
>> No. 8358 [Edit]
Sorry, but this is garbage, utter fail.The beginning was promising though
>> No. 8359 [Edit]
Speaking of ib4f is still down to this day
>> No. 8360 [Edit]
>Josh is a normal guy
>> No. 8362 [Edit]

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