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File 129318013719.jpg - (143.15KB , 1024x1024 , 1262625377532.jpg )
633 No. 633 [Edit]
Hello /mai/, I stumbled across this site by accident but I'm pretty glad I did. I didn't know there was actually a place where people and their waifu(s?) are welcomed. It really bothers me when the waifu phenomenon is ridiculed -3- I'm sure many more people have such feelings but the fear of ridicule is just horrible -_- Anyway, happy to stumble here.
Note: the pic isn't meant to offend, but just that I thought it was cute and possibly offers a ray of hope.
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>> No. 638 [Edit]
I'm kind of new here too and I can't believe people are taking the whole waifu thing seriously.

"Waifu" was just a /b/ meme a few years ago, wasn't it?

I mean yeah, there is a 2D girl I really like, but saying that she is my wife would be pretty ridiculous.
>> No. 639 [Edit]
Do you have any idea how insulting and ignorant your post is?
If you're going to keep posting around this site, you should try and think before making a post.

How could you possibly think it would be a good idea to post on a waifu board of all places asking if people really take it seriously and referring to it as just a /b/ meme?
>> No. 640 [Edit]
Welcome and please stop using emoticons and please stop making meta threads.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
Welcome, and as it has already been mentioned, please refrain from using emoteicons here.

Since the mod panel is awful, I'll just warn you like this: We don't take kindly to posts like this here. As you can see on the rules page, "- Insulting or making fun of someone's waifu" is a ban-able offense, and this is a borderline insult to everyone here. Please take things like this into consideration when you post here.
>> No. 645 [Edit]

>/b/ meme

No such thing exists. All '/b/ memes' are really memes from other boards but /b/tards are too ignorant to realize it. Sometimes they even use it incorrectly or change the name (as was the case with the infamous 'coolface'). Just about every meme that wasn't forgotten within 24 hours was created by other boards/other sites alltogether.

Not that it matters as memes are retarded either way and you shouldn't use them.
>> No. 647 [Edit]
Sorry. I'm not insulting anyone, though. I'm sure all of your waifus are good girls. Like I said, there is even a 2D girl that I like myself. I'm just too shy to post her because she is kind of obscure.

Then where did this phenomenon come from? Also, I want to ask, how exactly do you guys "marry" 2D girls?

Again sorry, I'm not trying to be offensive. This is just new to me and I always thought the phrase "mai waifu" was just... well, a joke. I'm sorry.
>> No. 648 [Edit]
"Waifu" is just the term we use. I don't exactly know where the 'phenomena' started, but there's no actual marriage involved for the vast majority of people. The definition of waifu varies from person to person, and there are many good threads here where people have discussed their views on it. The term may sound funny to you, but it certainly isn't a joke in any case.
>> No. 649 [Edit]

>Then where did this phenomenon come from?

Well, the exact origin of the term is a subject of many 'heated debates' (also known as shitstorms). Although waifu is a word which is somewhat commonly used by Japs (ie. you can hear it in all kinds of media) most people agree that 'mai waifu' started because of scene in Azumanga Daioh, where the term 'mai waifu' can be clearly heard. As Azumanga aired long before 4chan was created countless communities (mostly various anime forums) claim they popularized it. Of course that's only part of it and 4chan is responsible for making it widely known. Whether it is pre split /b/'s job or just /a/'s I don't know.

Of course I'm only talking about the term itself. Countless people had waifus before Azuma even thought about drawing Azumanga.
>> No. 654 [Edit]
File 129321321195.png - (445.55KB , 1800x1200 , Konachan_com - 89694 blue_eyes neon_genesis_evange.png )
I've made this little selection of posts. Give them a thought, man.

>[Mai waifu] is the image of the ideal woman; she is the personification of what I stand for, as the very best of (my own concept of) feminity.

>Brilliant ravishingly beautiful tsunderes, when real (3D), degenerate and thus end up showing what they actually are: mundane, replaceable, insufferable bitches; trivial beings, as we all 3D are: fortuitous crap, going to rot and waste. So the only place where those fascinating characters actually exist, is the field of narrative and art [wich is] the true (and only) house of love and beloved entities.

>Attending and encouraging a poor 3DPD imitating [mai waifu] would be sad and pretty humilliating -for me, at least-.

>Even before realizing about my feelings of love, I immensely admired her [...] Now I neither can concieve a higher beauty.

>Beloved entities -either based on fictional characters or actual 3DPD- are always metaphysical; we never fall in love with things in themselves but with our own concepts of them. [...]. If your beloved entity ever loves you back, that beloved you will inevitably be someone else as well; wich is her/his concept of you, and not actually you yourself. The benefit, of course, of your beloved entity being an aesthetic (fictional, non physical) character is that you could never dissapoint her/him, since neither you or your waifu have direct acces to the actual each other (and yet, your love for her/him is as real as the best).
>> No. 655 [Edit]
I don't think anyone (here at least) really believes themselves to actually be fully and legally married to their waifu.
It's just a word/term, and not one I care much for to be honest because of this kind of thing that it implies.
It's hard for people to take the concept of waifus seriously when the name itself for this is something of a joke.
of course there is the less popular alternative of calling ones self a 2D lover.
>> No. 656 [Edit]

Well, some people actually kind of get married to their waifus. Not legally of course but they prepare a more or less elaborate ceremonies.
>> No. 659 [Edit]
Well, we certainly don't frequent sites like "Marry your favourite character online", or perform ceremonies with dakimakuras if that's what your picturing. We all have different, personal, intimate ways to relate with the waifu concept; but, most likely, it's something that happens only in our heads... and hearts, if you want.
>> No. 661 [Edit]

Oh, I understand the concept of waifu perfectly (then again, it's hard to understand something 'perfectly' when the definition varies from person to person), I just wanted to point out that while what Tohno said isn't wrong it's not completely right either.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
>"Waifu" was just a /b/ meme a few years ago, wasn't it?

Nothing of the sort

I found that most of the people who've been connected to fictional characters have done so their whole life. I myself been involved with it since I was really really young. Its pretty amusing actually. People have waifus for different reasons, we love them all either way.

Enjoy your stay
>> No. 663 [Edit]

I think he meant the term 'mai waifu' itself. As I pointed out earlier it's exact origins are somewhat unclear.

>I found that most of the people who've been connected to fictional characters have done so their whole life.

This is true in my case. I fell for an anime character for the first time when I was like ~12. It took me years to fully realize what was going on at that time - once I found out about waifus it all suddenly made sense.

Also, I remember that back in the day someone on /a/ pointed out the correlation between our fetishes and... Sailor Moon, of all things. And sure enough, in my case it was true (ponytails) and judging by other responses in that thread I wasn't alone on that one.
>> No. 665 [Edit]
>> No. 667 [Edit]
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>the correlation between our fetishes and Sailor Moon
>> No. 680 [Edit]
>Also, I remember that back in the day someone on /a/ pointed out the correlation between our fetishes and... Sailor Moon, of all things. And sure enough, in my case it was true (ponytails) and judging by other responses in that thread I wasn't alone on that one.

Wait what
>> No. 683 [Edit]

>Wait what

If by 'wait what' you mean to ask me for further explanation then here you go:
Basically the character you liked the most from Sailor Moon (if you have watched it on tv as a kid of course) posseses some trait that is currently your fetish. As I said for me it's true - I liked Makoto and now ponytails are my fetish. As I mentioned already, quite a few other people also noticed that the same holds true for them.
Of course, it's possible that it's the other way around - maybe you already had some tendencies and you picked a character based on them. In that case it I would suggest that your favorite character from the shows simply made them stronger.

However, if by 'wait what' you meant 'oh shit it's true' then I wasted some time explaining it pointlessly.


Ok, now - what am I looking at here? Maybe I'm retarded or something but I don't really get it. Does it mean you liked Usagi and you currently like twintailed characters but you don't like Usagi anymore? Or is it about the last pic (as in art style or seomthing of the sort)? Or does it mean that even though you like twin tails you never liked her?
>> No. 687 [Edit]
No, that's what I meant, thanks.
>> No. 729 [Edit]
I never watched Sailor Moon because, even that young, I was afraid of making my dad disappoint.
I was really envious of my little sister for being able to watch it, but even if I passed by her room while she was watching it, I'd avert my eyes.

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