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File 132259802238.jpg - (67.88KB , 640x480 , shot4.jpg )
7303 No. 7303 [Edit]
/mai/ lets say you like a girl, but her artwork is junior-high-school-fan-art-tier terrible. what does one do in this situation?
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>> No. 7304 [Edit]
Try to look past the superficial. If you can't, then she isn't for you.
>> No. 7305 [Edit]
learn to like it.
>> No. 7307 [Edit]
File 132260040948.png - (2.76MB , 839x1458 , thchara.png )
Take most of your inspiration from fanart, that's what most people with waifus from touhou do, I think.
>> No. 7308 [Edit]
Idealize her... i.e. turn her into an idea(l).

Your waifu is gonna be your own interpretation of the character, anyway, so you can take any feature that constitutes her and bend/translate it into a setting more ad hoc with your own intellectually built image of her. I think it's valid and fair: it's just making explicit and way more specific, a process that occurs anyway when coming to know anything.
>> No. 7309 [Edit]
Is she the girl in the pic? she doesn't really look that bad, to me, not at all (I think we've all seen far worst).
>> No. 7310 [Edit]
If you actually like her and eventually will fall in love, you will learn to accept ALL "mistakes" in her.
>> No. 7312 [Edit]
Cheeky Angel, isn't it? might check it.
>> No. 7313 [Edit]
File 132260528899.png - (27.25KB , 452x102 , sakurafish.png )
Oh yeah~!
>> No. 7314 [Edit]
Learn to draw and then make her better!
>> No. 7318 [Edit]
Mine is a bloody sprite, yet I love her so.
>> No. 7319 [Edit]
That is a horrible thing to say about OPs waifu, especially the taunting way you said it as well.
>> No. 7320 [Edit]
is this a all the time issue or just a they really made a derp animation f her this time kind of thing? if it's the second, I wouldn't worry too much. There is some supremely derped out fan art for all of our waifus, we even have a thread for it around here somewhere.

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