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File 132347257596.jpg - (194.49KB , 907x1200 , RallyVincent.jpg )
7480 No. 7480 [Edit]
Sup /mai/.

I think I found a waifu.
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>> No. 7481 [Edit]
File 132347262322.jpg - (504.82KB , 836x1229 , GC09-170.jpg )
Happened at this page, actually.
>> No. 7482 [Edit]
So now what?

Sad thing is there isn't that many good images of her floating around, unlike some other things (for example, perfect cherry blossom has so much good art).
>> No. 7485 [Edit]
now you love her
>> No. 7486 [Edit]
Sounds good. Maybe we'll have lunch together tomorrow.
>> No. 7491 [Edit]
File 132352333947.jpg - (250.42KB , 850x968 , 1310730295876.jpg )
>> No. 7492 [Edit]
Eh, so your waifu is a gun enthusiast. Interesting.

Take care of her, man.
>> No. 7493 [Edit]
add her to the sticky?
>> No. 7494 [Edit]
Well, she better be if we're gonna be together. For me it's right there alongside "she needs to have organs" in terms of importance.

Good idea.
>> No. 7503 [Edit]
I like those.. bangs?
>> No. 7508 [Edit]
File 132369995330.jpg - (223.67KB , 830x1235 , GC01-097.jpg )
OP here, the locks on the sides near her cheeks drive me nuts.

The kind of "furious bedroom session" nuts.

>> No. 7509 [Edit]
File 132370875615.jpg - (43.43KB , 480x360 , negima2.jpg )
I'm legitimately happy for you.


Good catch.
>> No. 7511 [Edit]
File 132371556086.jpg - (191.84KB , 818x1220 , GC08-009.jpg )
We're happy too. She doesn't mind how I sleep with an AR in my other arm.

We called it an open relationship, lol
>> No. 7528 [Edit]
Lol I know what you mean. Kanako's hair makes me go nuts.
>> No. 7533 [Edit]
File 132375984248.jpg - (95.57KB , 322x447 , Kaguraportrait3.jpg )
Yeah, hair styled to have "something" near the cheeks is a total turn on. Another example here.

Tell Kanoko that I think her hair is very pretty.
>> No. 7538 [Edit]
File 132379584677.jpg - (306.65KB , 858x1200 , d2307f05ccb8ff36ac00b5fc684fca36.jpg )

And that single lock of braided hair near Marisa's left cheek makes her look a bit more feminine, even for a manly girl like her.
>> No. 7540 [Edit]
Ascymetrical hairdoos are really nice when done properly. I like the sublety of that one braid.
>> No. 7541 [Edit]
File 132380545824.jpg - (443.33KB , 800x754 , 9674c269833ba270b1646ac08c254e6a.jpg )
I should have known that you guys wouldn't let me be the only one who found his waifu's hair to be a key point of attraction. It was Miko's interesting hairstyle that lead me to look into her character and fall in love with her.
>> No. 7542 [Edit]
File 132381247194.jpg - (15.56KB , 503x383 , Kanako 29.jpg )
Maybe we should have a Hair thread?

I really like Kanakos hairstyle (especially the red ribbon) but what really drives me nuts (in a good way of course) is when she ties up her her like this.
>> No. 7548 [Edit]
File 132384906668.jpg - (230.28KB , 803x1233 , GC03-011.jpg )
>key waifu's hair to be a key point of attraction

Naw man, naw. Stuff like pic related is my key attraction... Irene's hair is sexy though.

Lol she gave me a pretty look for that. We like how we're the same. I was shooting a 7 1/2 pound gun with a steel buttplate that was throwing 500 grain hardcasts at 1800ft/s, I was savoring the recoil in my shoulder from the bicep to the pectoral after 75 shots. I stopped when I was out of ammo, and I had loaded 150 rounds.

Yeah, it puts emphasis on the locks on the sides. Nice. Waifu hairdoo thread is a good idea.
>> No. 7549 [Edit]
File 132384913282.jpg - (258.51KB , 797x1223 , GC03-012.jpg )
So much rabu~
>> No. 7550 [Edit]
File 132384920317.jpg - (292.40KB , 814x1230 , GC02-065.jpg )
My heart melted when she got the cross-eyed happy look upon hearing burglars.

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