No. 9446
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These are just my thoughts from my perspective so take them for what you will. I hope my rambling isn't out of place and my thoughts are not so removed from your situation that you do not find them useful. I feel a little hesitant to post this. I don't want it to come off like I'm preaching or being insincere.
Does being worthy necessarily equate to being loved, as if maybe when we reached whatever impossible goal we've set before ourselves (or at least I do this because I unconsciously sort of deify my waifu) we would be able to rest in knowing our waifu would immediately return our love? Is love about being able to jump the highest, run the fastest, or repeat a highly regarded work of literature word for word? I'm not so naive as to say none of these things matter - certainly, they are advantageous to have. Don't hear me say bettering ourselves for our beloved is without merit. But that's not what love is about in the end. Love is about connections, similarities, enjoying one another. It is human: one of the few times that's a positive thing, eh? Interactions, or in our case the potential for such. Love is about wanting to spend your life with that person. Money is material, skills diminish with age; emotions themselves do not stay the same, but love allows a couple to recover.
I'm nothing special, this I admit. In my current state I doubt I could get far romantically with Miko. But IF - "if" is the keyword for us - I found myself in Gensokyo you could be sure as hell I'd find her. I read she will accept people as her "disciples", AKA servants. Fine. If I had to I'd be the guy that cleans the toilet every morning, and if I saw Miko passing by I'd greet her. Every time. You don't just get greeted all the time without getting slightly curious about the person. I'd be able to converse with her. She's a scholar and I'm greatly interested in plenty of academic subjects (my pursuit of those things is another story). I have information from my time and she from hers. We could talk and discuss things with one another with common interests being the bridge that initially connects us. If she would be interested in a relationship, I could use these moments together to get to where I'm going. This isn't too unreasonable, is it?
Of course whether or not it is, the reality is I am far removed from Miko. We are all far removed from the one we love. So we don't know exactly what to grow into, we can only guess and improve ourselves accordingly. My point is, if we all had the chance all of us could be with our waifu. I don't care if she has a spider for a lover, you could be a more interesting spider, dammit! You would stand out whether you wanted to or not in another world, and that would be what you could use to your advantage. Just being an improved model of the guys around her, what is that? You could be more if given the chance. Maybe you already are more. Confidence! It adds to your charm.
Let me tell you what - not feeling worthy. Someone else pointed this out and I've really taken to it. The fact that we continue to love, no, strongly love someone who... someone who cannot even wave at us. That's something. All of us have the will to climb whatever mountain gets in the way. Step by step, word by word, event by event, moment by moment. The same willpower that allows you to be in love with "some 2D girl" is what could allow you to impress your waifu, capture her heart. One brohno sacrificed temporarily eating good for a picture frame in the name of his love. For what? "Just some 2D girl". That's amazing in a different way. (Perhaps humble is a fitting word? Amazing in a humble way.) You do a lot, we do a lot for the ones we love. This is why I don't doubt if we were only given the chance to interact with our beloved, we could win her heart. So don't get down with such thoughts as "I'll never be worthy". Your waifu Jesus or something? Is she so stuck up she expects a lover free from the imperfections that make us human when she is human herself? Maybe she's not human. Will she expect a human that isn't human? "She's not interested in humans," you might persist. Well that's because she hasn't met one that catches her eye! Everything changes, you could be that change. You could rise up to the challenge. What we do now is only a stone's throw away from it, I think. The problem we face isn't that we aren't good enough, it's that we simply haven't been given a chance to be good enough.