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File 132441264028.jpg - (172.60KB , 720x865 , ruka.jpg )
7656 No. 7656 [Edit]
How wrong is it if my waifu is a man?
>> No. 7657 [Edit]
Are you expecting us to justify your choice? It's not like our business anyway.

Not at all, I guess.
>> No. 7658 [Edit]
Not at all, but it is a hasubando.
>> No. 7659 [Edit]
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
As a fellow trap lover, right on, bro!
>> No. 7660 [Edit]
>> No. 7661 [Edit]
Silly question. Now why would that be a problem? It's a character you love. If dimension isn't a problem, why should gender be one?
>> No. 7663 [Edit]
Fuck yeah! Ruka! Great taste! You have my approval! It's a huge shame the poor guy girl guy didn't get more screen time, though.
>> No. 7664 [Edit]
'es virtually a female anyway.
>> No. 7681 [Edit]
I don't see anything wrong with it if you're truly in love.
>> No. 7690 [Edit]
Why would it be wrong?

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