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File 132017434795.png - (1.13MB , 1250x1146 , f6a449a67124d4968ba150b0c64d7e5b.png )
6702 No. 6702 [Edit]
Scenario time, /mai/.

Imagine this.

It has been five years since you married your waifu and are now living together. The two of you have jobs to pay for the bills and sustain raising your child/ren. The house was spacious enough for your whole family and everything you needed was there.

Then it came, that thing that most people treated a joke or some sort of overused movie plot. They never took the possibility serious but at last, it happened.

A zombie virus outbreak has happened somewhere in America, and it spread so fast, it covered 20 states in just one week, and it already reached to five countries in a month.

How prepared are you if ever this happens? How far would you go to save your family?
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>> No. 6703 [Edit]
Well, isn't this just a day late for Halloween.

How far would I go? If I had the power to, of course I would destroy the source of the outbreak and stop the whole virus. If not, I would go as far as only looking out for my new family. That's pretty much it.
>> No. 6704 [Edit]
We'll be in Japan, so we'd be safe unless the virus can spread through the air.
>> No. 6707 [Edit]
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>How far would you go to save your family?

I think she would be the one saving me
>> No. 6709 [Edit]
Not to be a party pooper or anything... but how does this relate at all to anything about waifus/husbandos? I mean I get the scenario with you being married to your waifu, but your main question is basically HOW DO YOU SAVE YOURSELF FROM THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE??.

In fact I'm pretty sure most people will even say there's no way their waifu would be affected considering they are not in a physical aspect able to become ill.
>> No. 6710 [Edit]

Well, this thread would have probably been more relevant if it were made before October 31st. And it's more about how far you would go to protect your waifu/family than how would you survive the outbreak.

Post edited on 1st Nov 2011, 1:25pm
>> No. 6712 [Edit]
Well, if that is the question, it's very simple, I'd do everything in my power to prevent them from being affected even if that meant me losing my life.
>> No. 6726 [Edit]
I would protect them by any means.
By ANY means, I won't care what I have to do to make them survive.
>> No. 6727 [Edit]
Japan with it's large population in small confined areas would make that possibly the worst place to be in a world wide outbreak, second only to maybe china.
>> No. 6729 [Edit]

But it is also an island. And, assuming the virus cannot be transmitted by airborne particles, the only way it could reach Japan is an infected person got on a plane or boat there. I think that, in the event of a zombie virus epidemic, people would be pretty damned careful about whom they allow on planes and boats.
>> No. 6730 [Edit]
we all know madagascar is the safest place to go if a virus outbreak happens
>> No. 6732 [Edit]
I've seen zombies infect islands in more then enough zombie films.
Dawn of the dead, ends with the survivors reaching an island that turns out to be full of zombies.
diary of the dead, had a scene with a Japanese lady sending out a video online, repeatedly saying, "things are very bad here in Tokyo" with chaos in the background.
survival of the dead, mostly took place on a secluded island, and showed that zombies were able to survive perfectly fine underwater, as one guy tried swimming over them.
There was another, but I forget the title exactly, that showed zombies crossing a river by walking across it's bottom.
(this is assuming zombie movies play a large part in where facts on this matter come from, since it's all bs anyway)
>> No. 6738 [Edit]
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This scenario is just too ludicrous: zombies? plausible; having a normal family life and children? out of the question.

Anyway, if I could have my way, I'd manage the entire thing Leon Style: sexy looking, storages of amo and scenery porn; hopefully not too high on Dust-Off or stoned on pot, and well provided with a decent moving and targetting system (cause if not, we'd be starting soon a whole new and promising "life" as zombies)...

But, since I really don't know shit about guns and have no access to them (even lesss with my mediocre job of shitty wages)... and since mai waifu would be an old hag (MILF at the most) insufferable neurotic salaryman-surrogate and/or pathetic house-keeper, but by all means not able to pilot EVA anymore... well, I guess all we could do is just hope for Shinji to turn us into Tang, once again, and reset/switch the World into another possibility (I'd do it myself, if I could; I'd likely fuck the World just as it is and certainly for much less than zombies).
>> No. 6739 [Edit]
File 132019198967.jpg - (9.11KB , 497x258 , 3655982165_d6e3248ddd.jpg )
Better than Antarctica or Lemuria?
>> No. 6748 [Edit]
China's only massively populated on the coast. Go inland about two hundred miles and you won't see a soul until you hit the Ukraine. A Gobi Desert defense plan is perfect.

As for Japan, I'd imagine they aren't stupid enough to let an outbreak spread like that. I assume unless it was introduced by the air or missiles with the virus (like in Half Life 2), Japan would easily avoid the outbreak.

Just for good measure you may want to go into the mountains in Nagano.
>> No. 6749 [Edit]
japanese zombies would be too polite to bite you
>> No. 6750 [Edit]
would they say itadakimasu first?
>> No. 6753 [Edit]
I take it you've never seen/read Highschool of the Dead?
>> No. 6754 [Edit]
>stupid enough to let an outbreak spread like that
The same can be said about any contry couldin't it?
besides, we're talking about zombies you know, logic and reason has to go out the window for this sort of thing to get going.
>> No. 6765 [Edit]
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I think point of this thread was that anime characters usually tend to have some kind special powers or they did something special in canon works(or even fan works) what could help during zombie attack.

My waifu has potential to invent time machine. I think she would make me time travel to time before zombie apocalypse and I would find the reason of whole mess and try to stop it.
>> No. 6766 [Edit]
File 132025122727.jpg - (24.49KB , 400x400 , zombie_university_t_shirt_button-p1456860182975207.jpg )
Logic (theoria) and reason (praxis) aren't absolute/objective constructions; I'm positive that, just like Wonderland had its own logic (a stoic one, after some scholars), Zombieland must have its own as well. We just need to figure it out and use it in our benefit.
>> No. 6768 [Edit]
Are these zombies the kind that you'd find in RE games or are they the regular kind? Do they move quickly or do they just stumble after you while moaning? Do they have intelligence? Do they have super strength?

I have seen/read many stories involving zombies and these factors are important.
>> No. 6769 [Edit]
>How prepared are you if ever this happens?
As prepared as years of video games and movies can make a man. Then there's Miko's danmaku. But provisions are another story... I probably have enough food laying around to last for a few weeks or even a month or two if I stretch them right.

>How far would you go to save your family?
Mow down everything in my way if they were in need of saving. I owe them my life after all.
>> No. 6817 [Edit]
File 132029066628.jpg - (116.28KB , 700x636 , toobane Tenshi floaty hair.jpg )
We'd be fine. Tenshi is one of the strongest Touhous, and she's all but impervious to damage, anyway.
>> No. 6820 [Edit]
Not canon

Of course, having pretty much any Touhou for a waifu would make a zombie invasion/apocalypse easy mode. Low level fairies could wipe out hordes of them effortlessly.
>> No. 6823 [Edit]

What do I do if this happens?

Wake up and say "gee, what a fucked-up dream".

Seriously; I'm suddendly married to my waifu, zombies are suddendly physically possible, and every health and disease control organisation in the world suddendly stopped being capable of doing their job. That's a little too much for my suspension of disbelief.

Any infection that fucks up the central nervous system enough to make a person all zombie-like will either kill you in short order or leave you a vegetable. That's why rabies kills people in two weeks at most once the symptoms start showing.
>> No. 6824 [Edit]
I take it you were the kid who always corrected jokes to make them more realistic.

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