No. 929
>lord forbid, loving her as much or indeed more than I do. The latter I fear greatly.
I actually kinda know a guy who seems to care for Fate as much as I do, perhaps more, although unlikely that it's either because, honestly, it's to the point of madness. He's in an irc channel I'm always in, and I grab every chance to talk to him, although he's rarely actually active. I'm just a little scared to try and see just how serious he is, and I'm also worried about offending. I mean, I know if someone told me there was no possible way I care about Fate to the extent that I do, I'd be offended. Touching on personal things with other people has always been kinda difficult for me, but... the fact that he might be better than me, as a person, (read: more suitable for Fate) drives me insane when I think about it. There are a lot who aren't so serious, but claim to be, and that annoys me a little too. Actually, come to think of it, a lot of things I see annoy me. Half of Shitkaku Complex's articles involving Fate also anger or annoy me.
Don't get me wrong, I have lots of respect for the person I'm talking about, and for the other person here, who knows who he is, I guess, since I have no way of addressing him that doesn't pain me. As I've said god knows how many times on this board, I seem to have some sort of issues with my own subconscious mind. Can't do shit without feeling annoyed or guilty about it.