No. 8225
you're only serving to reinforce how hard it is to be a man, when you may end up being forced into having gay sex just to make ends meat (no pun intended)
one other thing about "men's weird cultural ideals about femininity" I forgot to touch on, but still pisses me off about this ignorent comment.
Men are just as much, if not more so, forced into cultural ideals about masculinity.
A masculine women would be called strong and independent by her peers, a 'real' women that men can't handle if anyone should show any disapproval.
if a man shows signs of femininity, he would most likely be laughed at, made fun of, and ridiculed by his peers, maybe even badly beaten by homophobes.
Men that show little interest in masculine things, like cars and sports and so on, are thought to be ashamed of this, and women will no have interest in them.
women generally want big strong manly men that can support them.
but if a man shows interest in weak girly women that can't support themselves, they're usually called pigs for it.
for that matter, women don't need to have any trace of femininity in order to acquire a mate, as proven in western culture, guys will still flock to women who look and act like men.
a man that looks and acts like a girl is only likely to attract other (homosexual) men.
The demands of women are very specific, generally tall, dark, handsome, and rich.
They all want a brad pitt clone or their very own sparkly vampire.
Just look at any formal event, you always see a sea of look alike men, all with similar black suits and hair cuts, women on the other hand have a rainbow of variety.
unless a man fits a certain mold, women aren't going to find him very desirable.
where as with women, no matter what shape or color they come in, men will always be interested, there are always guys out there with a fetish for whatever problem a girl might have, be it obesity, or horrible burn scars across half her body, even if she's a giant cunt, guys will still be interested.
and let us not forget the guys that will take anything they can get.
and you know, it's hard to bring this stuff up and talk about it, without people dismissing it as nothing but the whining of a pathetic loser.
There will never be gender equality, because our society will forever favor women.
we had quality before, men had apples, women had oranges, and it worked for thousands of years, women did their part, men did theirs.
but somewhere along the line, women decide they wanted both apples and oranges, while men get tossed the left overs.
Post edited on 31st Jan 2012, 8:57pm