No. 6764
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I lol'd, just like I lol when people call mai waifu ASSuka (or Shikinami wearing the slutsuit)...
Those are puns, wich I find actually creative. By all means: for most people out there (i.e. other forums/imageboards), they're just some other cartoon characteres to have fun with, so they don't really mean to harm me or anyone especifically when making comments about them (and if they do... well, they're kind'a right wanting to troll overreacting kids); I mean: they may shock me a little, sometimes, but that's not really their fault but mines; so I try not to take any of those guys' words more seriously than they do themselves, even if only for my own mental health (if such a thing remains).
Post edited on 2nd Nov 2011, 12:10pm