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File 129329333734.jpg - (2.95MB , 2792x3656 , 1293207094479.jpg )
674 No. 674 [Edit]
Merry Christmas, Fate.

And Merry Christmas to the rest of you. This time of year might be particularly hard for some, but stay strong. You can't continue loving 'her' if you've fallen into depression or despair. She'd hate you see you like that. Keep going, keep your head held high. It's for her sake.

Once again, have as Merry a Christmas as you can.

Thank you.
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>> No. 675 [Edit]
File 129329577553.jpg - (295.98KB , 631x667 , 1245814802756.jpg )
Merry christmas Ku-chan
>> No. 677 [Edit]
File 129329685010.png - (211.10KB , 371x669 , 1268737515416.png )
merry christmas hanako
>> No. 679 [Edit]
File 129329735266.jpg - (183.45KB , 500x625 , 612dc74e60207d73ce511693a9ed4421.jpg )
Merry Christmas, Ricchan.
>> No. 681 [Edit]
File 129329923743.jpg - (1.44MB , 1920x1200 , Tenshi Jewish scriptures.jpg )
I'm Jewish lol

Merry... whatever it is you celebrate, Tenshi.
>> No. 682 [Edit]
File 129330040013.jpg - (148.58KB , 500x528 , 15239792.jpg )
Merry Christmas, Nono.

Unfortunately, there isn't any fanart of you in any sort of Christmas outfit, but this pic was at least small present from pixiv today.
>> No. 684 [Edit]
File 129331793179.jpg - (531.19KB , 600x700 , 2f7cd949fb011143d8b7237adb76d90c.jpg )
Merry Christmas, Miku.
>> No. 685 [Edit]
File 129332324776.jpg - (33.64KB , 268x401 , d6e3e70aee20de781d7ce79b403f4a84a86f0698.jpg )
Merry Christmas to you and all of tohno-chan.
>> No. 686 [Edit]
File 129332614156.jpg - (114.12KB , 400x400 , 14821317.jpg )
Can't manage to find a decent picture of her. But this picture is close enough.

Merry Christmas, Sofia.

Merry Christmas to the rest of /tc/.
>> No. 688 [Edit]
File 129334700537.jpg - (61.34KB , 580x526 , minagi 152.jpg )
Merry Christmas, Minagi.
>> No. 689 [Edit]
File 12933509844.jpg - (126.79KB , 850x837 , kurisumasu.jpg )
Marry Christmas, Shinku.

Too bad I only have my laptop with me this Christmas break, all my good images are on my desktop.
>> No. 694 [Edit]
File 129335347729.jpg - (321.72KB , 600x750 , 2507394.jpg )
Sleep well, Vita. It was a good Christmas.
>> No. 695 [Edit]
File 129335359518.jpg - (236.25KB , 1024x1340 , p112_i319.jpg )
Disregard this promotional art, I can safely say that she, like me, doesn't celebrate christmas: I don't believe in deities and she, well, actually fights them. Anyway -and around the subject- sharing with her that sort of atheist/misotheist perspective is good enough for me; I guess we could still celebrate/spend New Year's Eve together.
>> No. 696 [Edit]
File 129335404248.jpg - (417.02KB , 900x1000 , 272575.jpg )
Merry Christmas, Kaede. I'm sorry that I couldn't spend it with you.
>> No. 698 [Edit]
File 129336501826.jpg - (92.20KB , 500x550 , 15394085_m.jpg )
メリクリ、 Saber. Now to wait for new year's eve...
>> No. 700 [Edit]
File 129337173082.jpg - (185.23KB , 1000x625 , 7d2192888a2987f485cce0f4b0bbcc87.jpg )
Motherfucking fucking fuck, i'm late.

Merry christmas to you, Satorin.
>> No. 702 [Edit]
Misotheism? I had never heard that term before. Thanks! (Though it's not as catchy a term as "Deicide.")
>> No. 727 [Edit]
File 129352297215.jpg - (273.31KB , 715x1000 , happynewyearreimu.jpg )
Happy New Year, Reimu.

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