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File 129361081165.jpg - (154.67KB , 649x810 , 192029cfd5df532dff8bfd1f5ab5f3c4.jpg )
765 No. 765 [Edit]
Hello, everyone

I figured this would be the best place to debut. The word 'waifu' is misused and misunderstood quite often on larger imageboards (read:/a/), so I thought I would take it upon myself to write a short explanation and justification for the 'waifu movement'.

Let me know if it's just me spewing bullshit or if you think it's actually not terrible. I throw myself on your mercy.

Whatever critiques you have I would implement and eventually this would be used as a sort of one-stop-shop every time some newfriend runs his mouth off about something he doesn't understand.

Thanks for your time.

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>> No. 766 [Edit]
Link doesn't work?
>> No. 767 [Edit]
Seems that way, since all I get is a 403 page.
>> No. 768 [Edit]

Okay, trying something different.


How embarrassing.
>> No. 770 [Edit]
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While you do seem to a have a nice grasp of the overall concept, you lost me once you started specifically citing what a waifu can and can't be.

If someone wants there waifu to be nothing but the girl they fap to, let em.
>> No. 771 [Edit]
A nice read, and I suppose I agree for the most part, though I try not to think this seriously about the topic.
>> No. 773 [Edit]
I think the difference in opinion here is that the 'girl I fap to' is not generally regarded as the same thing as a waifu.
>> No. 774 [Edit]
Well you certainly put a good amount of thought into it and presented your points well enough, and of course I agreed with you for the most part as well. Good work.

I'm sure most people who truly understand the waifu concept would take offense to someone calling their favorite character to fap to their waifu. Especially here on Tohno-chan's /mai/, of all places.
>> No. 775 [Edit]
Surely it's not wrong to fap to one's waifu, though? Sex is a pretty natural form of love. It isn't necessary by any means, but it's not unusual. In fact, I feel semi-guilty when I don't fap to her, unless all I need to do at the moment is let off some steam and stress. In that event, I'd kind of be forcing it on her, and it wouldn't be intimate enough.
>> No. 776 [Edit]
I covered that in the essay.
>> No. 778 [Edit]
Not bad, but cut down on the religion-bashing: you can certainly show the correlation, but saying religion is inherently corrupt just alienates your audience for no reason.

>If you only claim you have a 'waifu' because you want to distract yourself from lingering desires towards 3D, you are a hypocrite of the worst kind. Think of how she might perceive it, or even of how a 3D female might. You are settling for her. This putrefaction of waifu by nature leads to a lack of belonging and purpose, for she is merely purposed to be a sham to shield you from your inability to fit in where you want, to romance where you need. Such a waifu will inevitably fail.

Whoa calm down man
>> No. 783 [Edit]
Probably depends on your own ideals and how you go about it.

Personally, if i ever decided to do so, i'd let myself go in my imagination and think of it as if i was doing the act with her. Things like gentle kisses, hand holding, making sure she's feeling it, etc.

Just going into the bathroom and fapping over the thought of her nude or being fucked as though you're watching it is just insulting.
>> No. 785 [Edit]
Wow... I... LOVED this.

Remarkably well-written and insightful, I need to take some time and digest this in order to respond.
>> No. 787 [Edit]
Interesting stuff, I thought you made some good points. Though I agree with >>778
about the religion-bashing. Most of it seems pretty unnecessary and takes attention away from your argument.
>> No. 788 [Edit]
I'll take my time to read this.
>> No. 790 [Edit]
>I'm sure most people who truly understand the waifu concept would take offense to someone calling their favorite character to fap to their waifu. Especially here on Tohno-chan's /mai/, of all places.

That's exactly what I am saying is dumb. Nobody truly understands the waifu concept perfectly, and the more people pretend to, the more pretentious it looks. Especially when the entire phenomenon sprouts from a form of media that is heavily fetishized. There are countless interpretations of the word, and until you contact oxford and get it in print, none will be more right than the other.

What matters is what is right to you, is it not? I almost get sick of people arguing over who knows what a waifu is and who doesn't, and sure here on tohno-chan most of this might ring true, but I dare say anywhere else that uses the word waifu would have some bone to pick. If you have a waifu you know it, that should be good enough of a definition for you. Yes we have a general kind of waifu relationship here on /tc/ that is more monogamous and affectionate than most places, but that doesn't make us right. Now we could all easily remedy this by only stating what the word waifu means to us, because trying to define the word for everyone in our style seems like elitism.

And honestly, OP's description fits me pretty well, I really respect him(and everyone who responded) for sharing his insight and opinion, I just happen to disagree.

Vote on prop 8 to keep the institution of waifu safe.
>> No. 791 [Edit]
You have a point about the religion bashing. It's not like I set out exclusively to hate on it, but to me it was important to enunciate the difference between it and a waifu, and how the difference in lifestyles makes determines the relative moral fiber of each. Still, I suppose I should tone it down.
>> No. 792 [Edit]
This is why I love tc. There are only a few places where a serious discourse on a subject like this is possible and there is no shortage of opinions.
>> No. 793 [Edit]
I don't mind the religion bashing, but it was a little too much.

I generally agree with nearly of all it. It pretty much describes myself.

As of now, I'm only bouncing off ideas. So don't take whatever I said too seriously.

>If you only claim you have a 'waifu' because you want to distract yourself from lingering desires towards 3D, you are a hypocrite of the worst kind. Think of how she might perceive it, or even of how a 3D female might. You are settling for her. This putrefaction of waifu by nature leads to a lack of belonging and purpose, for she is merely purposed to be a sham to shield you from your inability to fit in where you want, to romance where you need. Such a waifu will inevitably fail.

This is exactly what normalfags assume about people who have waifus. They believe that people who do have waifus 'settle down' with 'waifus' only because they have not found some kind of 3D lust. (Because to them, nothing is complete without sex and lust; they can't even differentiate between lust and love) Normals themselves have barely scratched the surface of the waifu concept when they assume they know everything. But mostly it is due to misunderstanding on their part.

Now what else that irks me is why so many normals have trouble understanding about having a waifu is that they think you have to be horribly bottom tier, literally around the level of a NEET or a Hikkikomori or some other horrible social disability (in other words, a complete loser) in order to have a waifu (which I assume that they have no other choice but to settle for a waifu).

How wrong they are. Anyone can get a 3DPD, just that there are obviously people who prefer 2D to 3DPD. Especially since if it weren't for me having a waifu or prefer 2D to 3D, I would probably be classed as a 'normalfag' aside from my occasional NEET-like behavior and my unemployment.

From what I know, most people with waifus (about 80-90%, Even 95% or 99%) see this as nothing more than some flavor-of-the-season/year/month or 'girlfriend surrogate' bullshit. They sure don't take their waifus seriously and see this all as a huge joke. Certainly, we should take it easy, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to take it easy. Compromising what our beliefs are only damages our position. But then again, one should not take the entire 'waifu movement' to refer to a single, united movement bound by the waifu concept. People like us are just a minority.

But a deeper concept of a waifu is that one's waifu reflects oneself and what are we deeply attached to the most. Our waifus (and by extension, harems) tell us something about ourselves that we won't be able to realize otherwise. (Though some might say, 'Oh no, I just happen to like mai waifu.')
>> No. 799 [Edit]
Here's a thought: Is it possible to condition/force yourself to take a waifu if you don't feel any particular connection to a 2D character?
>> No. 800 [Edit]
If you 'force' them on yourselves, you probably wouldn't love them or are just doing it to say you have someone special. If you're talking about building up feelings over time when having none to start with, I'm sure that's possible.
>> No. 802 [Edit]
It's impossible. Simply because one cannot force oneself to love what he does not necessarily love. That can't be love. If you can't feel a particular connection to a 2D girl, then there is no need for you to do anything. You just don't feel much love for 2D or haven't found your true waifu yet, simply because the concept of her isn't born or you haven't discovered her yet. Maybe time will tell, as feelings for a 2D girl do build up over time (but they might wane as well). Do you call forcing yourself upon someone else love?
>> No. 803 [Edit]
As much as this is lacking here and there, and in my opinion is a little high on pretentiousness (pretentia?) it's basically right. People can think for themselves and use the term however they like since it isn't defined, but this does define our usage of it as far as I can tell.

Although I'm starting to think this is getting a little out of hand with the psychoanalysing of the concept, no matter how true it is. From the outside, we're still creepy otaku who are so entranced in fantasy that we believe we love fictional characters. Never forget that, it's humbling, although sickening to think about.

No end to my respect for OP though, this effectively nailed me, and I'd guess a lot of us, on the head. Down to the reaction from a friend of mine, which was pretty much exactly as OP has down. "If they are close to you, they may fear
for your sanity and ask you to seek help, becoming personally upset and embroiled in your choice of
>> No. 805 [Edit]
In the end, this is pretty much why there should be no reason for anyone to 'come out' about their love for 2D to anyone they know. Although I don't like to lie and prefer being honest, but lying to normals about things like this is the best thing to do. I wish I could be honest to people, but it can't be helped. They'll never accept 2D love as being equal to 3D love. Most people claim that they are open minded, but they are close minded.

And part of this is because I do tend to imagine about alternate universes and planes of existence. And I do believe in an existence after 'death', as 'death' is not just the end, but just another beginning.
>> No. 807 [Edit]
Yeah, I naturally write pretentiously. It's a foible of mine.

And as for the not making your friends privy to the information, I assumed some here would know where I'm coming from, and you've proven me right. I included that due to my own personal experience.

When I was a few years younger and realised my complete lack of interest in 3D I attempted disclosure, and it ended in disaster. We still haven't spoken to this day. Nothing good will come of it.
>> No. 808 [Edit]
For what it's worth, I disagree that your writing is pretentious. "Intellectual," or at least "serious," might be a better fit. A more casual tone would, I think, somewhat undermine the content of your essay.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading it greatly. Well done.
>> No. 810 [Edit]
Speaking as someone who basically did force himself to love his waifu, absolutely. I had to go with my second choice after my first choice in a "claim your waifu" thread was taken, but now I'm glad I did. I love Tenshi far more than any waifu I had in the past. No, it's not a flattering story, but I think of it more like arranged marriage: even if you had feelings for someone else, it might turn out your fiancé was the better choice, and you didn't even realize until you spent more time with them.

I dunno, the more the serious you sound about something, the less credible you come across if the reader already finds the subject ridiculous. Since this essay is meant for people who are relatively new to the concept, they're going to think it's hilarious someone takes waifus so seriously.
>> No. 811 [Edit]
How curious. I understand how you can learn to like a character by immersing yourself in the series, but to go so far as becoming your waifu seems like a one in a million chance. But it's odd that you took something like a claim your waifu thread seriously in the first place.

Still, maybe it was meant to be.
>> No. 812 [Edit]
I still think of waifus as real girls, in that I never chose one unless there was some potential for compatibility. I wouldn't try to steal someone's girlfriend, and to me, trying for a waifu after she has been claimed is in a similar vein. Sometimes in life you have to go with your second choice, and while it's unlikely that it turns out to be the better option, it did for me.

I guess even my fantasies have to mix with reality. Kind of depressing, eh.
>> No. 814 [Edit]
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I respect your ability to delude yourself so fully. It is a feat I wish I could accomplish. no matter how hard I try, the only character I can attribute real life qualities to is my waifu.
>> No. 815 [Edit]
Ah what a pleasant read!

Quickly going though it I don't have any real major disagreements other then you seem to give off a "a waifu is this and only this" kind of mentality. The few that do take this seriously are a minority, but we love it and its fine that way. But I've found with some people who choose this "lifestyle" is that they're very bitter with the way most people treat 2D love. Hell I don't even like the term waifu that much since it gives off an instant "So and so is mai waifu ~<(^.^)<" vibe.

And there is NOTHING wrong with this, as they're usually just people having a little fun within the fandom. Doing no harm what so ever perhaps separating the term "waifu" from our type could be an option? I mean theirs nothing to be elitist about being involved in 2d love as you said its a lifestyle choice as you said, but it simply conflicts with what the majority associate the term waifu with. It would make things easier for all of us

I'm kind of rambling off on ideas now, but that's not a bad thing. Hell this whole thing is making me tempted to work on a little study I've had on the back burner for a while.

You've done good work here and you should feel good about writing it. I may do a bit more in depth look in the future
>> No. 816 [Edit]
The article seems to be mostly one person's opinion rather than something which has the potential to become widely regarded canon, the 'one stop shop' for newfriends to get acquainted with. It is not supported with examples and seems to be built mainly on assumptions. Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of it personally, but I can't agree with passing this off as a definative guide.
>> No. 817 [Edit]
True, most normals/newfriends will still probably laugh their asses off once they read this article. They're not going to take anything seriously, especially from us. They're still going to say 'LOL weeabos go get a gf or somthing.... loser weaboos... wifus.... LAWL'
>> No. 818 [Edit]
OP here

By the way, if anyone wants to download/edit this guide, feel free.

Actually, it might be better if others edit it rather than me, because I'm only one person and can only give one person's perspective. Like some people have been saying, this guide's range is rather narrow.
>> No. 831 [Edit]

I wouldn't really put this out as a guide just yet because its more centered around a single opinion on the phenomon. Its a good read but its doesn't really reflect everyone, only a tiny minority. Because of yours I'll probably do a a little write up of my own over the weekend and perhaps some others are interested. Then we can have a little collaboration and make something that can be tossed around for the times to come. It may seem silly but hey it'll be fun to write. I've been meaning to do some writings on the whole thing myself for ages but alas procrastination does terrible things.
>> No. 832 [Edit]
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To be honest, I've been organizing my thoughts on the idea of waifus. We are indeed quite a small minority within the sea of waifudom. Most who claim to have waifus just do it to either:
1) fit in to whatever subculture they are in (especially in /a/ and /jp/)
2) show what some flavor-of-the-month stuff they are into
3) show everyone who their 'favorite 2d female' is

Well, that's all whom I could think about for now. Mostly those who claim to have waifus are usually insincere (and often insecure) about it. Thus why people have those 'claim your waifu before anyone else claims her', 'X is MAI waifu, not yours', 'who is your XXXX waifu' or any of this type of nonsense.
>> No. 843 [Edit]
Just read it, and I agree fully; but I don't really think this guide will help anyone. Those that read it and have a different perspective will most likely stick to theirs or either force themselves to follow yours because it's "The rules".

That's just me though. I don't know why, but I kind of cried a little bit after reading it. It's as if someone actually knew how I understood; after keeping the "waifu" idea to myself after all these years, it really feels great to know that someone out there spent their time to type up an essay just for this.

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