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File 132251030465.png - (68.35KB , 593x299 , archive.png )
7273 No. 7273 [Edit]
This thread isn't competition who has the biggest collection or who has the cleanest archive. I am just interested how you guys archive your waifu.

Myself I have pretty simple way to archive my pictures of her(I don’t have any other media than pictures).

Main folders are:
- Screenshots from anime in one folder
- Fan art in 2 folders. "Kurisu only" includes pictures only of her and "Kurisu+x" includes pictures of her and some other characters together.
- "Official" folder includes all official art such posters and CG art from VN.
Expand all images
>> No. 7274 [Edit]
It's been some time I've been interested in creating a thread like this.
Currently I have a bunch of folders, like that:
- The main folder with solo pictures of her
- The folder for the lewdest pictures I don't want hanging around the main folder.
- A temporary folder where new pics stay until I sort them out (weekly).
- A folder for pictures of her + Patchy (there's tons of those)
- A folder for pictures of the whole SDM crew (I only save the ones featuring her anyway)
- A folder for pictures of her + anyone else.

I truly dislike folders, though. I've been seeking a program which could pull a good job on managing my collection with a tag-based system, but none was satisfactory.

Post edited on 28th Nov 2011, 12:20pm
>> No. 7275 [Edit]
I keep it simple since there are not that much pictures of her, at the moment all the pictures are collected in one folder.
The screenshots from the Anime are on the top followed by the pictures i took from the manga pages, after that comes the fanart.
>> No. 7276 [Edit]
I've got archives from all the characters in her series, but hers is the largest (quickly noted that Tsukiumi gets the most fan-art), simply because of how I hone in and seek art of her, whereas I might stumble across fan-art of her companions. Other than that, there's no special way of organization. Just 01-80. On my PS3, there's a folder for her, except it has 108 pictures - Meaning I've got about 38 pictures to go through and put on my PC.
I'd say I'm doing quite good considering the complete dearth of Miya fan-art.

It seems like a good idea to organize it by fan-art and official stuff, though, might try that.
>> No. 7278 [Edit]
File 132251625949.png - (243.24KB , 1010x574 , Waifu folder.png )
Eh, I just have it all in one folder, but I suppose I should start sorting at least by a couple different folders.
The stuff that is just show screens edited.
Stuff I've found on Pixiv, DA, or the boorus.
Stuff I've gotten drawn for me or had colored.

It just feels too...non-affectionate(?) with the folder names though... Plus there is the 3DCG poses I've screencapped. (Although I really need to dig up clothing mods... Just too many of them to go through.)

And I suddenly noticed that my folder was too small after posting this, seems like I had two separate folders and they weren't synced. Now it's all up to date and everything's fixed.
Not being able to change images with the edit button is irritating too.
>> No. 7280 [Edit]
File 132251801494.png - (201.65KB , 878x749 , Folders.png )
Everything stays in pictures until I organise it, I don't think much else needs explaining except for I could never find a suitable name for "new folder", "more" is fanart and other things that aren't screenshots from the anime, I haven't scanned the manga yet but that will get a folder when I do.
>> No. 7283 [Edit]
One folder in my pictures directory that says "Toyosatomimi no Miko". Inside that folder I have another titled "Miko~"; that's where I keep all the questionable pictures of her so they don't get used as my wallpaper.
>> No. 7284 [Edit]
Never though of this before, I guess I might re-arrange my folder of my waifu
>> No. 7287 [Edit]
File 132253740056.png - (311.68KB , 843x593 , Untitled.png )
I don't have separate folders. I stick it all in one big folder, and then use Windows Picture Gallery to tag EVERY SINGLE FREAKING PICTURE with words that describe the content. I do not care to differentiate between fanart and canon art, so yeah.
>> No. 7288 [Edit]
I just have a big folder for pictures of her and another big folder for NSFW pictures of her. I'm very organized in how I name the images themselves, however.
>> No. 7291 [Edit]
File 13225427266.png - (26.63KB , 191x127 , bild_113.png )
Not really organized, since there is so few images of her I only have a single folder on my desktop.
keine porn, why would you even have that anyways?
>> No. 7292 [Edit]
Obviously to help with digestion. What else is porn used for?
>> No. 7293 [Edit]
>> No. 7295 [Edit]
File 132254667755.jpg - (341.79KB , 852x1100 , archive.jpg )
>> No. 7296 [Edit]
File 132254886568.jpg - (146.58KB , 1037x789 , waifu folder.jpg )
I need to sort this better...
>> No. 7297 [Edit]
One folder named "Da-ze!!". That's all it is.
>> No. 7298 [Edit]
File 132255535294.jpg - (166.35KB , 1280x765 , uhhhh.jpg )
There are few pictures of my waifu thus I have little collection of her pictures
>> No. 7300 [Edit]
Just one folder with hundreds of images in it.
>> No. 7301 [Edit]
Like some people already said, I just have one big folder.
It's a big mess, but strangely I know exactly where is the image I want.
I guess by dint of looking at them all day, I managed to remember where they are...

Post edited on 29th Nov 2011, 3:29am
>> No. 7302 [Edit]
I only have one folder of saved pictures.
>> No. 7317 [Edit]
File 132261410682.png - (85.16KB , 750x440 , That old rar.png )
Well, at the beggining I had all of her pictures in one folder. However, one day I found a rar file with pictures of my waifu, I downloaded it and used it's folders tu put the pictures that I've been saving.
Of course those folders right now have changed a lot since I got that rar, however since they made me start putting my pictures of her in order, I'm still using almost the same distribution of pics.
>> No. 7323 [Edit]
File 132264544470.png - (434.53KB , 767x872 , folder.png )
I used to have everything in one folder, but it became unmanageable so I've split it up. Exceptional artwork gets it own folder, everything else gets sorted accordingly.
>> No. 7324 [Edit]
Would you mind sharing that folder? Megaupload, hotfile, or wherever? I can understand if you don't want to, though.
>> No. 7335 [Edit]

Sorry - the whole folder's about 4.25GB. I don't have the time or the bandwidth to upload it all, but if you want a few specific folders i'll upload them for you.
>> No. 7336 [Edit]
you could maybe torrent it little by little.
just a suggestion.
>> No. 7339 [Edit]
Could you upload some pictures with high resolution, at least 4000x6000 pixels?
>> No. 8930 [Edit]
File 13335988116.png - (173.67KB , 600x720 , 25192261_p0.png )
I have folders for:
>Drawings I've done of her.
>Christmas/Birthday and so on events I've done for her.
>A folder where she looks older than her actual age.
>A chibi folder where she looks loli.
>One for captions.
>Drawings (that I haven't done).
>Hi-res (wallpapers and vectors, mostly).
>Lewd (only has 3 pictures in, surprisingly).
>Manga and anime captures.
>Maximum-kawaii folder, where only the absolute-most heart-attack-inducing pictures of her are.
>Merchandise images (inc. dakis, wallscrolls, and DVDs and manga, but not the media of the DVDs and manga, just the box/book).
>One where the focus of the image is of her outfit more than anything else (dresses e.t.c.)
>Animated (.GIFs, fan-made videos)

The problem is, I think, is that I have too many folders. 3/4 of the images I just can't categorize, because I'm unsure of if they're more chibi than maximum-kawaii, or older than lewd. I mean, what's this image? Is it chibi, or deathly-kawaii?

It still beats having them all in one folder, though, despite having 400 or so pictures in that "uncategorizable" state.

Polite sage so I don't feel bad for bumping a thread so close to the last page, for my own boring post ;_;

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