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File 132111218856.jpg - (2.30MB , 2144x3000 , chaoshead59bad21febbc05dc4ec8474753fcbd1c.jpg )
6973 No. 6973 [Edit]
Which is more important to you:

Your waifu is someone you can love? (You would rather love.)

Or, your waifu is someone who could love you? (You would rather be loved.)
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>> No. 6974 [Edit]
This is difficult, i´d say its exactly 50/50 but it feels more like 25/75 since i am the one who needs her support more.
>> No. 6975 [Edit]
I'd rather be loved. Nothing is stopping you from loving someone, but there's a hell of a lot that can stop them from loving you.
>> No. 6976 [Edit]
>> No. 6977 [Edit]

>> No. 6984 [Edit]
I'd rather have her love me, but I'm just fine with loving her. I'm actually quite surprised I am still capable of "loving" something.
>> No. 6993 [Edit]
50/50 would be the best case scenario, but I'd pick the former if I could only have one. I've never seen somebody that I could truly love aside from my waifu. Not even close. The other one is selfish and seems desperate anyway. Would you really accept someone's love if you hated them or even felt indifferent towards them?

>Nothing is stopping you from loving someone

If this is true for everyone, then where does the "hell of a lot that can stop them from loving you" come from?
>> No. 6999 [Edit]
File 132114391865.jpg - (10.68KB , 338x194 , 60DL7V6QVCATPNGN6MN7VVOFA-WK-10.jpg )
I'd rather love.
>> No. 7000 [Edit]

I wonder how much that hurts.
>> No. 7003 [Edit]
Looks like a crescent kick (hitting with the side of the foot), so probably not very much.
>> No. 7005 [Edit]
But she's kicking right in the joint, on a direction it can't possibly move along with. She could rip some ligament or worst, and that hurts a fucking hell of a lot.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2011, 6:32pm
>> No. 7006 [Edit]
I'll stick with being loved, because >>6975.

But that was a close call. Few things, if any, are as loveable or inspire love the way my waifu does.
>> No. 7013 [Edit]

He drank till his thirst was quenched. And joy filled him from head to foot, the joy of living and the joy of being himself. [...] Because now he knew that there were thousands and thousands of forms of joy in the world, but that all were essen-tially one and the same, namely, the joy of being able to love.

-Michael Ende ("The N. Story")
>> No. 7023 [Edit]
I'd rather not be in a one sided relationship, because then things wouldn't be any different than they are now, and I certainly wouldn't want to force myself onto someone that doesn't like me.

I'd love to be loved, but I wouldn't ask it of someone that I myself don't love, that would be very selfish and kind of cruel.
>> No. 7030 [Edit]
A mixture of both but more about being loved
I have never been truly loved ergo I could never love anyone else
>> No. 7033 [Edit]
File 132118011662.jpg - (631.44KB , 900x1200 , 778240.jpg )
I would rather love. I don't really have any reasoning behind this but this is just how I feel if I had to choose.
>> No. 7034 [Edit]
But baby, I want to be loved~
>> No. 7042 [Edit]
File 132122535641.jpg - (82.53KB , 600x600 , 1e01d172bd938c326b70881a7f045368.jpg )
I'd rather love.
If she loves me even a tenth part of my love for her I would be happy enough.
In the worst case where one of us doesn't love the other at all, I would still prefer to be the one in love, I would hate me to put her in the pain that is a one-side love
>> No. 7048 [Edit]
I have loved and been loved.
I'd much rather be understood. I feel like I understand my waifu, and that she'd understand me.

But to answer the question, it's slightly more important that my waifu is someone that could love me, if only because of poor self-image.
>> No. 7101 [Edit]
A waifu is 2D which means she can never love me back. That should answer your question.
>> No. 7102 [Edit]
Seeing that I'm pretty happy simply loving her now, I would rather love.
>> No. 7107 [Edit]
I can't even imagine being loved anymore. I would really like to know what is like, but I am just going to have to be content with being able to channel all of my love and affection to her.

Even though she can't love me back, it makes me feel good knowing that she is loved and will never be forgotten. The older we get, the more obscure the source material of waifu will become. Others will forget, many others won't even know her.

She will always be in my heart.
>> No. 7126 [Edit]

Both are important to me.

I've been in love with girls who, in hindsight, were utterly incompatible with me. That's the sort of the experience I'd rather not repeat, so I want my waifu to be the kind of person that could fall in love with someone like me.

That, and the idea that my waifu could love me also makes things more 'real' for me.
>> No. 7185 [Edit]
I feel as though asking her to love me would be too much for anyone to bear - Here we have a woman who's my carrier of ideals, and she has a deceased husband. Wanting her to love me would be unlike myself. Who am I to demand she love me? Why, for that matter? As good as her love would feel, as nice as it would be, I'm content just loving her. I'm sitting here on the floor, surrounded by clothes, ready to sleep. Someone like me, the very lowest of mankind doesn't deserve her love. Were she real, I would no doubt seek it, but I wouldn't expect, demand, or ask for it. All I could do is attempt to earn it.

I'm okay simply loving her, and living in delusional worlds where she can love me.

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