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File 12.bmp - (521.30KB , 370x480 )
642 No. 642 [Edit]
If she was real it would be her 25th anniversary.
She has been my loyal friend and comforter for two years.
And I can say I truly love her.
Because she has pure and strong soul.
Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
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>> No. 643 [Edit]
File 129318916067.jpg - (27.29KB , 224x480 , Нагиса 25.jpg )
And one more picture
>> No. 644 [Edit]
Happy birthday, Nagisa!
>> No. 650 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Nagisa, Mio, and anyone else who's birthday is today.
>> No. 651 [Edit]

>and anyone else who's birthday is today.

For quite some time now I've been thinking about creating some kind of online calendar where you could check whose birthday is it today (of course we're talking about characters from manga/anime/VNs/light novels etc.). I'm too lazy to do it, though (and I've got no skills to do so) but I would gladly do some reasearch on characters from various shows if more people would be willing to join a project like that.
>> No. 652 [Edit]
File 129321043064.jpg - (69.66KB , 640x360 , 3134594746_2c9d557ccd_z.jpg )
A very happy birthday for you.
>> No. 653 [Edit]
I'm playing with this on Google Calendar right now.

I can make a public calendar that anyone can see. If you give me your e-mail address, I can add you to where you can edit the calendar and add other people so they can also edit the calendar.

All you have to do is create an event, mark it for all day, mark it to repeat yearly, and type in the character name.
>> No. 660 [Edit]

That could work of course but it limits not only the possibilites of adding various features but also the amount of people that could use it, as you need to have a gmail account to access such calendar (theoretically it's not much of problem - you just need to create an account, which is simple and painless - but from personal experience I know that I usually don't bother with sites that recquire creating accounts as I'm too damn lazy). If we were to really do it I think it would be best to create such site from scratch rather than using stuff like google calendar or some blogging soft like WordPress (it would work, sure, but it's also limiting). I coud do something very, very basic but I'm pretty sure someone on /tc/ would be willing to create something wortwhile. Hosting is another problem, of course, but let's leave it aside for now.

Then again is there really no such thing? For me, it's still somehwat hard to believe (for various reasons). I never really researched it, I just kind of though 'hey, that would be cool'.
>> No. 664 [Edit]
To edit the calendar, you need an account.

It gives a web address where you can see it without the need to have an account or log in.

For example: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=qjus95uov4rqp5i4mlpj9msh9g%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Chicago&pvttk=bcc335e16f73baab0b9b848568daed26

(Long I know)

I don't mind doing most of the input but getting the data on the other hand requires a team effort.

I mean overall I agree that another option would be better, but this is what I came up with.
>> No. 668 [Edit]
well done: I could acces with no account.
I haven't explored any other months yet, but could you please ad Asuka's birthday (4 dic)? This year I... well... forgot.
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File 12932488795.jpg - (278.14KB , 1280x1024 , Photo1780.jpg )
Nagisa is so great ^_^

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