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File 132177956922.jpg - (513.86KB , 566x800 , 22659045.jpg )
7141 No. 7141 [Edit]
How is your waifu today?
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>> No. 7149 [Edit]
>> No. 7150 [Edit]
Same as she always is.
>> No. 7151 [Edit]
Just generally fine.
>> No. 7152 [Edit]
Cutely sleeping on this glorious Sunday morning.
>> No. 7154 [Edit]
She is happy that we can spent a calm sunday together.
>> No. 7155 [Edit]
Happily sleeping tucked in the blankets. Very cold here.
>> No. 7161 [Edit]
File 132184634159.jpg - (674.84KB , 1300x1000 , 胡太郎 Iku:Tenshi sleep.jpg )
I just took some time to snuggle with her; that always cheers us both up.
>> No. 7168 [Edit]
File 132185424649.jpg - (201.12KB , 1920x1080 , 1283461841508.jpg )
I don't know...on the account of her not being real and all that

>> No. 7169 [Edit]
File 132185481948.jpg - (161.49KB , 600x500 , 1280185178794.jpg )
Probably off having fun with her numerous, numerous great friends and her lover, being incredibly happy.
>> No. 7203 [Edit]
File 132192376948.jpg - (86.86KB , 500x600 , 4d15f557497612f39f8c609e16f828d6.jpg )
Perfect, as always.
>> No. 7221 [Edit]
A little heartbroken. Miko made the amateur mistake of eating too much of the Thanksgiving meal and not saving room for delicious pumpkin pie.
>> No. 7225 [Edit]
File 13222416362.gif - (106.91KB , 425x425 , pajama004.gif )
Still in the process of waking up, much like I am, even though we've been up and about for about an hour.

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