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File 132094605796.png - (828.12KB , 692x1285 , c69454ad4f8a4a52b04937a031775e42.png )
6939 No. 6939 [Edit]
What are the worst fears you have when your waifu becomes 3D? What bad things are you afraid of that will happen to her if ever she becomes real?
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>> No. 6941 [Edit]
Having to experience this horrible world.
>> No. 6942 [Edit]
>when your waifu becomes 3D

>> No. 6943 [Edit]
OP is assuming most people with a waifu have the ultimate goal of bringing her to the real world and making her 3D in doing so.
at least that's what I'm guessing.
>> No. 6944 [Edit]
My greatest dream is to build a robot waifu of any form so my only fear is that i have to deal with Anonymous.

Oh wait, they're a bunch of low orbit ion script kiddies. They're not a match for the power of waifu love.
>> No. 6945 [Edit]
That i dissapoint her.
Having my waifu in my world would be not worthy of her, i´d wish that i could go to her world...but what when she thinks the same way about me and her world as i do about her and my world?
Strange thought.
>> No. 6946 [Edit]
I'm guessing that most of us would rather join our waifus in their 2D worlds; I certainly feel that way.
But whether I in her world or she in mine, about the only thing that I'd fear is that she'd want nothing to do with me.
>> No. 6947 [Edit]
That she realizes I really am not good enough for her.
>> No. 6948 [Edit]
File 132096854077.jpg - (120.78KB , 616x849 , 8d83efca8af81d00ad226959259bddc9.jpg )
I have the looks and the compatibility with her, so I wouldn't worry about that. I agree that going to the 2D world would be the ideal situation, but 3D would be plenty good enough. So I suppose I'd be afraid of her seeing and encountering the high levels of cuntishness in this world.
>> No. 6950 [Edit]
I have no fears in that regard, if she became 3D no matter how wicked and horrible this world is she would overcome all the troubles, I have faith in her.
>> No. 6952 [Edit]
I ain't afraid a shit yo
>> No. 6953 [Edit]
If she becomes real, she wouldn't be my waifu anymore. Sure, i'd be attracted to her, but not to the point of love.

My biggest fear IS her becoming 3D. I'd probably kill myself on the spot.
>> No. 6954 [Edit]
I'm afraid that she wouldn't like me at all, or that I would end up making her miserable/hurt her somehow.
>> No. 6955 [Edit]
This. I'd be happy to be able to spend more legitimate time with her, actually.
>> No. 6958 [Edit]
File 132099673567.jpg - (52.32KB , 478x355 , kiss me.jpg )
>the ultimate goal of bringing her to the real world
>my world would be not worthy of her
>would rather join our waifus in their 2D worlds
>am not good enough for her.
>I'd be afraid
>I have no fears
>My biggest fear IS
>I ain't afraid a shit
>I'd probably kill myself
>I'd be happy

I don't know shit anymore... Do you wanna kiss?
>> No. 6965 [Edit]
I'd have no fears at all believe it or not. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Asuka's intelligent and mature enough to take care of herself. Eva is already enough of a realistically fucked up world to not be much of a difference from the 3D world anyway.
>> No. 6966 [Edit]
Eva world has sense and destiny. Ours doesn't.

Post edited on 11th Nov 2011, 9:21pm
>> No. 6980 [Edit]
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She would likely fear me due to how I think most of the time... and see that real-life is a nightmare...

kinda painful...
>> No. 7045 [Edit]
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I shall know no fear.
>> No. 7046 [Edit]
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My only fear would that he got stolen from me, or fell in love with someone who was not me
>> No. 7047 [Edit]
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that she would find me disgusting and weird and ends up hating me and falls in love with someone else, or that she gets raped or killed.

thats because i would rather join her in her 2d world
>> No. 7049 [Edit]

she doesn't have to suffer
>> No. 7050 [Edit]

>that she gets raped or killed

This is the answer I was looking for.

Me, I fear Marisa falling into depression, alcoholism, gambling or drugs. I also fear the discrimination she will experience as a witch living in a predominantly Catholic country.
>> No. 7052 [Edit]
This too.
>> No. 7053 [Edit]
That she would end up hating me. She can be corrupt as much as she could possibly be. But that would hurt the most.

Also, that she would somehow "lose her way", you know? That is, to say, she would end up giving in to other's ideals. That's just not okay when you're Miya.
>> No. 7167 [Edit]
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That she doesn't love me?

Is there really any other fear anyone should have?
Everything else is preventable

>My greatest fear IS her becoming 3D

>> No. 7170 [Edit]

I know for sure I can't protect her with the way I am now. It's better if she remains as a fragment of my imagination. Physically and mentally I wouldn't be able to accept rejection or anything horrible that might happen to her.

At best, I would like for her just to become real for a minute. I would just pour out all of my emotions that minute. That's probably all.
>> No. 7171 [Edit]
File 132185587944.jpg - (79.46KB , 500x503 , 901601f55865c274dcb88eaa7b4067da.jpg )
>One Minute
>enough for ANYTHING AT ALL

How deep does your love go? That you do not desire a life time with her? That you do not selfishly want her to be by your side? That you do not want to improve everything that needs improvement for her?

Obviously it can't run that deep that you assume a FUCKING MINUTE is enough for ANYTHING!

Not gonna lie...I'm a bit peeved here
>> No. 7173 [Edit]

A minute is enough for me. I'm happy with the way things are right now. I don't require her to be real, more or less I'd be troubled by it more than ever at this very moment where my life is unstable as hell. I'm already willing to spend all of my life with her, fully knowing that she will forever just be a fragment of my imagination. A minute is all I'll ever need.
>> No. 7174 [Edit]

Get that stupid fucking notion out of your head - she doesn't need protected. The outside world isn't a constant battle to the death. Rejection is possible, but if you're going to pretend she can be real for a fucking fraction of a second, you can be damn sure you can suspend her disbelief to her loving someone like you.
>> No. 7175 [Edit]

Like I said, not to sound like an ass, but the love must not run that deep
>> No. 7176 [Edit]

I can't even respond to that post. Why are you so keen on disregarding what's deeply embedded into my brain and pushing what you think you know onto me? We're both different individuals, and I'm fully aware of what the world can do, especially our "outside world". If you really want me to conform with OP's post that our waifu really becomes 3D, I would only accept it if we both lived in my ideal, peaceful universe.
>> No. 7177 [Edit]

Don't try to decide the extent of my love and care for my waifu based on one post. I'm sorry that I offended you with my decision, but I can't just betray the lifestyle I've decided to keep for my entire life. Like I said, I would only accept her transformation into reality if we lived in a perfect world.
>> No. 7178 [Edit]
I'm sorry...betray what lifestyle?
What makes you think you puny little ideals or dreams are of ANY value next to what you feel for her.

Like I said...doesn't run that deep.
>> No. 7179 [Edit]

I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Am I supposed to love her to death to the point where I disregard anything else just to make her real just so she can be with me forever? Are you content with insulting the way I choose things and are you going to continue until I get angry and stop posting at all? Why is your way better than mine? Please tell me because I really am confused.
>> No. 7180 [Edit]

I'm not saying I'm better than you. Far FAR from it.
What I'm saying is, you're trying to control the situation. You don't want a relationship, you want a dream. Of course there's gonna be bad shit if you could be with her. There's always bad shit. Always arguments over someone leaving the toilet seat up.

But in the end...what does any of that matter?

What I'm trying to tell you is, you keep saying "the only time I'd accept her transformation into reality is if we lived in a perfect world", and this is bullshit, because you're basically saying that you want only the good things

Love isn't just the good stuff. It's the bad stuff too. Otherwise, it's just an ideal. And idealizing is not the same as loving.

That's why I'm saying it doesn't run to deep

For what it's worth, I'd destroy the entire world for a change to be with her. That's probably not in the least bit healthy. But you could at least give yourself some room and take a miracle for what it is, and accept that if she were born into this ugly world we live in...you could make it work
Otherwise I don't see the point of claiming to love her
>> No. 7181 [Edit]

I understand what you're saying now. You're telling me I don't love and I only idealize. Is that all you want to say to me? I'm fine with only wanting the good stuff. I don't care how selfish it is or how I'm only living with ideals. Love is something I will never understand, even with intricate posts like yours, but to me I'll always treat my relationship with my waifu as love and love only. Sorry for making you write that beautiful piece for naught.
>> No. 7183 [Edit]

>I'm only idealizing

So you admit it then?
You're no Saberfag. So I'm done here.

Oh...and don't call it love. You don't have the right
>> No. 7184 [Edit]

I guess so. Do you want me to go back on my decision so you can be both happy and correct? I can do that, although it's not like my word really means anything to you anyway. For the record, you are right but it feels like you're degrading me more and more and that you're basically telling me to fuck off because of one choice I made. I only wanted to share my opinion, but now, even the thing I live for and cherish my entire remaining years is being attacked because of it. I do hope you're happy with what you're saying here. If it's what you want, and if you want me to conform to your idea of love which is obviously the only way, then fine: I want my waifu to become 3D, it is something I long for and I will somehow make it work.
>> No. 7186 [Edit]
Just ignore him. He's so completely set in absolutely everything he says, and he believes his way is the only right way; if you see things any differently, you're just not as enlightened as him. I have yet to see him even try to consider another point of view on any issue.
>> No. 7191 [Edit]
File 132187327174.jpg - (83.03KB , 445x621 , 21.jpg )
Uh... call me egomaniac, but I think you might be confusing him with me. My only post ITT was >>6958; I'm just not the only Anonymous who posts with Asuka pics, aparently.
>> No. 7193 [Edit]
Oh ok, sorry.
>> No. 7258 [Edit]
Bringing our waifus into the real world would mean having to disappoint/being usurped by those other Anon who share our waifus. It would be best to venture into the 2D, where our interpretation of 2D will project its own universe. We can obtain our own happiness while our waifu experiences the least amount of disturbance as she is not required to acclimate herself into a third dimension. Also, the third dimension is terrible.
>> No. 7279 [Edit]
And this is why we use tripcodes...
>> No. 9120 [Edit]
>when your waifu becomes 3D
If only ;_;

Back on topic: That she wouldn't love me, and put a big gaping hole where my heart used to be. Also, 3D isn't as shiny as 2D, so I suppose that she would find the improved animation to be a bad trade-off for the lack of shininess, is a fear of mine. After-all, she's in the much-more-entertaining 2D world, and I wouldn't want her to find everything 3D as boring as it actually is.

Along with everything that >>7258 said.

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