No. 8930
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I have folders for:
>Drawings I've done of her.
>Christmas/Birthday and so on events I've done for her.
>A folder where she looks older than her actual age.
>A chibi folder where she looks loli.
>One for captions.
>Drawings (that I haven't done).
>Hi-res (wallpapers and vectors, mostly).
>Lewd (only has 3 pictures in, surprisingly).
>Manga and anime captures.
>Maximum-kawaii folder, where only the absolute-most heart-attack-inducing pictures of her are.
>Merchandise images (inc. dakis, wallscrolls, and DVDs and manga, but not the media of the DVDs and manga, just the box/book).
>One where the focus of the image is of her outfit more than anything else (dresses e.t.c.)
>Animated (.GIFs, fan-made videos)
The problem is, I think, is that I have too many folders. 3/4 of the images I just can't categorize, because I'm unsure of if they're more chibi than maximum-kawaii, or older than lewd. I mean, what's this image? Is it chibi, or deathly-kawaii?
It still beats having them all in one folder, though, despite having 400 or so pictures in that "uncategorizable" state.
Polite sage so I don't feel bad for bumping a thread so close to the last page, for my own boring post ;_;