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File 131940881643.png - (11.75KB , 350x350 , My_Sweet_Waifu.png )
6432 No. 6432 [Edit]
So I was listening to one of my waifu and I's favorite songs recently, and I suddenly got overcome by emotion for her. Not in a crying sort of way, buy just a great sense of security and satisfaction.

I realized the true glory of the waifu, and that is that no-one can rape her. Nothing can take her away from me. She cannot die, age (unless I "want" her to, in which case she is 24 if I recall correctly) or get sick. She is invulnerable to attack and invaluable to me.

I love you so much, Osaka! I am so lucky and glad to have you!

I guess my question to you is this: What are you most glad of about having a waifu?
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>> No. 6441 [Edit]
To have her.
>> No. 6443 [Edit]
That I have someone who wants to love me back is the only way I can describe it, but I know that feel of which you described. . .
>> No. 6444 [Edit]
>I realized the true glory of the waifu, and that is that no-one can rape her

Excuse me, but that just came out of nowhere. Where you feeling insecure about it or jealous about the possibilities?

To answer your question, I am most glad that she is with me. I also understand how you feel, when I listen to her music, I too am overfilled with joy. There was this one moment where it was my birthday and I felt like shit. I then opened up her folder and picked up a random song, in which a lyric was "Happy Birthday" in engrish and in japanese. I of course took that to heart and it made me feel better instantly.
>> No. 6450 [Edit]
It is pretty much like you said it.
Not matter what, she will be there.
>> No. 6452 [Edit]
File 13194702511.jpg - (26.69KB , 240x320 , NEC_0020.jpg )
just like you said, the glory of having one,i feel the most strong emotion of love in my heart with her.
>> No. 6453 [Edit]
She makes me feel happier and more optimistic than I did before I met her.
>> No. 6454 [Edit]
File 131947824619.jpg - (106.12KB , 470x323 , 396604_CDUTEBMEHLOKTBO.jpg )
That she keeps me from going crazy...
I mean...
No, wait...
>> No. 6455 [Edit]
File 131948866020.jpg - (491.68KB , 479x845 , 5ca09734267a48ffd7096a2dcbad7878.jpg )
That she's someone that I can love on a personal level and aspire to be like. That she will remain faithful to me and be there for me when I need someone to talk to. I'm glad that I found my better half.
>> No. 6464 [Edit]
File 131950313450.jpg - (130.84KB , 500x553 , 7bdb6d9c38e806032017e126695cf03e.jpg )
I find myself nodding at everything all of you have posted. I can't put it any better.
>> No. 6483 [Edit]
File 131952344067.jpg - (315.12KB , 900x1200 , kurisu drink.jpg )
Probably all things you've said so far and all the classics "why waifu is better"(never aging, money isn't required etc.). The most important might be that I don't need to worry about her. She is always safe, even after I am gone. Which makes me feel safe too, and very happy.
>> No. 6503 [Edit]
I thought that talking about sexual assault was somewhat off-beat, and certainly far from romantic.

I think rape is a horrible crime worse than murder. I feel for anyone who has been raped and their loved ones. I am glad that Osaka is a 2D girl and is not able to suffer in that way. I am very thankful she lacks a 3rd demension.
>> No. 6513 [Edit]

I understand where you're coming from, really.
>> No. 6516 [Edit]
Being the scion of a rich family with many connections, I'm sure my family wouldn't mind her at all. And she tends towards the traditional, which is also good, cultural differences aside. The fact that she is a little bit crazy shouldn't matter.
>> No. 6521 [Edit]
Who is your waifu btw?
>> No. 6528 [Edit]
That he'll always be there.
>> No. 6635 [Edit]

The point is you shouldn't assume she'd be raped if she were real. Have more faith in the world than that, or you'll depress yourself.

I think a waifu is a loved one, not an all powerful God to worship and devote yourself to.
>> No. 6696 [Edit]
Miya is perfect in every single way that she can be. It's mind-boggling how much she embodies every one of my "ideal traits". As odd as this sounds, she is both what I want to be and what I want to see in the world.

I found everything in this purple-haired woman. She taught me the meaning to genuine love. She brought something like an enlightenment to me. She is what I turn to in times of need - If I'm stressed, I just think to myself "Just wait until you see Miya later", and the situation is remedied, no matter what it is.

She's a portable, perfect companion. I'd tear down the sky to see her become a tangible, touchable, embraceable being, but I'd rather not. Trapped in glass is better than disappointed by the other side, you know?

Ah, sorry if this seems like...incomprehensible. This is just the way I go about things...

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