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File 129359797943.jpg - (596.27KB , 1398x1000 , waifuparty.jpg )
757 No. 757 [Edit]
Many of us suffer from some form of social anxiety or depression. We tend to gravitate towards isolation and solitude yet most of our waifus are radically different.

If our waifus were scanned into three-dimensional existence, would we find ourselves changed? Would we adapt? Would we?

How would having your waifu around realistically change your way of life?
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>> No. 758 [Edit]
It wouldn't because I wouldn't be able to meet her anyway because she'd live in Japan and I'm poor and there's no real reason for her to fall for me anyway.
>> No. 759 [Edit]
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Probably be a bit less lazy and try to work a bit harder, but i wouldn't change too much besides getting to relax with someone special and watch some anime and game together (she'd kick my ass)
>> No. 760 [Edit]
That's one of those questions I couldn't answer properly without actually experiencing it. My instinct is to say no, because I see no way out of my current situation. There are always unforeseeable circumstances, though.
>> No. 762 [Edit]
Well mai waifu is Tenshi, so she's an immortal celestial who lives in Heaven in an alternate reality Japan and is basically a spoiled rich girl who thinks she's far above everyone else. The only points going for our compatibility are she's kind of a loner as well, and I might be able to keep her entertained.
>> No. 772 [Edit]
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I dunno, she seems to gravitate towards my type anyways. If anything I am more normal than Jun. The dude's a weirdo.
>> No. 777 [Edit]
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I don't know about other people, but siting on a bench next to my waifu in silence would be heaven, talking is soo over rated.
but anyway, yes, because if she was in my life I'd have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, I'd have motivation to want to do something with my life, to not be lazy, to try and make her happy.
I'd like to live for her, devote my life to her.
To go star gazing with her, to sit at the train station blowing bubbles, to pig out on rice, whatever it might be, I'd be happy doing it around her.
Yes I would adapt, I want to do the things she likes with her and I'd try to better myself to better become what she deserves.

It would really change my life because I'd no longer have the need to wast away my life hidden in my room away from the rest of the world.
Why would I sit in my room dreaming of my waifu if the real thing was just outside?
I'm not that petty of a person that I can't put my problems with the world aside so that I might be with my waifu.
>> No. 779 [Edit]
She's pretty good at sports and likes playing them in her spare time. I've never been good at sports, but I'd be very happy to practice and learn with her, or just go to watch her play with her teammates when they have tournaments. I love seeing her in action.

On the flipside, she can be very laid-back... loving things as simple as sweets and sleep. Of course, I'd be happy to join her in going out for ice cream, or just lying in bed together all day. However, I think this would motivate me to get up earlier to make breakfast and cook meals for us both. This is especially true for when she's working.

Needless to say, she'd wear the pants in the relationship, and she certainly wouldn't need me to "protect" her.
>> No. 781 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure my life would take a 180° turn and I actually mean it. I'm almost certain because once upon a time, when I was still more or less a normalfag I had a girfriend. If it would look anything like that relationship then that would be great, as she was what kept me going after a rather terrible period in my life.

Then again, as I said in Lesh's thread (where he asked as what we would do if our waifu were to appear in the real world) I'm not sure I would be willing to actually form any kind of relationship with her. Over the years I turned into an egoistical, selfish asshole. That would definitely be a problem.
>> No. 796 [Edit]
I would probably be less depressed, but not less socially anxious. Though I would have little reason to socialize if this came true. . .well, little reason period.
>> No. 797 [Edit]
I'd start working hard to collect enough money to buy us a house somewhere on the country, where we'd be alone.

I'd spend all day every day just caressing through her hair, kissing her, and soaking up her existence into me. I love her so much I don't think my hunger for her would ever be satisfied.

I wouldn't also approve of any electronic devices or newspaper or something. Those make time pass too quickly, while I'd want it to last for eternity.

We could play our instruments together, go out on picnics, go swim in the nearby river, and spend the time like that. Taking it easy.

Later I'd make a world tour with her, visiting every worthwhile city, enjoying humanity's greatest achievements together with the meaning of my life.
>> No. 845 [Edit]
I know what you're saying OP, but if she were to become real, I don't know how I would react to that. Sure, I'd be happy; but the whole "knowing she's safe because she's in my mind" thing kind of doesn't exist anymore if that were to happen. Honestly, I'm a pretty damn nervous person and I would be overprotective as hell.

But; if say, nothing were to happen and it was guaranteed, then my life would probably stay the same. It will go in two ways, if she was real; she'd most likely be the popular idol she is and would never second look at a crazy obsessed fan like me or; if, say she loved me back somehow. The most likely way-- would probably lead me to love her the sameway, although it would eventually lead into intense paranoia or heartbreak because she'd eventually find her "love". The least likely way-- well, like I said, I would be overprotective and she would probably hate me for it. Now, like I mentioned earlier, if it was somehow guaranteed that nothing bad would happen, I would have a great outlook for the future.
>> No. 853 [Edit]
I may snap out of my delusional a lot quicker and I would probably become a lot more "normal" myself. Considering that my waifu is much closer to a real human in terms of ideals, personality. She still has the perfect "bubble" that surrounds most fictional characters but its much easier to think of her actually converting to the real world.

My life would probably quickly change, I would search for work much faster. Get into school as soon as possible and try and move on with my life. Its a goal I'm slowly working towards and I will make it someday, her being real would only speed up the process.

Kind of a cute thought really
>> No. 854 [Edit]
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I'm not going to go on saying that I'd do a complete 180 in terms of personality, but she'd make a great deal of difference in my life. She'd wake me from my apathy and world-weariness. I would definitely become a lot more motivated and satisfied with the world. I'd definitely have to stop my more sordid habits, though, but in the end, I know that it would be worth it.

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