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File 131890898791.jpg - (208.74KB , 500x698 , Magister_Negima_Nodoka_and_Yue_by_tora_taro.jpg )
6254 No. 6254 [Edit]
I got a waifu related problem, Tohno-chan.

I have a waifu who is wonderful and lovely and her name is Miyazaki Nodoka. I love everything about her and wouldn't give up on her. I just have found other girls catching my eye in other anime. I feel so bad and it really doesn't feel right to do this to mai waifu. Thoughts? Am I a horrible person?
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>> No. 6255 [Edit]
Nah, you're just Negi.
>> No. 6256 [Edit]
File 131890984940.jpg - (22.51KB , 240x320 , %E9%AD%94%E6%B3%95%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%E3%81%BE%E3%8.jpg )
Tell me your thoughts on Mahou Shoujo.
>> No. 6257 [Edit]
Mahou Shoujo is awesome, grimdark Shaft made shit that ironically calls itself Mahou Shoujo is not.
>> No. 6258 [Edit]
I'm confused, but agree.

Which series are your refering to?
>> No. 6259 [Edit]
It happens. Don't worry too much about it.

Just remember the love you have for your waifu. I have mild crushes on several other girls. But as cute and sweet as these girls are, they still are not my waifu.

Don't try to have a harem. Not only is that not cool, should you finally decide on a girl, you will be destroyed by the other very angry girls in what could only be called a bloodbath.

Tenchi, Negi, you magnificent bastards.
>> No. 6260 [Edit]
I don't give a crap about Mahou Shoujo genre itself, and I sincerely believe Madoka was a brilliant, completely unexpected and memorable series.

To OP: >>6228
>> No. 6262 [Edit]
I always knew you people that claim to like that god awful show don't actually like Mahou Shoujo.

Post edited on 18th Oct 2011, 12:08am
>> No. 6271 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure this happens to all of us, OP. Don't beat yourself up over it, especially if they're just "catching your eye".

On a related note, I stopped playing VNs when I developed a romantic love for my waifu, but I find myself missing them pretty often. And I'd waited all those years for Katawa Shoujo to finally be finished. Oh well.
>> No. 6314 [Edit]
This seems to be a constant problem with people and waifu. Don't sweat it OP. If you say you love her then you can probably trust your own word-- also, just making this thread is enough to confirm that. I used to feel this way, just a bit... I love Kikuchi Makoto so much, and I consider her my waifu. Kobayakawa Rinko from Love Plus caught my eye multiple amounts of times. In the end, I just realized that Rinko, who more or less looks like Makoto in some ways, just made my love for Makoto stronger in some ways. Well, I don't know if that was a great example or not, but if you can get through those "other girls", then you bond is pretty strong.
>> No. 6324 [Edit]
I think it's completely fine. I mean, in all honesty, I'm not going to lie to you guys - I often find myself looking at other girls.

It's not even a matter of me having to remind myself "I love Miya, not [for example's sake] Kurisu", it's just common sense that I can't love Miya all the time, particularly when her series is released every two god damn weeks (then again, taking into consideration waifus from monthly/cancelled manga, I'd say it's a luxury).

Sometimes you just need a change. I really don't think anyone can help it, no matter how devoted they are/claim to be. How many threads have been made on this subject since /tc/'s conception, do you think? More than I can count, recall or look back on in the archive, that's for sure.

As long as you recall, "Oh, yeah, this is what love really feels like" every time you see Nodoka, then I'd say you're in the clear. Otherwise, you're just in the midst of searching for the waifu you genuinely love, and Nodoka's just a stop on that track.
>> No. 6327 [Edit]
It happens a lot to everyone.
I'm majorly fond of several girls (and can say I 'love' a couple of them), but that doesn't mean they're above my waifu.
>> No. 6328 [Edit]

Don't most Madoka fans hate real mahou shoujo and most mahou shoujo fans hate Madoka?
>> No. 6330 [Edit]

Hate is a strong word.
>> No. 6332 [Edit]

mahou shoujo isn't actually that popular with people past the age of ten and who are male, aside from a few such as nanoha that somehow landed a hit, and Pretty cure now that it included males into their demographic.
but everyone knows about the concept of mahou shoujo, we see parodies of it everywhere in anime, example being the recent yuru yuri, or the classic welcome to NHK.
I think most people view mahou shoujo as being something only for little girls and the more hard core otaku.

But then you get this show that comes along and makes it cool to like a mahou shoujo.
and I do mean that in an ironic sense, much the same as people that play supermario in public on their laptop and call themselves nerds.
They're not really nerds, they're not interested in the lifesytle or anything like that, they enjoy partaking in pretending to be part of an underground culture while remaining in a protective bubble that is the popularity of that product among other normal people.
There is a term for these people, but becuase it's been so overused no one can use it without looking like an idiot.

It's upsetting because it trys to lure people in with a false cute exterior, and still does.
The official published art work, merchandise and op falsely present it as being something nice and or cute.
From what I've heard, the ratings of the show dropped 30% by episode 3. (which is about when I also dropped it)
I've also heard the artest that worked on this has been under a grate deal of stress, over the idea of falsely luring people into this show only to be disgusted by what they saw.
I have no idea if this is true or not, but maybe he should be.
This show is pretty much everywhere now, and with it's false sense of innocence it portrays on it's exterior, who's to say parents aren't out there letting their kids watching this as they become scared for life?

I've heard some people compare it to how so many mecha fans dislike EVA
In that it's a 'DEEP' and very different take on what was already a established genre.
But you know, mecha anime was never exactly happy innocent fun to start with.

What I enjoy most about mahou shoujo is it's purity and innocence.
The safety in knowing those pretty little girls will always without fail cast away the bad things in the world threaten all things good and nice, it's nice when not even the bad guys die and they just go away after a fight.
If I wanted death distrocsion and violence there's plenty of other anime to get this from, I like mahou shoujo because it doesn't have any of this.
I believe it's very clear people that like madoka don't care about this in the slightest bit.
What is the point to madoka if it doesn't belive in these things?
Clearly it's made as a mockery of the genre, why else call it a 'mahou shoujo' anime? there's no reason why they couldn't make this show without calling it a mahou shoujo and presenting it as one.

Although I can't speck for all, I would like to say yes, mahou shoujo fans do tend to dislike modaka and the other way around.
Of course there are going to be exceptions, people that want to have their cake and eat it too(or in this case stab it to death over and over)

(spoiler for off topic.)

>> No. 6333 [Edit]

You act like Madoka is the first grimdark Mahou Shoujo. It's not. The Sailor Moon manga had more horrible shit going on.

And Urobuchi was announced as the writer from the beginning, so it's your own damn fault for not expecting it.

>> No. 6334 [Edit]

Calm down dude, I never said it was, you just assumed that.

Also, I knew someone was gonna bring the writer up, someone always brings this up.
But I'd call anyone a big fat liar if they said they researched that staff of every show they watched before watching it.

And you know, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with the show if it showed it's true colors, but then people wouldn't like it if it looked as grim dark as it is, would they?
no fun to kill ugly girls over and over right?
As I said, all officially published artwork depicts this as being a cute show.
Same for the advertisements for it's merchandise, it's all fuasly depicting this show as something nice.
You really can't go anywhere on the Internet without seeing something related to this show, and it's always, always showing it as being something cute, not it's true nature.

This is why I believe most fans of the show are very disturbed people, and very angry also based off this anons post.

>> No. 6335 [Edit]
>What I enjoy most about mahou shoujo is it's purity and innocence. The safety in knowing those pretty little girls will always without fail cast away the bad things in the world threaten all things good and nice...
You reminded me of Bjork's character talking about musicals in Dancer in the dark...

Anyway: at the time, there was a looooong thread about this series so drop this already. Nobody here ever even attacked Mahou Shoujo or used Madoka to pretend belonging to any "cool" trend or whatever; people just honestly liked the show for their own reasons, just like you do for other stuff. By all means, "Fun and innocent" anime isn't at all threaten or likely going to dissapear for one or two judgemental and more sophisticated seinen coming now and then: moe and culture of the "cute" IS the mainstream and dominant otaku trend.
>> No. 6336 [Edit]

The topic was brought up and I responded to it.
I didn't once say anything at all about it threatening "Fun and innocent" anime, or making is disappear.
Stop putting words in my mouth, please.

wait, are you trying to troll me or something?

Post edited on 20th Oct 2011, 2:12pm
>> No. 6337 [Edit]

Well Nanoha was made more for a shonen demographic, hence it being popular with the older male audience.
>> No. 6339 [Edit]
Rarely have I seen someone so thoroughly derail their own thread.
>> No. 6341 [Edit]
Why are half the posts in this thread walls of black rectangles
>> No. 6342 [Edit]
I'm somewhat envious of those of you that have waifus from long-running series and longer VNs. My waifu only has a 13-episode anime, and while I absolutely love both the anime and her, I can't help but long for more material featuring her.
>Sometimes you just need a change. I really don't think anyone can help it, no matter how devoted they are/claim to be.
I agree. While it's possible, it's pretty unrealistic to believe that you'll have the same feelings for your waifu indefinitely.
>> No. 6344 [Edit]

Run your mouse over them.

>> No. 6345 [Edit]
I know what they are, but why are they there?
>> No. 6346 [Edit]
Because they're off-topic.

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