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No. 820 [Edit]
  Waifu-related sound and video.

This is a clip about the comparisons between Sofia's original VA (Minori Chihara) and her dub VA (Well, I don't know who the fuck she is).

Minorin's voice as Sofia makes me melt, she voices Sofia too well. She sounds perfect, too perfect to describe in mere words. It's as if Minorin was born to voice Sofia.

As for her dub VA, let's just say that I wasn't exactly dissapointed, but Minorin is superior and Minorin is what made Sofia sound so perfect to my ears. Oh, I'm literally dying just listening to her voice, it is so purely moe~
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>> No. 821 [Edit]
  only found 3 videos involving her ever. (4 if you count some bitch girl using her images in a vlog)

1 is just a typical japan noise mesh up of konata with the hair edited.
1 i posted in my new waifu image thread ;_;
And then this one.
>> No. 860 [Edit]

Were there any pictures in the vid that were new to you? I would assume with Kurokona there are less images to collect than the normal character, but that they're also harder to find.

Vid is my favourite so far.
>> No. 861 [Edit]
Na, there's only been one image of her i haven't seen and wanted. It was one posted by miyuki is mai waifu back in early 09 and searching found nothing.

http://green-oval.net/cgi-board.pl/a/thread/14598729#p14598942 It's this, two posts down has another, but i don't care for the images where they edit Kagami or anyone else's hair in addition
>> No. 874 [Edit]
File 129404180859.gif - (66.58KB , 450x450 , 21.gif )
This is the closest I can find. If it was posted by MIMW, he might have changed the hair color himself.
>> No. 875 [Edit]
well it was actually MiMWiMW and yeah, all 3 image searches done and that was the closest result ;_;
>> No. 894 [Edit]
Audio Nono & Topless Kouhosei Kashoutai - Fraternity Ryouka - (4.98MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 06-Fraternity Ryouka.mp3 ) Length: 5:26
This song came with the Top wo Nerae 2! Topless Drama! Drama CD as well as Nono's VA (Yukari Fukui) doing a karaoke version of ~Fly High~ which was originally sung by Noriko's VA on the Gunbuster OST.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
>> No. 1051 [Edit]
Audio Chihara Minori - Amaoto no Bale - (6.40MB - 184 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 07_ Amaoto no Bale.mp3 ) Length: 4:51
Hmmm, Minorin's singing voice sounds a little out of place for her songs. It doesn't feel quite like a natural singer, but it certainly isn't that bad, either. This is just one of the songs that I had from her albums. Out of all the songs in this album of hers, I couldn't stop listening to this particular song, however. Doesn't sound as cute, but still barely tolerable. Maybe it's because of my tolerance for such similar things.
>> No. 1101 [Edit]
  found this after a random search of hanako on youtube. I really liked the music box effect, and I sorta want to see if anybody makes custom music boxes so I can have this made.

also, if you look at the name of the youtube channel, it's actually made by the guy who originally wrote the KS music
>> No. 2257 [Edit]
  Not much in the way of videos of her. Some tributes and mainly gameplay of people battling her. I was pleasantly surprised when I found this.
>> No. 2274 [Edit]
  Her catchphrase. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

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