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File 131986461098.jpg - (142.62KB , 1024x576 , img184.jpg )
6578 No. 6578 [Edit]
Invert the eye and hair color of your waifu.
How does she looks now?

Mizore looks kind off... tropical?
Expand all images
>> No. 6583 [Edit]
How do I invert sections of the pic instead of the whole thing?
>> No. 6585 [Edit]
File 131986748928.jpg - (131.69KB , 640x480 , invert0.jpg )
Unsurprisingly: she looks like Rei ("Pokka pokka"...). Only: her eyes, wich I thought would more redish-orange (completing thus the shift among characters), became like her original hair colour on Sadamoto's first concept art of her.

On photoshop:

option i) using the magic wand selection tool while holding shift (to include more areas in the same selection); then, after inverting it, you can work on the luminosity so just the colour and no the value would change.
option ii) with the Replace Colour tool, manually, at the apropriatte inverse chromatic values.

Post edited on 28th Oct 2011, 10:53pm
>> No. 6586 [Edit]
File 13198688139.jpg - (208.27KB , 540x720 , invert.jpg )
grey into a sort of silver...
purple into green...
>> No. 6587 [Edit]
File 131986886778.png - (97.54KB , 300x300 , Tenshi SWR inverted.png )
Weird. The hair is cool, but those eyes...
>> No. 6590 [Edit]
File 13198726505.jpg - (2.06MB , 2700x3200 , Lizlet L Chelsie inverted.jpg )
Weird hair, creepy eyes... :S

I can feel that her personality is quite different from the typical cheerful and pacifist character that she is. She might even have the opposite of her original personality: instead of being easily intimidated, her looks alone is intimidating and she is likely to be aggressive than easy-going.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2011, 2:58am
>> No. 6594 [Edit]
I think I actually like this tenshi palette more.
>> No. 6596 [Edit]
File 131987928977.jpg - (828.04KB , 850x1209 , invertedlouise.jpg )
Somehow she's just as pretty.
>> No. 6599 [Edit]
File 131988237222.png - (208.21KB , 1000x862 , inverted.png )
White hair looks really weird. Eyes are a bit creepy. They look so "lifeless".

(Yes I cheated a bit and used self vectored picture. My eyes just couldn't stand distortion magic wand tool made in "real" picture)
>> No. 6601 [Edit]
File 131988606316.jpg - (1.05MB , 2560x1600 , a82ed3eaf71e5e4b105fc62b471ee2be.jpg )
The black hair is fine, but those eyes...
>> No. 6602 [Edit]
File 13198866381.png - (575.79KB , 1700x956 , inverted.png )
The eyes, they stare into my soul.
>> No. 6604 [Edit]
File 131989056564.jpg - (88.17KB , 600x700 , sakinvert.jpg )
Not bad at all. I love the gold eyes.
>> No. 6605 [Edit]
File 131989288167.jpg - (182.00KB , 850x667 , reversekoa.jpg )
Hey there Morrigan, have you seen my waifu?
>> No. 6606 [Edit]
File 131989708261.png - (1.55MB , 2109x3000 , inverted.png )
Golden hair, purple eyes and just as cute.
>> No. 6609 [Edit]
Yeah, that's the only reason I'm not a fan of Tenshi's inverted color palate. I like that she has flowing blue hair, which is very serene and heavenly, yet she's such a troublemaker. With orange hair, she looks exactly how you'd expect her to, which isn't as interesting.

Basic color theory. She has blue hair and blue clothes, so changing her hair to orange adds contrast.
>> No. 6610 [Edit]
File 131991377957.jpg - (161.78KB , 471x474 , dskfjds.jpg )
His hair and eye colors are inverts of each other apparently... he still looks great.
>> No. 6615 [Edit]

I must say, I quite like auburn haired, fuchsia eyed Konata.
>> No. 6617 [Edit]
File 13199298525.png - (194.57KB , 694x648 , 1187995083810.png )
Dont know if want
>> No. 6618 [Edit]
I like the eyes.
>> No. 6625 [Edit]
File 131995012187.jpg - (178.44KB , 579x800 , erica_inverted.jpg )

Yeah, I got that too.

Shades of Sayaka with her hair there... Excuse my half-ass job, the magic wand was winding me up...
>> No. 6630 [Edit]
File 131996093741.jpg - (428.11KB , 980x1040 , 56865021c8ef7237332b043a3b01414f.jpg )
Excuse me, but...

I don't have Photoshop on this computer. Can anyone invert it for me?
>> No. 6631 [Edit]
File 131996289372.jpg - (495.09KB , 980x1040 , invertedMarisa.jpg )
>> No. 6636 [Edit]
I like that. Doesn't look like Marisa at all, I like it. No offense intended.
>> No. 6645 [Edit]
Uh, Asu-ka?
Konata is so cuuute.

Post edited on 30th Oct 2011, 12:35pm
>> No. 6646 [Edit]
File 132000342451.jpg - (276.61KB , 600x888 , wut.jpg )
Goddamn Chrome
>> No. 6648 [Edit]

Marisa still looks beautiful even if her hair is colored the the ocean.

My waifu.
>> No. 6649 [Edit]
I really like the pic of Mizore, "tropical" is a great way to describe it. I'm also liking that blue-haired Marisa.
>> No. 6657 [Edit]
File 132003787195.jpg - (408.75KB , 680x680 , Madotsuki is dazed and confused.jpg )
Paint.NET is dicks when it comes to selections
can someone do it for me?
>> No. 6659 [Edit]
File 13200479446.jpg - (114.15KB , 680x680 , 132003787195.jpg )
>> No. 6678 [Edit]
File 132012705488.jpg - (1.00MB , 1500x2160 , inverted.jpg )
She looks better with her whole palette swapped.
>> No. 7249 [Edit]
File 132233288494.jpg - (393.38KB , 1250x1000 , 1313182990740.jpg )
I dunno... her hair looks pretty cool, but her eyes make her look blind.
>> No. 7250 [Edit]
That's mostly because you just inverted the colours. So highlights will turn dark and shadows will be light.
If you set the blending to colour only it would look more normal, like >>6631
>> No. 7255 [Edit]
Looks like Miku.
>> No. 7256 [Edit]
I've been following this thread for weeks and always assumed that was Miku.
Only now that you mentioned it my brain kicked in and realized that couldn't be Miku.
I feel dumb.

Post edited on 26th Nov 2011, 7:50pm

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