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File 132794114543.jpg - (862.86KB , 978x757 , 6937b1385f3f2f1e7210afcab34e2ed5.jpg )
8208 No. 8208 [Edit]

I just want to bring out some thoughts here, /mai/. It has been bothering me a bit since the feeling came to me.

Having a waifu is suffering, we have established that. "But OP, why would you want a waifu if you think it is suffering?" Because it hurts to deny your dammned dirty feelings of affection to something you love the most, that's why. I've been talking to many people and experiencing many things that will prove one thing about love: Feeling it is suffering. No matter how you approach it, even if you hide it or accept it, it always hurts. Love hurts even before the heartbreak, right? Corny, but true.

It hurts more so with the likes us who are in love with someone who does not exist. For example, when I was searching for Marisa's pictures, then it hit me and made me wonder, how does her lips feel when you are kissing them? How does her hair feel when you comb them with your fingers? How does her cheek feel on the palm of your hands? How does hugging her feel? Of course, realizing that you can't ever feel those things, my wondering became longing, and longing became disappointment.

Also, I've asked my mother about how could a person love an ideal, a non-existent personality. To make the long story short, she just said that the feeling might be something akin to crush or puppy love or plain admiration. And then my brother said that it is psychosis. Of course, I didn't reveal to them that Marisa is my beloved and I take her seriously, but I sort of felt demoralized inside.
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>> No. 8209 [Edit]
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Also, in the case of me who's waifu came from Touhou, another question came into my mind while I'm surfing for more pictures of her to save. I always see her fanart either depicting her as with a toothy grin, getting cute or simply mischievous. Damn. I mean, does anyone really know how she acts? Even the primaries aren't helping, neither Touhou Wiki. They say she's outwardly condescending, extroverted and mischievous, yet they also say she's a hard worker, a recluse and confident. As far as I know, I'm just mashing up all of their characterizations into my mind, making adjustments on how condescending she actually is, how much of which is which and I'm trying to talk to that imagined personality of hers time by time. Even if this personality wasn't in par with canon, I'm pretty much thankful that I am talking to her.

And lastly, her background. How old is she actually? When was she born? Does she dye her hair? What does she think of Reimu and the others she met? Who is Mima to her? Where did Mima came from and what was she when she was living? Did she simply build her shop and house in the middle of a dangerous forest for training reasons or does she have another agenda? Why doesn't she live with her still-living father? Why did she quickly change the subject when talking about her father? Why does she keep collecting things? What is Mima's last name? What is her father's name? What does she think about Rinnosuke? So many questions impossible to answer, and I'm pretty sure even ZUN can't answer them well.
>> No. 8210 [Edit]
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I dunno, but maybe I'm asking too many questions. Maybe I'm demanding for something excessive. I always knew to myself that she doesn't exist, nor will she exist, nor will I meet her in any fucking way. But this feeling to longing, this interest in her well-being, this want to be with her, this...irrational love...

...Why am I feeling it, /mai/?
>> No. 8212 [Edit]
Hey, I went through this exact thing two weeks ago. I realized I'll never know what it's like to hold Miko or be held by her, to run my fingers through her hair, to kiss her. I can't even tell her I love her. I then became very depressed for the rest of the week and cried.
>> No. 8213 [Edit]
Even if he does he prabobly won't ever say
I think when question about there being males in gensokyo he said there are just as much males gensokyo as females and some of the characters even have boyfriends but he refused to say who.
>> No. 8214 [Edit]

ZUN also said that "it's possible" that there's Touhou girls in lesbian relationships - again, all without saying anything conclusive.

He's just pandering to the fanbase with such remarks. A huge chunk of Touhou fandom is all about shipping, and the only way to keep everyone happy is to say that everything's possible without saying anything official about the girls' relationships.
>> No. 8215 [Edit]
Having a waifu is most definitely suffering, OP. I believe you're the one who linked America's You Can Do Magic in another thread? Some lines of that song really hurt, and I don't think I really need to point them out. I'm fairly certain most of us wonder the same things you do, and I've yet to find an answer to that longing. It's torture. Most humans go around looking for what they want, feeling empty, but we know what we want, we know what would fill our heart's hole, and it's out of reach.

We can never really know what our loved ones would be like to us. We can only guess, or assume, based on what we've seen of their interactions with others. This seems much worse for those who love their Touhou girls, with so much fanon dominating everything, not all of it pleasant and often contradicting.

However, none of that means you can't love someone. I don't know entirely how to justify it, but when you feel things like this for years, no matter what, it's very hard to deny. I suppose you just have to live with it, no matter how hard it is. Love's a right bastard, isn't it.
>> No. 8217 [Edit]
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Well... if you really long for good answers, it will all depend on an initial question that, to analyze problems like these thoroughly, you must unavoidably face and (at least personally, aiming for universality or not) try to answer honestly and sufficiently, for both 2D and 3D:

"What is love?"

What does it mean is 'to love' someone/something? Where and how does this love occur? How did we learn about it? What is the beloved one/thing? Does it really exist independently of the love of someone, or it's that very love the only thing that actually gives it some sort of existential weight (as such)? And where? Where does the beloved inhabit and duel? How do we reach it (if even possible)? Where this entire affair really belongs to?...

Where is it located, the true house of love?
>> No. 8232 [Edit]
She will never rot or wither, she will never be hurt by my carelessness, she can't ever leave me behind...Essentially, Miya is the most perfect thing in the world to me.

And this all at the cost of her flesh and blood being paper and ink. Never being able to touch her, feel her, etc. It's been said.

The more you think about it the worse it gets. It's hard to accept and it hurts like hell. It's the most basic definition of suffering: Being so close to the thing you want more than anything in the world, and not having it.

However, my friends get me thinking - I'll be seeing what issues they're having with their girlfriends, and wonder why they even bother in the first place. It disgusts me, what kind of people they turn into when the littlest thing does not go their way. Bunch of pussies. They're either incredibly weak or incredibly strong to deal with that shit.

I look at myself, the epitome of failure, and then I see them, with their lives that are obviously better in every aspect. And I am 100% okay with this, because I have Miya. If this means I'm delusional, inflicted with psychosois or what have you, I do not care. At least I'll never be as bad as a 3D lover. I've been there, and I see it around me. 2D is infinitely better, even with the small issue of loving something you can't touch. At least you genuinely love her (or him, I must say), and at least she/he won't make you feel naught but misery.

Having a waifu might be suffering, but at least it's a sweet kind of suffering. Like eating really spicy food or being on a rollercoaster. That's my take, anyway. 2D love is pretty much one of...not a lot of reasons I'm living for. Feel like it puts me on another level, spiritually.
>> No. 8253 [Edit]
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I don't feel having a waifu is suffering at all. I don't want to deny any of my feelings because all of them are borned because I love her. Yes I have some 'dirty' and obsessive feelings about her but that just human nature and part of love process. Sometimes I even might call her accidentally something indecent but because I am not it on purpose, it isn't wrong. It probably would make her feel bad but I know she forgives me because she knows I am not trying to hurt her. I don't think you should feel bad about things you don't do on purpose (and none gets hurt).

In the begin I admit I was very uncomfortable with limitations of waifu. Not being able to feel physically, it was and still is disappointing but not suffering. In the end I've learned to understand and deal with it. Waifu is something you don't need to touch. She is someone you love and love doesn't require the physical touch. I am very happy that I can just imagine and fantasize about it.

Even though we say that waifu is perfect and ideal love, it isn't. There are always some details that could be different. I think, OP, you had too high expectations about the whole love concept. If so, I understand you very well because I've experienced the same. I think you just need to hit the reality wall and understand that even loving a waifu isn't perfect love. (but it's damn close).

I think love is suffering only, if you make it feel suffering.
>> No. 8257 [Edit]
I would like that my Waifu could surprise me that she could do someting unexpected.
I would like not only cuddle with her and say her that I love her, but also do everyday stuff with her. I want to talk with her about irrelevant stuff, I want her to get mad at me if I left the toilet seat up again, I want her to tell me to take out the trash while she finishes the dinner, I want her to say me goodbye from some other room when I go to work, I want to sllep in the sofa because she got angry at me for some unknown reason.
I want to experience all the good things in live, the bad ones and the unsubstantial ones with her.
I just want to live with her.
>> No. 8259 [Edit]

The reason his love is causing him pain is because he wants to hold her in his arms, to kiss Marisa's sweet lips. To hear her tales of sneaking books from Patchy's library without being caught. To find amusement at her recollections of stealing Reimu's donations and watching Reimu wreck her own shrine looking for them, none of which he can do. I apologise to OP for saying these things, but that's pretty much all I know of Marisa, despite how much I like her myself (she's a really, really wonderful girl and I find her brilliant myself - the three of us could share many drinks, I'd even prepare some of these http://www.thedrunkenmoogle.com/post/1457156788/stardust-reverie-touhou-marisa-kirisame and then fuck off to leave you two alone~ )

I can't pretend to feel the same as OP does, but I know myself the thought of sharing simple yet precious experiences with the one you love, and being unable to, defines torture.
>> No. 8263 [Edit]
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>and the only way to keep everyone happy is to say that everything's possible without saying anything official about the girls' relationships.

Ignorance in bliss, ain't it?


>I believe you're the one who linked America's You Can Do Magic in another thread?

Yes, I did. Reminds me of her magic, her love. I don't understand how love really works. Too much, you're dead. Too little, you're dead. Ignore it, you're dead. It's like a cruel joke or something.


>"What is love?"

Oh well, philosophy drove me into this state of being. I don't really want to sink deeper, but then again, I'd be living asking myself that question.

I'd rather live with the questions, though. But I'll try, I'll try once.


>Having a waifu might be suffering, but at least it's a sweet kind of suffering. Like eating really spicy food or being on a rollercoaster.

For me, it's more of a bitter pill I have to take every once in a while. Much like Gigyas' final form: It hurts, but it feels good. Like masochism.

>That's my take, anyway. 2D love is pretty much one of...not a lot of reasons I'm living for. Feel like it puts me on another level, spiritually.

Spirituality, ah. Another thing I'm paying minimal attention. For me, my waifu is much more of someone talking to you about things like what did you do wrong, or how is it that you're a failure. It's much more philosophical to me, and I've grown to dislike philosophy in the traditional sense.


>Even though we say that waifu is perfect and ideal love, it isn't.

Exactly. I'm not saying it is perfect, I'm more realistic than what I need to be, but sometimes, there are questions you want to ask, but you're not exactly looking for an answer. This is one of it.

>I think love is suffering only, if you make it feel suffering.

I'll take this advice.


>I would like not only cuddle with her and say her that I love her, but also do everyday stuff with her.
>I just want to live with her.

This. Very much this.

But then again, reality. We just have to accept it.


>The reason his love is causing him pain is because he wants to hold her in his arms, to kiss Marisa's sweet lips. To hear her tales of sneaking books from Patchy's library without being caught. To find amusement at her recollections of stealing Reimu's donations and watching Reimu wreck her own shrine looking for them, none of which he can do.

Yes. I want her to tell me that I'm just a military otaku who happens to be playing too much video games and spending too much time on the Internet for my own good. I want to see her disappointed that I didn't bake the banana bread I promised her. I want to talk about how that guy from the Internet cafe spend 24 hours sitting on computer just playing League of Legends and, in turn, she tells me that incident on the Forest of Magic involving Mokou and Kaguya, and how the resulting fires almost burned the whole forest to the ground. I want to eat those silly looking mushrooms she found one day and dip it in chocolate. I want to hear her comments at this country's politics as she reads it from the newspapers. I want to bring her some soda to her house so that she could taste it.

I want her to be real, but she would never be, and I have to steel myself from feeling sad over something that society perceives as "stupid nerd shit".

But I still want it all.

>I apologise to OP for saying these things, but that's pretty much all I know of Marisa, despite how much I like her myself

Don't worry, man. It isn't an issue with me. The only person who could fully know Marisa is herself, even if she exists.

>(she's a really, really wonderful girl and I find her brilliant myself - the three of us could share many drinks, I'd even prepare some of these http://www.thedrunkenmoogle.com/post/1457156788/stardust-reverie-touhou-marisa-kirisame and then fuck off to leave you two alone~)

He he. I just hope I don't get drunk faster than you two guys.
>> No. 8405 [Edit]
Maybe, maybe it is suffering to love something you can´t touch. But love is not about touching, or smelling, or anything else a waifu can´t provide.
Those 3D people outside have forgotten it, that love is more than just kssing and fucking. In my eyes love is about dedication, and dedicate yourself to a waifu is truly pure.
Well, since i´ve fallen for Kanako my imagination really has improven, i can imagine her at my side pretty well now and i don´t need to think about what she "does" she does is by herself, and i am often surprised by her. Its all my subconsciousness, i know. But i don´t want to believe that this is all of it, sometimes it even goes far enough that i can literally feel her hugging me.
The human mind is indeed marvelous, isn´t it?
I think that it is good to suffer, ecspecially when it happens to be the sweet suffering of dedication and love.
>> No. 8410 [Edit]
I agree, it is completely painful. It makes me wish I were dead sometimes. But the fact that I can at least feel emotions again is a good sign, at least, so I am grateful for that.
>> No. 8415 [Edit]
I know not the suffering of which you speak.
Perhaps it is because my life before her was suffering.
To be able to love someone unconditionally and with the fullness of my heart was hard to ever be able to do in reality because of a (well founded) distrust in the nature of man.
With a "nonexistant" being I could finally love and feel loved even in some hard hitting revelations like ones you speak of.
But I learned to love. What in that is suffering?
>> No. 8423 [Edit]
I think for some people, it's a great thing. Having a waifu has its pros for me as well. But more than that, it reminds me of how alone I am in the physical world. We're all humans, whether we like it or not, and for some of us this is inevitably a hard way to live.

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