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7210 No. 7210 [Edit]
Look at what I found!

Figured it's at least passingly interesting.

>> No. 7211 [Edit]
>3D waifu
>> No. 7212 [Edit]

I'm guessing it means idols.
>> No. 7213 [Edit]
>Those with 3D "Waifus" are typically looked down upon as not having true Waifuia spirit, as are those with "seasonal" or "multiple" Waifus. Doctors currently recommend that these impostors be stoned on sight.
>> No. 7214 [Edit]

This article turned out better than expected.
>> No. 7215 [Edit]
>stoned on sight
I personally would have went with crucifixion, but whatever
>> No. 7216 [Edit]
>> No. 7218 [Edit]
You know, that's what stalkers and would-be stalkers go after.

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2011, 3:39am
>> No. 7257 [Edit]
I didn't find it very thorough or intelligent. I found the term "waifuia" to be very clunky and uninspired. I have slaved over my brain's hot stove trying to provide a psychiatric explanation that could possibly suffice to explain the waifu phenomena. I won't get into them now, but my theories, and the theories of other waifubros I have spoke with, are far more interesting than anything in that "article."
>> No. 7262 [Edit]
How the hell would you even pronounce that?

Waifuia..."waifu-ia"? "waif-wee-ah"? Whatever. We need a classy Latin name for the condition if anything.
>> No. 7263 [Edit]
>We need a classy Latin name for the condition if anything.
Seconding this so hard.

'waifu' will never be taken seriously.
I think that we, as possibly the only board out there dedicated to waifus should decide on a new term, and maybe it'll catch on else where with people who are also serious about waifu, and it would allow us to separate ourselves from those that have waifus as a joke or not at all seriously.
>> No. 7264 [Edit]
why are you guys seriously discussing an article on a wiki that looks like it was created by cliquey 4chan idiots
>> No. 7266 [Edit]
On the discussion of names and terms, does anyone else feel a little bit worried referring to our loved ones as "waifu"? Of course, in TC it's a term used to describe our loved ones in a more serious manner, but TC is small and almost everywhere else in the internet confuse the term with the more popular meaning, which is a joke or fap material, etc etc. Well, it was just a thought, I mean it's not like we talk about waifu anywhere else right? Just saying since what if a normal person who is used to the more "popular" term came in here-- imagine the confusion they'd experience trying to differentiate between jokes and serious business.
>> No. 7267 [Edit]

Oh shit. It's been discussed already. Sorry, I didn't read this post. Disregard this >>7266 please.
>> No. 7268 [Edit]

Hence I refer to my 'waifu' as my loved one, or by her name.
>> No. 7269 [Edit]
Who the fuck say that?
>> No. 7270 [Edit]
Who the fuck says that?
>> No. 7271 [Edit]
I refer to my waifu by her name with "-chan" next to her name.

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