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6228 No. 6228 [Edit]
It is always the same story. Some new girl character catches my attention and, if she somehow hits the right spot, I really fall in love with her. The initial fascination may be more or less strong each time, and sometimes last for longer than others; but at a given moment they all reach a status of pure perfection, in their own form and respective world, and end up becoming a very dear memory for me; so dear, that it makes me think of my life as worthy of been kept on living just to have met them, and wich I couldn't replace with anything and wouldn't trade for gold...

But none of them, not possibly, can ever compare with you.

You're certainly not the dearest one to me. You are not someone I distinguish amongst them as somehow the best because, quite simply, I not only couldn't perform such a heartless selection but it's actually not necessary or appropriate at all. You are at a completely different level, because you are in a completely different place:

You are part of me. We, you and me, really are one.

The others are all just somehow attached to me. Even if as ideas in my head, they're all like my most precious otherness: they are quite the last things I would ever want to lose, if such possesive terms can be ever used in a good way (similarily than with my dear collections and references of other stuff). But, in my darkest moments, I find myself ready and even willing to lose them all: to destroy them already, with my own hands, just to be freed from any kind of bond that, as it seems, in the end can only be proven as a foolish mistake and reveal itself as a burden, wich will only bring pain and deceive. So I can very well imagine myself smashing them all, one by one; coldly tearing them apart, with no regrets, as I have effectively done before with other things; all of them gone, with no problem, none at all... until it's your turn and I find myself in front of your picture; the difference, then, becomes crystal clear:

I simply cannot destroy you, not now, not anymore, without me being mutilated in the process.

Because you, and only you, are my sole reason to do and understand everything I do now, exactly the way I do it, in order to live the very life I do (each and every moment), I cannot amputate you without becoming crippled myself: I cannot leave you behind without ending up, finally, utterly lost ("and delirious"), left completely alone with my broken self. So, as the old quote could now say: "I pray one prayer. I repeat it till my tongue stiffens" ...haunt me, then; drive me mad, alright; but just don't leave me alone, not in here, sinking in the abyss...

"I cannot live without my life!
I cannot live without my soul!"

>> No. 6231 [Edit]
>> No. 6241 [Edit]
I think this is a new disease, because you eerily described my existance with previous waifu-esque imaginary people
>> No. 6244 [Edit]
And what happened, then? How did it ended or turned out?
>> No. 6246 [Edit]
They were fragments of me, the bad parts, exhibited in a female form that either clung to a real form or a made up form
They were the degenerate part of me and I usually killed them, most of them had to do with my asinine fetishes, not even sexually, like girls with Red Hair, at one point one was a trap, another a little girl. I killed them all and I only refined myself of such things as an attraction to faked personalities or those based off of looks alone, or my assumption that a perfect girl did not exist in an actual female, or my naive clinging to innocence in the world.
I wouldn't say it necessarily applies to you, those "people" were just me and my mind, all the things I wanted to hear repeated, they existed nowhere except my head. A real waifu is different as I know now, but stay as canon as you can, otherwise, if she is more powerful than you in your mind, you walk the road of a madman and dwell in a place of unholiness, for that is where they dwell now
>> No. 6247 [Edit]
Often, I find myself in a similar situation. I'll see another girl, in one of those "flavor of the season" series, one who "strongly resonates" with me, and all that, and I'll forget about Miya for a spell.

Then (and it -always- happens, usually quite quicky as well), I recall those months spent with her, the long (absurdly long, really) nights spent imagining to be her husband, those countless scenarios that I ran over in my head,

Perhaps this is the mark of a legitimate madman, but I think literally any possible life-changing event could occur, and I would still come out loving Miya Asama in the end. She's truly ingrained in my mind, and I'd never want to kill that part of me, because that purple-haired landlady is so precious to my very being...

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