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File 129358505777.jpg - (195.92KB , 924x1348 , 1267411059857.jpg )
738 No. 738 [Edit]
Am i the only one who feels depressed when someone else likes your waifu?

I know many of them don't take it seriously but it pisses me off to know other person is having impure thoughts about here.

Pic not related, she is not my waifu i just had to post something.
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>> No. 739 [Edit]
File 129358562889.jpg - (178.90KB , 1371x2000 , 0dcd9d769254924ebd4f186ec2a27827.jpg )
I only mind when I see people claiming to fap to her which, thankfully, is almost never. If someone else has a pure love, I can't begrudge them.
>> No. 740 [Edit]
Yes, I do. It's frowned upon here to get worked up over someone else having the same waifu as you, but I can't help but feel protective of her, and I always doubt that someone who says they love her truly have feelings for her beyond "she's pretty". It's a natural reflex; I don't get why others here put it down.
>> No. 741 [Edit]
I know exactly what you mean. I get so damn protective of her, even though I know it's petty. I just can't stand the idea of anyone having impure thoughts of her or, lord forbid, loving her as much or indeed more than I do. The latter I fear greatly.
>> No. 742 [Edit]
I used to get jealous, but I find solace in knowing that know one loves her as much as I do.
>> No. 743 [Edit]
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I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think you can quantify love, everyone loves differently.
>> No. 744 [Edit]
i used to have a huge problem with it, and many of the earlier posters remembered how i would lash out at lesh in the IRC and even on the boards at every opportunity. he sorta helped me realize that it's immature to do that as he tried to befriend me (in his lesh-like way), so it doesn't bother me as much as it did, but it still hurts inside.
>> No. 746 [Edit]
No, you're not the only one. I don't mind when they admire or like mai waifu for who she is. I just can't stand it when I hear people who claim to fap to her while imagining they are raping her or speaking of some fucking rape/mindbreak doujin involving her. It's a scary thought, I don't like it when people have impure thoughts of her. They certainly don't love her as much as I do.

But then again, I don't think anyone else likes mai waifu the way I do, so I'm fine with it in the end.
>> No. 747 [Edit]
>lord forbid, loving her as much or indeed more than I do.

This, for me this is worst than knowing someone faps to her.
>> No. 748 [Edit]
Is this the whole rationale behind the 'first come, first serve' waifu threads on /a/?
>> No. 749 [Edit]
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Sometimes I get depressed or angry about it, hell, over a year ago I used to get very angry about it. But considering her popularity now I just tell myself that it really can't be helped, because there's tons of people out there who call Miku their waifu, it would be childish to be at odds with all of them like Desu said. But I suppose there's always bound to be someone out there who shares their waifu with someone else, no matter who the character is.

All I can hope is that they actually share my feelings for her and not in vain. Nothing makes me rage more than someone calling Miku their waifu and then turning around and saying something around the lines of "lol I don't actually love Miku, I only fap to her because that's all she's good for. Oh, and her singing is shit." Yes, I'm speaking from personal experience. I considered the person who said that an internet friend in a place where I was becoming more and more unwelcome in each day. I'd prefer not to talk about those days, and really I shouldn't bring it up at all.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
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I'd be a hippcrit if I said particular people didn't annoy me about the whole thing but for the most part it doesn't bother me. This isn't exactly a real life relationship and what I do and other people do with the idea of character have no effect on each other. Its pretty silly when you think about it, I mean we all have our love and the importance of the characters. But they're just that, characters. Getting frustrated about fapping to a particular character is silly, specially in this fandom where all anyone uses for fap material is fanart and doujins.

Don't worry about what other people are doing inside their head, its really not a big deal.
>> No. 751 [Edit]
File 129359196718.jpg - (694.12KB , 1203x1500 , 1224802420283.jpg )
That sucks. I support Miku-san.
>> No. 753 [Edit]
The (insert waifu here) is a slut posts are the worst in my opinion, especially those who dont even know who the character is.
>> No. 754 [Edit]
File 12935944486.jpg - (113.84KB , 480x480 , _57276674.jpg )
Only seen one person liking Kurokona and that was on a harem from MiMW which was rather annoying when he was around. (i did see that he has an image of her i've yet to find from searching her name on green-oval. makes me rage)

>certain people
>> No. 755 [Edit]

They are not just characters.

They're celebrities.
>> No. 756 [Edit]
Honestly, I wouldn't mind someone sharing my waifu as long as they truly love her. Of course, if they're just using her as a surrogate for a real girlfriend, I would be incredibly furious.
>> No. 763 [Edit]
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I don't care at all; it doesn't bother me.

I just start to get pissed when people get defensive about it and claim that '___ is MAI waifu, not yours'. That really irks me. Thankfully I haven't seen much of those statements here on /tc/.
>> No. 764 [Edit]
Seems a bit petty to me, really. I appreciate when others appreciate the same character.

Plus, I've probably fapped to at least half your guy's waifu before, so it's only fair.

>I just start to get pissed when people get defensive about it and claim that '___ is MAI waifu, not yours'. That really irks me.

You're not alone on that one pal.
>> No. 780 [Edit]
Oh on another note... I don't like to mention who she is too often, because I know there are many people who also love her and I would hate to make people here jealous(I used to think I was the only one who got annoyed when I heard people thinking about mistreating her etc).
>> No. 782 [Edit]
Must have missed the lesh/desu war on the old one.
They solved the issue at least though.
>> No. 786 [Edit]
No, it doesn't bother me because I view each person's perception of the waifu as unique. Since the waifu exists in the imagination, the waifu I'm dreaming of is different than the one in yours... and vice versa.
>> No. 798 [Edit]
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Personally, I don't mind as long as the other person really treats her like their waifu, rather than just something to fap to. No, what really makes me mad is when someone tries to rant about what a horrible person/slut she is while displaying their total ignorance of the character.
>> No. 801 [Edit]
It makes me feel... strange, really. I know not to feel anything negative yet instinctively I know I should, so I'm sort of trapped with conflicting feelings. I won't say it doesn't annoy me, though. The worst of it all is a feeling of inadequacy since I can't help but think that, if she were here, others would be more suited for her. People are better than me and I tend to remember this in full force when cases like these arise. Even though I know my perception of Fate is different from how others see her, that doesn't really help me.


>Plus, I've probably fapped to at least half your guy's waifu before, so it's only fair.

This I actually find has disturbed me. I now tend to avoid any H of any character that's been posted here since I feel a tinge of guilt when I think about it. I have an overly guilty conscience and it plagues me.

I get sorta pissed off when someone doesn't take her seriously, but I've come to expect that, so when someone does take her seriously it annoys me more. I sure have it backwards.
>> No. 804 [Edit]
>Plus, I've probably fapped to at least half your guy's waifu before, so it's only fair.
Guess i'd be offended, but no rule 34 of my waifu exists.
>> No. 806 [Edit]
>Plus, I've probably fapped to at least half your guy's waifu before, so it's only fair.

Wait, even mine? I could be offended, but there's not much. Except like a few pictures on pixiv. Didn't bother to save any of them, because they were revolting. The rest were sfw or ecchi. The ecchi pictures were tempting, but rather than having an urge to fap, I had an urge to hug and cuddle. Are you pulling the 'If you don't fap to your waifu, then she isn't your waifu' card?

I just saw the waifu list and come to think of it, I only fapped to a few of them, no offense. But the rest, I just either have no interest in fapping to. For me, it's not the girl that I'd like to fap to, but the overall fetishes that make me want to fap. And over the years, I just feel don't feel like fapping too often.
>> No. 829 [Edit]
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Fap all you want, for I care not. I take it as a compliment.

I can see where OP's coming from, though, as I do still get an undeniable twinge of annoyance when I see her on one of those "claim" threads.

I find closure in the fact that it doesn't really affect us in the end. There's a hint of what >>742 said, but with a sense of disinterest rather than competition (which may be what s/he meant, or not).
>> No. 844 [Edit]
Since my waifu is making her debut again in an upcoming game, I worried that many people will start talking about her and many new images will pop up.

I know deep down that I will eventually get angry but I have to keep it to myself. I figured that; you know "She may be your waifu too, but in reality, our view of her is different." , and as long as we don't harass eachother about it, it will be okay. That's what I would like to automatically think, especially since it's just the internet and nobody can really hurt me; but if someone were to do that and if I knew them, I wouldn't know what to do.
>> No. 917 [Edit]
Your waifu cannot sing for shit

I fapped to her and that's all she is good for

>> No. 918 [Edit]
Oh hello shitposter, don't you have some meta-threads to post on /jp/?
>> No. 920 [Edit]

I'm still coming to terms with it.
>> No. 921 [Edit]

Good riddance. Douche.
>> No. 922 [Edit]
File 129417490684.png - (118.62KB , 256x256 , 12922071893.png )
You know, I can't help but to think that I might have unintentionally set myself up for that one.

Nevertheless, fuck off.
>> No. 927 [Edit]
you didn't set yourself up for anything, he's just an ass
>> No. 928 [Edit]
File 129419019984.png - (35.92KB , 160x163 , 1243402503291.png )
It's been a long time since I've heard anyone try to lay claim to loving mai waifu, and most of it was insincere 4chan bullshit, hardly actual waifu claims in my opinion.

However, new source material is coming soon, and with it a whole new crop of people who will casually adore her.
>> No. 929 [Edit]
>lord forbid, loving her as much or indeed more than I do. The latter I fear greatly.

I actually kinda know a guy who seems to care for Fate as much as I do, perhaps more, although unlikely that it's either because, honestly, it's to the point of madness. He's in an irc channel I'm always in, and I grab every chance to talk to him, although he's rarely actually active. I'm just a little scared to try and see just how serious he is, and I'm also worried about offending. I mean, I know if someone told me there was no possible way I care about Fate to the extent that I do, I'd be offended. Touching on personal things with other people has always been kinda difficult for me, but... the fact that he might be better than me, as a person, (read: more suitable for Fate) drives me insane when I think about it. There are a lot who aren't so serious, but claim to be, and that annoys me a little too. Actually, come to think of it, a lot of things I see annoy me. Half of Shitkaku Complex's articles involving Fate also anger or annoy me.

Don't get me wrong, I have lots of respect for the person I'm talking about, and for the other person here, who knows who he is, I guess, since I have no way of addressing him that doesn't pain me. As I've said god knows how many times on this board, I seem to have some sort of issues with my own subconscious mind. Can't do shit without feeling annoyed or guilty about it.

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